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Financial Planning for Shirdi Sai Baba devotees

Financial Planning
Written by venkatraman

Note: I have not done any consulting to Sai devotees who might see this on StarSai in the past 2 years. But some of my clients might have been Sai devotees but I don’t speak about their belief system when they emerge from my other sources.

Honestly, I love my work as much I love speaking to Sai devotees. This is the reason I linked it in StarSai. You could ignore this post if its distracting you.

I do paid retirement planning and financial consulting on

Call or WhatsApp me: (91) 9384716268

Mention that you need my service but also clarify if you are a Sai devotee. This helps me understand you found me through StarSai.

Who should not message me?

1.I request for a small consulting fee. This is to ensure I don’t try to sell products but do genuine guidance and let the customer decide.So, don’t call or message me for random doubts.

2.If you are already planning your finances properly and do not need my guidance, please avoid messaging me.

3.If you think I earn money using Sai, never call me but remember, I have maintained StarSai for 20 years and VenkatFin for 2 years. I believe guiding people with transparancy and integrity to plan their finances is a good karma too.

My Story:

I started doing financial planning for people across India and NRIs from 2021. Not many Sai devotee or anyone who lands on this website had ever reached me for financial consulting and I don’t expect that too. But there’s another kind of emails I receive the past 2 decades from Sai devotees and here’s some of problems they face.

1.I get emails saying they or somone in their family has a health issue and have financial difficulty due to hospitalization.

2.I get emails saying someone dear to them is no more and family is suffering.

3.I get emails from people who are struggling in their career and who have not saved much.

So, basically, Sai devotees email me their problem for the past 18 years and now, I am able to relate to their problem in a different perspective. It is important to plan your finances.

In May 2021, after my dear Appa passed away, I became more practical and my perception about life has changed a life. I started to accept the uncertainities in life.

We should not seek Sai’s help when things goes out of our hand. We should plan our life wisely and along with that worship Sai.

Sai promises 3 basic necessities in life. Food.Clothing and Shelter.

Beyond this, we should be very very careful in our early age to ensure our retirement life is good.

Om Sai Ram friends,

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If you learnt about VenkatFin through StarSai, kindly let me know that in your message. I usually charge a consulting fee but if you earn less, please let me know as I could reduce the fee.

I will list a few things which I learned from my current financial consulting experience and what my parents taught me for the past few years?

1.People in India buy health insurance product but won’t know the benefits and how to use it until the moment they face any emergency.(I don’t issue health insurance myself but only do consulting with reliable professionals as I don’t have time to serve.)

2.Most people assume the health insurance offered by their company is super cool. Yes it is but the moment you have any major health issues, you will never be able to get a good health cover for lifetime.

3.If you are married and have children, please invest in a term insurance. It secures your family.

4.Do not be greedy. Do not trust anyone when it comes to financial issues.

5.Please never invest too much in one financial element alone. Diversify your investments.

6.Teach your children how to use your health insurance and life insurance product during emergency.

7.If your close friends or colleagues requests for money, please give only what you are okay with loosing. If they return, you are going to be happy. If not, you will feel that you did not lost much. Some people give huge amount and worry when their friends cannot repay.

8.Never give money to others for them to start business. As long as you know the risks involved, and you are okay with loosing the money, kindly do not invest.

9. Do not buy expensive stuff. Save it for future.

10.Do not get addicted to spending just because you like hangging out with friends. Thankfully, I never had this problem. Whenever I get bored, I simply sit in varanda of Saibaba temple in Coimbatore. These days, I take my amma to some temples. ha ha.

11. When you use others time for any reason, understand that you have to pay them. Saibaba paid a man Rs.2 just because he lifted a ladder from one place and placed near Radhakrishnamai’s home.

12.Be content with what you have. This way, no one can cheat you. Ever.

13. Respect your employer and be loyal to them to an extent. There are millions who do not have the job you are doing.

14.Never put guarantor signator. Your friends/colleagues/relative might ask you to sign for the loan they get from bank. You are not putting signature. You are responsible for repaying the loan if they can’t do it. So, if you have such income or bank balance, you can “HELP” your friends.

Because if something happens to your friend, your parents,wife or children will suffer for the mistake you did.

I wrote this article because it will certainly give you some awareness. I have an IT backgroud but only in the past one year, I realized how people are suffering without proper understanding of insurance products.

How it started?

In 2021, my life changed the moment my loving Appa left us to Sai. I had a struggling career and eventually, I remembered that my Appa always used to say that I am do not have financial literacy.

So. I felt that I should learn some basics about insurance and wrote an exam.

I joined a company as an advisor but was not happy with their ethics. To me, being ethical was very imporant. I continued to do paid consulting for a small consulting fee. My customers were mostly from Tamil Nadu but eventually, I received calls from Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala and rarely from North India.

Tip – Do I like this business? Certainly not because people prefer buying online. That’s why I switched to consulting mode.

I am praying Saibaba for a better career and a full time remote job as I have to take care of my mother.

Truth – Do I get satisfaction in this work? A little bit of satisfaction as many people tell me that they got some awareness after watching my videos.

This is not at all a good career but my videos has created immense awareness to people across Tamil Nadu. My english channel never get views. So, I am not able to serve a bigger community.

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The first thing I decided to do with my financial consulting business is not bothering clients much with phone calls. I rarely follow-up and if I do, it mostly happens just because they enquired about a product to me.

If you are in hurry, I will tell you some basics

1.Do not depend too much on Health Insurance offered by your company.

A family floater health insurance is necessary on top of your corporate health insurance.

(Note – I stopped selling health insurance. I only do consulting for a fee and connect with right people. I say health insurance is important but I personally DO NOT TRUST any health insurance company because in India, the system is ruined by all the stake holders.)

Read this blog –Why the corporate group health insurance offered by your company might leave you uninsured for a lifetime

2.A Pure Term Insurance is essential if you are married

People invest in stocks and mutual funds but only a few realize that life is uncertain. So, please consider taking a pure term insurance. I like to do consulting about a term insurance with a income plan but not all can afford it.

I continue to “sell” term insurance (I mean, I never issue health insurance buy okay with offering term insurance myself) and suggest a few guaranteed income products but I only do paid consulting. The reason is that, I only respect my time. I never repeatedly call or bother my clients to buy a product. These are expensive investments. So, I never bother my clients and ask them to take time.

3.Do not be ignorant when it comes to financial products

A few days back, a man from Jamshedpur saw my English channel on YouTube and said he plans to invest 2 lakhs per year on a savings scheme offered by an insurance company. I requested him for a consulting fee but most people do not understand the meaning of “Paid consulting” in India.

Basically, these people are fooling themselves as they don’t know the concept of surrender value and lock-in period in such savings products. Many people invest once and when they do not have enough money to pay the premium the next year, their money gets locked in and will only face a loss.

My videos have been creating awareness about such issues. I also have helped a few who do consulting with me understand the product, its risk and only then invest.

4,Mutual funds and stocks

I wanted to go beyond insurance products and hence only selective clients, I suggest to invest in mutual funds. To be honest, this is only to ensure they have exposure to it because many people from traditional mindset, never understand these financial elements. So, I request them to try it with a very small investment so that eventually, in a year or two, they will understand the concept.


I have come across good people and also bad people in this business. I do paid consulting for a small fee. Some times, if the person says that they earn less, I reduce the consulting fee. The painful part is, I have been cheated by many who do not pay me after consulting.

There’s other kind of people. They will message me and the moment I speak about consulting fee, they will stop responding me. I used to tell them not to waste my time and ask me to delete their number so that I would do it.

6.We can do service in all business

You can be a software engineer, a doctor or even a labour worker. There’s always an opportunity to do service. Many people across Tamil Nadu had message me during their hard times. Someome in their family would have passed away and they wanted me to read their policy document and confirm if there are chances, they would get the money from insurance company.

The sad part is, if they have not paid the premium properly, the family won’t get the claim settlement. I always request people to have a term insurance because life is uncertain.

Many people have a wrong understanding about “Seva”. You do not have to clean a Sai temple to get that “Seva” shield on your chest. In India, people love donating to annadhan schemes in temple but they rarely find many opportunities Saibaba shows in front of their eyes to contribute.

It could be funding a child’s education or even just guiding someone to learn something new.

Thank You

Thank You for reading this article as I write this with lots of pain deep in me. Only Sai has to show me a way.


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