Sairam friends,
I requested my Sai Friend Nandini to share her simple and sweet Everyday Morning Pooja . I felt it will help new shirdi sai baba devotees and also regular Hindu Devotees who worship their favourite Gods. The pooja items thats available in India may not be easy to acquire abroad. So i request all of you to share your way of Doing everyday Morning Pooja as comments to this article or mail me from email in first page.

Goddess Lalitha Tiripurasundari
Everyday Morning Pooja for Shirdi Sai baba and Hindu Gods
Sairam Venkat,
I chant LalitaSahasranamam on Tuesdays and Fridays. It is also auspicious to chant that on Pournami days but I am not able to do it regularly. I usually start my pooja with Ganesha Pancharatnam and Saraswati slokas. These I chant even before I sit for pooja. When I sit down to begin my pooja, these are the things I do. The whole process, if done in a most simple way, will take about 30 minutes for me.
1. Change Baba’s shawl after wiping him with perfumed water.
2. Light sesame oil lamp (ghee lamp on special days), show agarbathi etc. chanting small Gayatri slokas of various Gods.
3. Then I begin chanting Mahalakshmi Ashtakam and Lalita Sahasranamam. It usually takes about 25 minutes. Some days I also chant Sri Suktam and a few other Devi slokas. But it all depends on how restless my daughter gets before that!
4. Daily I keep kalkandu for neivedyam near Baba’s Feet before I start with the chanting.
5. Next is karpoora arati. But again, I do that only when my husband is next to me, taking care of our daughter.
6. Some days, if she is quietly sitting and playing, I will get to read some scriptures after the chanting.
7. Finally, I offer my namaskarams and finish off my pooja.
As for flowers, I have to buy them from shops since I had no luck with potted plants. So I am not able to offer flowers daily. But we do have basil (tulasi) plant at home and I try to offer basil leaves during the pooja. (Please do NOT offer tulasi leaves for Ganesha).
This is my morning pooja routine at home, Venkat 🙂
Friends, Now share your way of everyday morning Pooja which can be inspire and motivate others to do simple pooja every day…Ofcourse every one has different ways to do Pooja. Some are too busy that they just have 2 minutes. I personally feel Naam smarna – chanting of Gods/Saints name in mind during your travel/work place few minutes is very good habit too.
Friends, Now share your way of everyday morning Pooja which can be inspire and motivate others to do simple pooja every day…
Hello, Your routine is good. I start with Ganesha prayers. I offer abhishekam with ganapathi atharvashirsha. Then, I chant devi stotras like durga saptashloki, shree suktam ani siddha kunjika stotram. Then I chant shiva stotra (namakam-chamakam) or shiva mantra and offer abhishekam to shivlingam. I also recite small stotra for my kuladevata a form of Lord Vishnu. I recite aditya hridayam ani hanuman chalisa usually. If you are a male bramhin then you have to offer sandhya vandanam first.
i starts with offering ghee lamp & agarbatti then i chant atharshvashirsh (sometime 11 or 21 round) then ganpati strotram then i chants lakshmi ashtakam & also i chant one round of lakshmi matra “om hrim shreem hrim mahalakshmai namah”
Sairam pramod,
You can continue with what you are doing now…prayers differs from each person…i wrote this article just to motivate everyone to spend few minutes daily for prayers
hi ,
Can any one tell me how to perform a simple abhishekam for shirdi sai at home… when to do and how to perform…
I start my prayer with flowers to Lord Ganesha and a simple thuthi.
We have small garden, so I offer hibiscus, jasmine, rose, thulasi, vetrilai, lily, depending upon the yield/ season.
Light Kuthu vilaku to Masani amman . My favorite lord is Narasimhaa Deva. So I recite his “Mantra Raja Patha Stothram”, 11 times morning. I offer my obesiance with water/ milk as naivedyam. Then I chant Hyegreva swami s “ Gnana nanda mayam” 12 times.
NavaBrindavanam sloka – 1 time, Sai sloka – 1 time.Hanumans selective slokas from sundaraKandam – 1 time. Ammans sloka for good Position/Career from “soundarya Lahari”.
Thursday I decorate sai with as many as yellow hibiscus and a soulful talk.
Whenever I get time, I recite in mind holy names of Lord Vishnu.
First we will take and we do jalabishekam to saibaba on everyday, dressedup, putting chandan, will keep flowers mala for baba on everyday(very rare it will miss mala but will put loose flowers), lightining the lamps, then will start morning arati everyday, sambrani(baba likes very much) agarabathi, will put glass of water, prsadam(what ever i prepared in the morning beakfast in the morning everyday), afternoon prasadam, again evening arathi, for evening arathi again will put new water and prasadam(fruits or anything) will read evening arathi and will do karpupura arathi.Night we will keep dinner and water will make him to sleep. we will follow everyday this process.
i am starting pooja first deeparadhana achmana &then ganesh sloka ,some more slokas after cmpleate this things i am giving naivedhyam .i konow little much performing pooja.
please could you konw me how can i do full flezed doing pooja starting to ending
thanks much!
I do puja at home in a simple manner which gives me lot of peace and energy to go ahead in the day. After my bath, I walk straight into the puja room which I have made very spacious. I sweep the floor of the puja room with a broom kept for this purpose only. I remove flowers put on the Gods images on the previous day and clean the platform with clean cloth. Then I wash the silver deepam, silver plate, agarbati stands. Then I apply tilak on my forehead.Then I apply turmeric mixed with water on the image of Goddess Dhanalakshmi on the deepam (jyoti). Then I put oil and cotton wick in it. Then I put flowers on the Gods images with a simple prayer and small slokas in my lips…this prepares me to concentrate and remove other thoughts from my mind…After placing flowers on the Gods images and the Deepam, I light the lamp, dhupa, agarbathi. I show the fragrance of dhupa and agarbathi to the Gods images and put them in the stand on the platform.
Then I stand with folded hands and say a simple prayer to Lord Venkateswara, Lord Ganesha, Goddesses. While saying the prayer, my mind transposes to images of Tirumala, Srisailam and other Temples which I have visited. This way my mind is concentrated into HIM alone and nowhere else. Then I do pradakshnams thrice in my puja room but in my heart I transpose myself to Tirumala Temple and remind myself of going around the inner sanctum sanctoram. This way I go the Tirumala daily.
Then I bow down and pray to HIM to accept my prayer and bless me.
This is my daily practice. No much rituals and no noise……just simple connecting with GOD and thanking HIM for giving us a good life..
As many of you know that pooja is from heart. As I have given some teachings from Veda Vidwan Venkatanatha Sharma Pooja is Pratyak ja means which takes birth inside. Wake up call to the inner being. Like Andal did for Krishna. So I believe in that. But, still mind is not always in the same jar. It keeps on bumping. So we need some rituals. That is good for future generation also. So we need to do some external performance. My pooja will be like this,
1. I start my stotram the moment I get up from bed. I ask for Lords and Divine Gurus blessings.
2. My small stotrams of Ganesha, gouri, Krishna, Shiva, Anjaneya.. like that it will be there with me entire time when I do all my work. Even while cooking Mukunda mala stotram , Dasha shanti mantram.. like that.
3. At Gods place after bath , lamp will be burning 24 hours. I sit, remove the dried flowers, offer new flowers from our garden, Tulasi.. chant the mantra in detail some times or give agarabatti, naivedyam, karpoora arati and finish in few minutes.
4. If there is a special day I offer Rangoli and other detailed pooja. Other wise my pooja at Gods place will be for a very small time.
My only wish is future generation should carry some tradition with them. And though we speak more about the internal cleanliness , like mud spoils our external things, thoughts also pollute our internal beauty. Hence I sincerely feel that external application for pooja is necessary. Thank you.
I will start my pooja by changing flowers to god,and i will change water in the bowl in whichi will keep a flower everyday.
And the i will light the lamp and agarbattis after that i will pray to god by chanting lord ganesha,lord venkatesa and lord saibaba and then i will keep my wishes infront of them and i will keep naivedhyam to god…
iS THIS THis the correct process of doing pooja let me know please….
Edit: Sairam Sowmya..well. Your pooja is good and auspicious. There are no rules for devotees like us. sai bless you.
Hi all,
I start my pooja daily with ganesh prarthana and then I chant saibaba chalisa and hanuman chalisa putting deepam(diya) and agarbathis. Recently I started to light the lemon lamp in shiva temple on monday and saibaba temple on thursday(Sai Baba was very fond of lighting lamps every evening in the Masjid and other temples). Lighting lamps to any God is one way to get peace .
May God show us favor and bless us.!!!
I will start my pooja by changing flowers and change water everyday.And the i will light
the lamp and agarbattis after that i will pray to god by chanting lord ganesha,lord muruga lord shiva lord amma and lord saibaba. I will aarathi to god.Afther that
i star my mantra to god .(I pray to god show me the way how i will settle problem and happy in my life)
If i do wrong in my prayer please let me no.Give me any matra for me do in my prayer.