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I could feel Sai living in me and you should too…

Sairam friends,

I am going through stressful days at work as I don’t know what I am doing and how I am going to earn my living. Thankfully, since Sai inspired me to work on a project on my own, I am able to divert my mind.

May be, I am unnecessarily worrying when everything is OK. I am preparing for the worst though.

I am always on Instagram when ever I walk around in office because that’s way, I am able to connect with other photographers. My neck pains so much at times but I have to do it because I love what I am doing. I enjoy making others happy.

Everytime I publish an interview, these photographers are excited! In a way, that’s a good karma.

I wish to do a work where I make others happy every other day. What I do should be the greatest highlight of the day for someone.

If I do such a job, then, I believe, I found the purpose of my life.

Its 1 o clock at night and I am feeling presence of Sai within myself. It’s not because I am devoted to Sai. I am really not very pure as you think.

The fact that I am confused and worried itself shows that I am not perfect. Just that, its Sai’s grace upon me that he makes me feel his presence in myself. Deep in my chest, I feel Sai lives and he moves and speaks.

If I could feel Saibaba living in me, you should too.

People complain that Saibaba doesn’t care for them etc. I don’t know what to say to such people. Well, I am also not really doing great. That doesn’t mean I can blame Sai.

Sai devotion is something I can’t explain in words. Sai is like my friend.

Sai has always been with me.

Remember Sai deeply and you will be most benefitted.

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • I feel the same. Sai is inside me and sitting in my heart. That’s why even mountain like problems do not seem scary like it used to be.

    He takes a lot of tests though.

    Om Sai Ram

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