Sairam friends,
A devotee mailed me this small experience she had during her Shirdi trip. I usually warn devotees not to trust anyone who dress like Shirdi Saibaba or who preach as if he is Sai’s messenger etc. Especially never to trust people who tell your problems as few false saints can also read your mind and tell what happened in your life in past.
But there are few incidents in our life, we feel divine and blessed. Personally, If someone simply blesses you without causing you any false faith or trouble, you can take it positively. Further, Even Fakirs whom you might come across any where, dressed like Sai are not actually Sai. May be Sai uses them as a small instrument to bless you.
I am combing this article with two experience – My experience was like a warning and the devotees experience is simply a small incident that we must understand as Sai’s ways of blessing his devotees. We must respect all Saints, Saadhus, Fakir and even poor men and women sitting in temple, chanting Gods name or doing any service. Make sure, Your Guru is Sai and stick to that.
First, I am going to tell you about happy moments. In 2007, I first learnt about the service rendered by Sivanesan Swamiji living near Dwarakamai from 1954 to 1996. He never went out of Shirdi and has been very kind to thousands of devotees. Sivanesan Swamiji Samadhi is situated just 2 kms from Shirdi in pimpalwadi road.
When we went there,my friend Kashyapji, showed us a farm adjascent to it which was the place Sai used to roam without having food. Bayaji ma had motherly affection on Sai and carried food for him.

The little tree ( second one in middle if the field…. tall one )Theres a well where baba used to come….this was a forest then…
Bayaji ma used to search for baba and give him food near that well…
A False Saint we met in Shirdi who claimed to change our life
I was worried about an issue and used a Shirdi Saibaba’s answer book in which we have to select numbers and Sai gives answer. Before I started to Shirdi, I got a answer as below
“You will go to Shirdi, Meet a Saint and get success”
So, mentally I was prepared to accept any New Sadhu or Saint who comes to me as if he wants to bless me. Then only I realized, Sai has simply tested me and also gave me a message.
It was 2007. My friends Kanna, Vengadesh, Nanjundan sir and Kanna’s father, we all went to Shirid happily. I kept thinking may be I will come across a good saint who will bless me. We had good darshan in Samadhi Mandhir, Dwarakamai and Chavdi. While we were going to have break fast, we came across a man wearing black shawl and having a trishool in his hand. Nanjundan sir asked me to give him dakshina and I gave.
The Saint took us to the near by Lakshmi Narasimha temple near Chawdi, and told about our lives etc. He kept changing Baba’s life history and even mentioned “Baba is no more. Why people go to his Samadhi”.
To my mind, It din’t strike that he is actually speaking bad of Saibaba because we human’s are naturally exited to See people in real form. Just because Sai had Samadhi and working on us subtly, we at times give very less importance to him. Anyway, the bad saint gave some water after doing mantra and we all left. He asked us to give a black cloth and lemon as dakshina.
Even the elderly people who came with us, trusted him as he was able to clearly tell the facts in our past life.
At night, I was not able to sleep at all. I was blabbering all the while and only eager to wake up early and meet that false Saint again. I was the first to take bath and even before anyone else woke up, I ran out of the lodge towards the place where this black saint stayed. In mind mind, I was thinking, He is a very good saint.
When I went to see him early morning at 5, He was not there. Thank God. I went to Dwarakamai and they were cleaning it. I went inside, Had darshan of Sai and went back to Lakshmi Narasimha temple and waited for him at 7. Then he saw me at around 6.30 , he held my palm and said in a very scary tone “You were not able to sleep all night’ and asked me for 19,000 Rs.
He din’t ask it directly. He said “I want 5 plus 4 – 9 Rs to buy a brick. One brick costs 9 rupees and I want to buy 2000 bricks to built a temple for Kaali”. I thought he is doing good only and wanted to give him all money. I was really listening to what ever he says. I din’t realize, Some people like this worship not the good form of Kaali but a very evil goddess whom they call as Kaali.
( Later I realized, He wanted to kidnap me and give me for offering in a Temple of his evil goddess to gain powers…Its situated somewhere near a forest in Assam. He asked me to come without my friends knowledge ( who accompanied me to Shirdi) and spoke as if he is a good saint.)
Anyway, I took the money in a ATM and went to Mahalaksmi temple in Shirdi and looking Ma Lakshmi told her
“If he is a false Saint, show it to me so that I will avoid him”.
This is why I tell many times that Mahalakshmi is simply not goddess of Wealth. She protects us and even a single seconds prayer to her will make her mind melt like wax and she immediately comes down to help us.
Then, I went back near Lakshmi Narasimha Temple near Chavdi. As soon as I climbed steps, another native was Shirdi was warning the false saint like this
“Where did you come from? Why are you speaking bad about Saibaba to all devotees and acting as if you will show a path to devotees”.
The false Saint was answering the boy. The boy said “If I see you again in Shirdi cheating devotees, we will drive you away”
As soon as I listened to it, I ran away from that place. Mean while, My friends were searching for me. We arranged a Taxi and moved fast to Triyambakeswar – Jyothir Linga. On the way, I cried a lot in Car telling my friends,
“I doubted Sai for 24 hours in my life and trusted some other false Saint. I kept asking Sai to forgive me for thinking someone else is higher than him. When we have a Saint who’s like a diamond with us, we hardly see that “Sai” is our biggest treasure in our life”
No matter what happens in your life, Hold on to your Guru.
My Guru is Sai and until I take my last breath, I will never trust any other sadhu, saint or fakir even if they can bless me with all I want in life. I am happy with Sai irrespective of Success or failure in my life.
My experience is important because it helped me spread message to Sai children who might be cheated by such false saints, saadhus and sevaks in years to come. Sai has said all Saints are one. We must respect them and we can also do little good deeds to them but never become their slave. They know all ways to mesmerize you and spoil your life.
You never know much I felt guilty for spending just 24 hours believing that there’s another saint who can change my life. I cried like child for first time in my life especially because I could not bear that someone cheated me so much that I forgot my Sai for one whole day and night. It was not me but simply my desire which hooked me to a false saint.
Please never follow Shirdi Saibaba only for fulfilling your desire. A true Guru like Sai has more than what you ask for. Sai takes you in the path of purity and peace.
My friends consoled me and the elderly people said that its also their mistake as they also trusted that man foolishly. On the way, we had meals in a road side hotel. It was rainy season and I saw this beautiful little temple near the hotel.

A small temple on way to Triyambakeswar
After having food, we started our journey further to Triyambakeswar. My mood was good by this time as I felt Sai simply gave me this experience as he wants me to know about good and bad aspects of Life. Our faith on Sai could be shaken easily by few incidents in life. So be careful and ever devoted to Sai.

Mountains on way to Triyambakeswar Shiva temple – Green scenery made me feel blissful
We reached Triyambakeswar and I wanted to take bath in the water infront of the Temple. I was so adamant and gave problems to my friends all through this trip. They told me, We can’t bath here and its dangerous as water is forceful…he he…
We had good darshan of Lord Shiva. A old women was sitting in rain and asking for alms. I gave her 50 Rs and she was happy about it. There were many cows in Triyambakeswar.

Water in front of Triyambakeswar Jyothir linga temple
Hope you liked my experience in 2007 Shirdi trip friends. I know its so negative but its a part of Sai devotion. This is one of the reason, I don’t want Sai devotees to trust Sai answer books completely. Take it as a small guidance. That’s it.
One of my Sai friend in Mumbai, a married lady with a son was innocently trusting a priest of Durga temple too much that she gave her number to him. The priest has spoken things which were irrelevant and I warned her to be careful from such people. I know another aunty who told me that someone who serves Sai called up and told her he only saved her husband from an accident.
Basically, many men and women into spirituality are just jealous of Shirdi Saibaba that all the crowd goes to him. Honestly, Sai din’t do any thing to hook us. Sai remained where he is as a simple Saadhu. We experienced Sai’s grace on us and we went with out own will to Sai.
I listen to numerous stories from my Sai friends that I am fed up listening why people trust such false saints even after they realize such people are materialistic. Be careful and maintain distance from such people.
Focus on Sai internally and Sai will protect you.
Even Shirdi Saibaba speaks from Dwarakamai which I wrote must be used very rarely and must not be completely taken as Sai’s guidance. Sai can guide you in so many ways silently.
Now read another devotees experience which inspired me to write above article about my past experience. I am including this devotees experience because, We can take good aspects of all Saadhus and fakirs too. We must not disrespect them and try to give them small dakshina and food etc. My intention is to simply say never get too attracted to words of modern saints and saadhus.
Sai is more than enough to bring peace in your life. May be Sai simply uses others at times to bless you and show you a way but hold on firmly to Shirdi Saibaba.
So read on the Sai Leela…
Some one like Sai gave darshan in Shirdi
Om Sai Ram,
I am writing this mail to share my experience of sai darshan. I had been to shirdi a couple of months ago. It was 6am in the morning, after the darshan I was waiting in queue to get udi and prasad. there were many people approximately 50 i guess. there was a row which was closed and nobody was allowed to enter that row.
After a while I saw someone dressed like sai baba walking in that closed row. everybody was chit chatting. he looked exactly like sai baba.
I looked at him and was wondering if its sai baba. He stood there for a while looked at a tree up and down and stood there for a while. i was thinking not everybody can become sai baba if they dress up like him and i was asking myself, if this is Baba he will look at me. and guess what? He looked at me and smiled and walked away..
I wanted to see where he will go i saw him walk fast and he got lost in the crowd near the samadhi mandir. I felt blessed. lot of good things happened in my life after this. Right now am in a confused phase of my life. i wish i can talk to him directly and get answers.
I request you to share this on your website.
In both my experience which happened in 2007 nd Vidyasri’s experience who mailed me in 2013, Sai has worked on us. Every devotee has a different experience. Sometimes, its negative and at times its very blissful and positive. We simply have to trust Sai and believe Sai alone is going to make our life good .
May be Sai never seems to help but Sai is taking care of us silently in his own ways.
Little Servant of Shirdi Saibaba
Edit: After this episode, I realized the assurances Sai gave in answer book “You will meet a saint” must be taken as Sivanesan swamiji or Sai himself. We people always need someone real standing infront of us and get cheated. We must learn to accept Sai though we might not hear him speak or see him. Sai lives in ourselves as antaryami. I spent most of the 19,000 Rs I took from ATM for doing some good deeds in Shirdi.
I bought many Sarees and gave it to great grand daughter in laws of few close devotees of saibaba who lived in Shirdi, fell in their feet and got ashirwad. I considered it as a gift. It was possible in 2007. Now most of the old houses has been reconstructed as hotels/lodges and its not so easy to find these relatives/great grand children of Sai’s close devotees during his lifetime.
So its if you want to go good deeds, take your car and move out to near by Villages like puntambe and others. You can come across many poor people near any temples and give them food packets, sarees, shirts etc.
Love the picture of the temple u hv uploaded. Such a calm N beautiful place it is.
Dear Venkat,
I was spellbound reading your experience. It made me so happy that you spent that money on good causes when you could have easily put it back in the bank thanking your luck. You are indeed a blessed soul.
Strange are workings of baba, no one can completely understand his ways.
I’m just curious how did you find out the evil plans of that fake baba?