sairam friends,
Everyone of us has a beautiful experience of how Shirdi Saibaba has pulled us to his kingdom. Write your experience about how you came to know about Saibaba of shirdi, your experiences and the beauty of how Saibaba pulled you like a sparrow to his darbar.
My parents helps me arrange the flowers to take below photography of Shirdi Saibaba statue in our house.

I will pull my men like a sparrow tied to a string - Shirdi Saibaba
You can write as comments about how you first learnt about Saibaba of shirdi
1.You can email me your experiences to email id in first page of
2.Simply use the comment box below to share your story..
Om sainathaya namaha
Hi Venkat,
How i came close to shirdi saibaaba ? White lotus
I love a girl whose nick name is white lotus. when she comes in white dress, she looks pretty.. So I call her as the daughter of lord saraswati … Lord saraswati sits in white lotus flower… I thought of going to Lord saraswati temple, So i googled and landed in your website .. I went to this temple and had dharsan .. adorned saraswati with lotus garland .. Then whenever i feel sad, i read your articles and knew about saibaba.. I asked many times to accept my love.. But she didn’t accept … She is the reason for me to knew about shirdi sai baba … I failed in love … I like saibaba very much …
sairam friends,
How First I learn about saibaba.. I really don’t remember that how would I come across to near holy feel of our baba and how he become so special for me really I can’t express in words, but yes still I remember those beautiful incident when I pray baba whole heartedly, It was my college days I had my exam and unfortunately I could not prepared well for my examination because of some family problem, and my problem is I would never expect to see any failure specially in my education domain, then I was just crossing one temple by riksha and it was loard hanuman temple near to my house and I pray to loard sai ( unconsciously I chant Saibaba name) and request him to help me do well in my exam, and for my strange I would cleared that exam in one shot, since then I feel closest present of baba in my life.
Sai..As name is beautiful, to feel sainath presentability itself. I specially Love saima because he is my caretaker, he is only in this whole world, which I believe understand me well, and take care of my self more than me. I remember one of Baba’s saying that I will always there to bear your pain but I am going to bear your Karmas. Whatever happens in my life,i take each n everything with Sainath’s permission. In addition, Sainath never leave me alone and after that, it hardly cares that i have somebody with me or not.
I used to like a Punjabi Girl living in Jamshedpur but since I am a Parsi her parents were not accepting our relationship.I had gone to meet her in Jamshedpur where his father really beated me up and told me to stay away from his daughter.I caught the train the same evening and was travelling back home with a lot of disappointment and heavy heart.
While I was in the train one middle aged lady boarded the train at Chakradharpur Station, she looked at me and asked me why you are so upset. I dont know but i told her everything about my porblem. She told me one thing that why dont you visit Sai Baba temple on Every Thursday,he will solve your problems.She told me that her husband had a parlysis attack and she prayed for her husband by fasting on Thursdays and visitng Sai Baba temple and within a year her husband was fine.
I couldnt believ it , i said will try what she said. I visited the Sai Baba Mandir at the age of 23 for the first time in my life and prayed hard for my love life that everything gets settled out. In the next two days his parents accepted me and apologised for the mistake of hitting me. I couldn’t believe it and ever since I have become a Big Devotee of Sai Baba. He has given me whatever i wanted till now and my life is beautiful with his Blessings.
My Pranams to devotees of Sai..
My acquittance with our Sai has been should have been continuing for some generations, i hope so..when i was in 3rd standard or somewhere in d age of 9 or 10, i saw a hindi movie, AMAR AKBAR ANTHONY.. in that film, i saw an blind old lady, saving herself from some people, going inside a SAI mandir where, the actor, Rishi Kapoor was singing song in praise of our SAI.. She prays to him and suddenly, she gets back her eyes. i was so happy to see that… i was wondering , who is this GOD.?.that has made some imprint on my mind about our Sai . later at the age of 23, my younger sister who studied in coimbatore said me about SAI SATCHARITHA, that reading d same will vanish our problems.. then , i knew that , SAI was the same GOD whom i saw years back in the film.. I am a resident of trichy, a place in Tamilnadu. in our town, we dont have a temple for him.. So i intended to go to coimbatore to see our NAGA SAI there.. i was sitting in the garden thinking to ask permission with my dad to go to that place and see him but, my dad was so angry that he dint give permission.. i was crying in that place n said within myself, y should i go there to see SAI, HE will come himself to see me.. i went to bed n that night i saw a dream where, i am sitting in that same place in the garden n our beloved SAI is going inside my home passing me.. i was astonished, why my SAI dint see me.. He went straight to d verandah n saw my another younger sister (v r three sisters) and blessed her.. i went straight inside and begged his blessings n He gave it, when i fell on his legs in my dream.. this is how my faith in oue beloved GURU got strengthend.. From that time, my faith in HIM has been increasing.. i started to pray with SAI thru SATCHARITHA, for my Mother who has been suffering for long time from asthma.. her position has improved over a period of time and still recovering with SAI s blessings.. i dont know if any temple has been constructed in trichy now, but with His blessings i intend to construct one for Him.Thru, this mail i request all devotees to pray with SAI BABA,to achieve this, as His blessings alone can do miracles in each one s life..with one mind let us invoke our SAI s blessings..JAI SHRI SAI RAM..Pranams and thanks for this oppurtunity to write about our SAI..
Namaskaram to all Sri Sai devotees !
Its truly a great experience for me. At present I am in Mumbai prior to that I was at Siliguri in West Bangal state. In our building adjacent to my apartment another apartment was there at Siliguri. The owner of that apartment was Sujay. whenever he opened his main door of the drawing room, just behind the door one Sri Sai’s photo was hung on to the wall, I used to see regularly though at that I was not much into Sri Sai’s bhakti but inadvertently I used fold my hands and pray bowing down my head and closing my eyes.
After few months I got transferred to Mumbai. I am my family started off from Siliguri by car and we decided to go by road to Mumbai from Siliguri after having darshan of Sri Sai baba. What was a remarkable experience – in 3 days and 3 nights I finsihed my travel via Shiridi to Mumbai without even tired off the travel by all the 4 people including myself. The day we went to Shiridi temple one gentleman asked us to accompany him, as if I knew him I followed him, he purchased all necessary items for puja inside the temple, taken us to temple straight, no by queue, and put us all infront of the deity. we had nice puja and prasadam. then we turned and came out that genetleman came upto the stalls where the items were sold, then he was not to be seen anywhere. this was happened in the year 2002 so far I might have
travelled to Shiridi from Mumbai atleast more than 18 times, evey time I spend more than 6 hours there but never had I seen the very person who had taken us inside the temple for the first time. its truly a miracle for us.
with grace of Sri Sai Baba, we travelled safely from Siliguri to Mumbai by road, we had great dashan of Baba for the first time and subsequently every now and then we have been going and paying our respects and puja to Sri Sai Baba. Sri Sai Baba is Guru of all Gurus. God above all Gods. Such a lovely Guru I found in Him that is Sri Sai Baba. Truly Great.
My experience also has been with Sai also that whenever I am in distress or disgusted, and I pray to Him
within few hours or within a day all the problems solved and I get a solution for the trouble. So also whenever I face a financial trouble, by simplest and easiest ways in the form of a friend or some thing or the other the financial crisis eased out.
what can I write, I am a human being, I too also have moods, at times I behave foolishly and question Sri Sai Baba for eking out my petty demands thru His powers – which one should not do that. Sri Sai Baba is God, God knows what we require and what we have to do. He will guide every one. only thing Have full
faith in him, Have Shradha and Saburi. That’s it.
with great love and kind regards
Om Sai Ram
My first encounter with Sai baba dates back June 22nd 2003. I saw the picture of Saibaba being sold by someone. Me and mother were very much endeared to him at the first sight. The though that should we buy the picture or not was their in our minds as we did not know the methods of worship of Saibaba. But still we brought the picture and kept it in our room. The next day my final year engineering results was to be declared and I prayed to him that I did not know much about him but would like him to help me from now onwards in all walks of my life. I had topped the class in that examination. From that day onwards, my faith in him became strong and as days passed by, Sai helped me in all ways from my bestowing a good career to enhancing the qualities of my personal life, he had tranformed me to a better person. Though he doesnt give me all the things that I wanted at times, he immidiately shows the reason as to why I do not get some things in certain things in life and it always micarulous when I know the reason.I cant narrate a single incident here as I have so many incidents that had occured to me which confired my faith on him. All I can say is he always takes care of his devotees when they surrender to him heart and soul with pure faith. Let Sai’s blessing be with all of us and let our life be purposeful one instead of us merely existing here. Let all the readers be blessed by Sai with all the best things in their life. Jai Sai Ram
Jai sai ram,
My first encounter with sai baba was in early 1990but i neither payed much attention nor felt any devotion towards him .I was a staunch devotee of Lord Venkateshwara.I still remember those days where in i used to visit the temples with my parents and friends.But i used to worship in a superficial way and i used to take the name of god whenever i was in troubles..A twist to my life came in the month of May 2009.I was in dire straits and had no one to help me.
I casually went to sai baba mandir which is near to my apartment.The very day i had tears when i saw the statue of him in the temple.I started visiting the temple daily with out fail.After 6 months of intense worship i had got the chance to visit shirdi along with my father and his friends..
Whatever i am now is because of him …Now i feel that i have developed a sort of communication with him and i do feel that he is listening to me always..My superficial way of worship has turned in to devotion and having read sai sathcharita i tremendous change has come in the way i life.I have simplified my life and i m at peace..I with baba’s blessings i am sure that i never leave his feet for i can never repay to him for what he has done to me…
Jai sai ram…
om sai ram
my sweet sai gave 3 different darshans in dream after pulled me like sparrow
my sai’s first darshan on shirdi 16/4/2004…. its unforgettable event in my life..
after that lot of leela’s till date……
i plan to creat moonsai website opposite to star sai:):):):):)by baba’s grace if i become author like hemadpanth:):)
hehehe just joking sir ….i know baba not getting angry with me:)
om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai
Om Sai ram,
how i know about sai baba? Truly im telling this im in love with guy im truly loving him but he is not at all understanding me and he always hurt and make me cry. so i always cry cry in the office always upset. One of my colleague came next to me and asked y am lik this wat happened i shared everything with him he is a great devotee of Sai BABA only baba can bring peace in ur happy lif so he told me to talk to sai baba truly just stand in front of saibaba say your worries ask peace and happy forever go to temple every Thursday keep chanting Sai Baba Sai ram sure baba will guide u and help u in love and he will bless u to be with ur boyfriend and baba blessings will bring happy in your life then i start beliving sai baba and start keeping fasting every thrusday truly im telling this sai baba is there for me but i want to feel more baba in me. whenever im upset my first word will be baba sai ram im sum what happy with my boyfriend but still im crying sum times if i talk about Marriage i need baba to change him and make him to marry me soon im truly heartly beliving Sai that he will bless me to be with my Boyfriend……Ohm Sai ram to start knowing SAi Baba becoz of the venkat ur really great thank u so much becoz of u only i started feeling sai baba is there for every True Love and Devotion.. Om sai ram..
Sai Sai Sai sai sai Sai sai
Om Sai Ram Please be with my Your my Soul , Heart beat , happiness and Everything Sai Sai Sai Sai sai Sai Sai………My happiness on u Baba please make my dreams come true baba u know wat is in my heart and mind so bless me to be with that baba ur my only hope sai ram ……….
It so happened in the year 2007 ,i was studying in Pune.
I had a dream one night that Sai Baba is calling me to come to shirdi.I had only hesrd about sai baba but i never worshipped him
I told my friend next day morning and that day was the first day of Ganpati,i told him that i had such a vision and itwas for the first time,he said fine we will go to shirdi,i had been to shirdi before but never felt that internal joy.
Next day me and my friend left from Shirdi and that was the day my real journey towards sai began,then i used to get a lot of dreams some whci h i would not understand and some where he is coming and soothing my pain.
Sai is very humble and very soft hearted,with pure devotion anyone can get him.I am lucky that he chose me to be his devotee and showed me a vision through which i know how important he is in my life.
There were times when i used to forget about him and have wordly pleasures but he kept pulling me back from all this ,made me realise my mistakes and i very much appreciate that wht bad happened with me was for good only to make me a more good person and be careful of any more bad in future,,,
I love him alot,and i have also started lighting 2 lamps from three days now after reading the article on importance of burning lamps,i also read a little few paragraph everyday from Satcharitra,even though i have read the entire book..i now read it…
I hope i be blessed,i have lot of ups and downs in my life,and i don wnt to suffer more,i only desire happiness and i hope i get it …
I love you sai baba 😀
It’a imagine day for me when I know Sai. My aunt used to say about Sai always. First time I got a dream that baba came to my home for biksha. I gave blouse peace and Flowers and some thing not remember much. That is my first exp with Sai. This is happened around 2000 i guess, not remember much.
Sai Bless U always ,faith on him.
aum sairam,
it was in 2006 that my mother consulted a holy person in pune about me.i was advised by him to go to a temple few kms from shirdi for a darshan and thereafter regularly worship shanideo.
being spriritually inclined i had read holy books on gajanan maharaj,swami samartha maharaj and guru raghavendra swami.i had read dasbodha,and krishna(the big book by iskon)and many such holy books.
however i remember saying to my friends that i had no feelings for saibaba or shirdi.
i asked a friend of mine to accopany me to ——- and he being a devotee of saibaba of shirdi,he agreed and told me to visit shirdi also.
we reached shirdi from mumbai on 14th august 2006 evening.even then while standig outside sai mandeer i didn’t feel like going in for darshan as i was more keen on going to the other temple the next day.
however my friend rajesh insisted that we go in for the we were standin in a queue of devotees i suddenly got overwhelmed by emotion and felt like crying.i told this to my friend who said it was all baba’s magic.
the next morning we ateended kakad aarati.and then my friend took me to all other places like dwarkamai,chavdi etc.
that day i took a book based on saisatcharit by nimbalkar and started reading it regularly.and from then on i
became a sai bhakta
We were not saibaba’s devotees at that time & some how some one who went to shirdi gave us a small glass Miniature of saibaba sitting on stone. when i was studying 8th class I think @ age of 13, I was watching english news on D channel heard about accident of narasapur express train in which my DAD was suppposed to return back to hyderabad travelling that night. Heard this news around between 8:00 – 9:00 & there were no cell phones in those days, no way of communication was possible. ONly fingers crossed, but i was clam & sat near our pooja room,& l don’t know what pulled me to put a flower near baba’s glass miniature & prayed to BABA for few seconds that I would do pooja on thursday’s if he save my father, thats all. My dad returned safely though matter of fact is that it was the train going from hyderabad to narasapur met with accident, not the one my father is travelling from narasapur to hyderabad. At that age I didnt know about what sai baba arathi means & thought arathi means only lighting camphour. All used to say baba’s pooja means giving aarathi (means all 3 aarathi’s they sing) ,I didnt know that & used to give light camphour to baba’s photo. & we also got a saisatcharithra book from someone , i used to give arathi & read last page of saisaitcharithra there is small 4stanzas song while giving arathi , used to sing this. I was the only one who used to worship SAI BABA, due to studies , later I left to do that pooja on thursday’s, but like others i ma no exception when i was in trouble 2 years later because of my pre-finals for 10th exam, I havent prepared well for science exam thought I would fail & which will eventually land me in problems of not getting hall-ticket for board exam., I was nerevous couldnt prepare well , but wrote saibaba on whole paper seeking his blessings to clear the exam.before exam day..i gave exam the way i could , but answered questions partially..though they are from choice too..i was surprised to see my results..i scored good than my friends. BABA saved me for 2nd time though i forgot him. After an year later baba showered his blessings on me & sister by saving my mother’s life.
BABA saved my mother’s life again & he is looking after our family..but i should admit I dont love my baba all the time the same way, I forgot baba almost for 4 years going after material life..etc etc. & had bad experiences..BABA taught me lesson & pulled me in his flod when I was in distress situation , the way i loved baba he gave me the love same way. He always tries to get me on to right path…whenever I am lost in materialistic things…I still need transformation in some aspects of my personal life..he is trying his best to get me there.. BABA get me the previous faith I had in you …
sai ram
I met baba when i was in 10 th standard n since that day everyday is a up n dwn….. Bt one thng is for sure that baba is wd me everytme n i prey to hm to be wd me n my family n each n everyperson…… Everyday if i am depressed or tnsd i get ans directly or indirctly….. N iam proud of my baba……. Bless us always…..
Hi S.Sivakamasundari,
I’m also from trichy. youe have asked for Sai Baba temple in trichy. there are many temple. I’m listing 2addresses, which i came across.
1. A126B & A127, Sri Jai Santhoshimatha Temple Complex Jai Nagar Thiruverumbur
Dist. Tiruchirapalli, Trichy
2. 35, Sri Raghavendra Seva Sangam, LIC Nagar, Vignesh Nagar Extn,Kattur
Dist. Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli
Baba bless you all.
Sai Sai Sai……………………………….
sai ram….
im from malaysia,my mum from india(andhra)my uncle came malaysia to visit my mum n all,when he came he asked my mum to pray sai baba.but my mum not show that much interest on it.then later my brother was dream that sai baba came in white dress to my house and said dont worry i’ll be always for you n family to protect.then he tell to my mum,Later few months my uncle bought sai baba picture frame and send it to malaysia.once baba arrived to my house,my dad bought a car and there are solving problem in my falimy.but im not impressed that much because im not feel anything.Then after few years i had a problem,which is monthly problem not stoped for 1 month,m losing weight by every week n getting so mother was so worried n wants to bring me to clinic which on 3rd week.after that i felt so scared wheither anything will happen to me or wat..!!
then i start to pray sai baba,tel him i dont knw hw to pray u,but m praying u,please do cure if there are any problem,on that day evening my father came from work and asked me to get ready to clinic.then myself with full of sad n with heavy heart i went to room to get father and mother are waiting outside for me..then suddenly i felt like energy n feel my period stoped.i cant belive this and i confirmed n tell my feeling better now,no need to go clinic.but my mum didn’t believe it,she thought im scared and that’s why im lying.she refused and forced me to bring clinic.then with full of confident i told my mum’amma im ok now please wait till tomorrow if not then i’ll follow with you to clinic..then the next day my period stopped,its was really shocking and till now i cant imagine how it could happen..!!its really miracle once i pray baba,im getting better,after few weeks i told my mum the story,she was shocked.from that second i starts pray baba,fasting every thursday & read 108 baba manthrams.
whenever i feel sad,i remeber sai baba,in any way he solve my problem..
sai baba i love you so much….
i’ll pray you till whole of my life….
he likes who patient,so thats why i change to patient….
he likes people who give up & honest,caring,helping m following all that..because baba fullfill our wishes, so m fullfill his needs also,by helping others like food & etc…..
SAI RAM hashwini_asha
2008….. october , First time i went to chennai, regarding my job. My friends searched for hostel and found a Hostel at ECR. The hostel was near by to Injambakam SAI Temple. But i never Went even once when i lived in chennai. The host was great sai devotee. Very great picture of Dwarakamai Sai at the entrance hall, use to welcome all. Sai poojas at regular intervals was also performed by them. I never liked to pray to sai. I felt sai a human and who does magic. I attended poojas without interest for time sake. But basically im inclined to Lord Narasimhaa a lot. Days passed away.Due to some reasons i left my job. then i was at my home town coimbatore, from january 2009. It was on February 5, 2009, i travelled from my house to Saibaba colony on a purpose. Suddenly an amma near by asked me, Where you are going? I said Saibaba Colony. she held my hands and told, “Today is thursday, Go to Sai temple, You ll get married Soon”. I said Ok. But didn turn up to temple on that day. Felt No, as i don like sai (or) have great interest on him.
On february 6, 2009 Friday Morning i was gothroughing Newspaper. Suddenly found an article on SAI. I felt her words strucking in me again. So I felt to Pray, ok What will happen, let me see…. I wrote in a piece of paper SAIBABA and placed it on floor. Took in a plate(what we use at home) some rice and dal, Prayed to him, (MY DEAR CARE TAKER) for the first time. ” SAI I left my job. Im with many instills. I dunno what to do? If u wish answer me, take this offering. This is what i have at home. Shower me the truth for my questions”. My anna s friend who is inclined to christianity , immediatedly msg me, “LORD asked u not to cry, He can do anything, if it is truely seek to HIM. Jus wipe ur tears”. I was awestuck. I prayed to SAI. SAI replied me through anna s friend. I thanked SAI. Then on February 7th 2009, first time in my life went to sai temple. Though i Live in coimbatore for more than 20 years, it was HIS grace i got only on 2009.
From then on, i took fastings, prayers, vigorous rituals. But i truely i tell, Sai didn give me any materialistic things (or) answer all my prayers. But he made me realize my values as a girl, not to verbal abuse them in uncontrolled anger , He has saved me from bad friendships, unwanted stress, and ofcourse not to take any unwanted prayers.Ya he made me realize it in many instances. Slowly he Moulds me till now…
Ya SAI made me to come to shirdi twice 2009, 2010. Longing to see u this year., BABA (WHITE BABA, MOTTA BABA, KUTTY BABA, CHELLA BABA) ….. SAi after i tie knots, surely ill come n see u, only then ill start my marriage life. Ya ill come along with my husband and relatives by your grace.And the great thing is SAI gifts me something on FEBRUARY 6 every year. thank u sai.
1. 6.2.2010 – SCOOTY.
2. 6.2.2011 – GAVE MY DAD SAFE , AFTER AN ACCIDENT WE (ME AND DAD ), MET ON 1.2.2011. (THANKS A LOT it was u deva, who made normal. dad came from hospital to home on 6.2.2011..
thank u thanks a lot. only tears are spilling, no words)…..
BABA ur ways are unique. MATerialistic benefits and maya and Miracles can be done.
But shaping one s character and giving the true meaning of life, none can give except you.
Im debted to you….. MY dear saideva. Nothing can be given for ur love……
First of all my heartfelt pranams to my beloved shirdi sai baba. It was really a miracle for me when I first learned about shirdi sai. I was working as an Accounts & Admin executive in one of the software company in Bangalore. One thursday, one of my collegue, Mr.Anil from Andhra gave me a packet of Sai vibhooti with a small photo of Sai baba which came to him from his home town by post. That was the 1st time I got to know about Shirdi sai and his picture. I kept the vibhooti and the picuture of sai baba in my pocket carefully. That evening my manager assined me an important task of sending some tender documents to abroad through DHL courier. He gave me a blank cheque for giving to DHL after weighing for the cost of courier. Time was about 5.30 pm and I need to reach DHL office before 6 pm in order to send the courier on the same day. I took an auto from Jayanagar to the DHL office and asked the Auto driver to reach me there before 6 pm. I kept the cheque leaf on my shirt pocket. When I reached MG road , to my surprise suddently the cheque flown out from my pocket to the street. It was heavy traffic in the MG road during that time. I just touched my beloved sai’s photo and prayed him to help me in the crucial situation . I have asked the Auto driver to stop the vehicle and he could manage to stop the auto after few meters. When I got down from the Auto , to my surprise I could see the cheque was rolling around the street and came to my feet. I just cried like anything as it was really a miracle to get back the cheque from the busy MG road . Then I realised the fact that it was the super power of my beloved Sai baba who showed me his power of protecting his believers. I could reach DHL office in time and manage to send the tender documents on time as next day was the tender closing date . From that day onwards, I became a strong devotee of Shri Shiridi Sai and started fasting every thursday nights. To his grace I got a son his name is Sai Sankar. Whatever I earned in my life I believe is because of my beloved sai baba’s blessings only. Like this so many experiences in my life which I can share later
Om Sai Ram Oam Sai Ram
Kannan Purayamkumarath
Abu Dhabi
Sai ram,
I am praying baba since February baba entered in my life .i got Calender from my relative in that calender baba image but at the i wont worship and i like baba but don’t know anything about him.from the day i got calender daily i can see baba some month later
one day i decide to go Thursday i went to temple its amazing to see how baba was decorate by flowers and light.on this time i have many financial problems even i have good job i didn’t have two wheeler.i prayed sai with true love.with in a week my friend came to me and hand over bike that he going outstation for several months keep with me. my money problems day by day solving. with in six months sai gave me one small car.i am doing only thing going temple when ever i have time and keeping true love with baba.baba teaching me lot of things in my life every pray shridi sai baba sure he will take care u from all problems. keep faith…….sai ram
I everyday at home pray sai baba he is for us when u pray by real heart he solves problem he protects u where ever u r my time current i am in many problem in my business n where i am staying in forein land i get hard time just i pray rember sai baba i see my problem solves n up 2 know tday i am in stress today thursday i prayed in internet he shows me way n i want my prayer n wish he will fulfill me. I pray all we say shirdi sai baba is everywhere and hajar for all heartly prayer to sai baba and one day he will show me shirdi as i wish and i have not seen from today i know he will show me way to him at shirdi jay sai baba.
Hi… Friends…. SAIRAM…
Its very nice of you for sharing these experience.
SAI BABA is great and I know he will guide us through out our life.
I believe he will never leave us alone for a second. May be he is testing our ability to get out of from some problem. But believe me my friends If he feels that you will be unsuccessful then he will drive you out from the problem anyways (may be it will take some time ).
Always trust him Because He is SACHIDANANDA SADGURU…
and SADGURU will not ask you or let you follow any wrong path
SACHIDANANDA – SATH (good) + CHITH (thinking) + ANANDA ( happiness )
If anything I have written is wrong then forgive me SAIBABA and my dear friends…..
….. OMM SAI RAM …..
It was one of my colleague who always use to tell me to visit sai temple at mekkudi in trichy. Between 2007-2008 &09, myself and my husband were facing some tough periods in life. when i passed on this msg about my colleagues sai mandir visit. It took a long time for my husband too to accept. But the time he visited with his colleague to that temple, he did not say anything but whenever he finds himself free he used to visit that temple and thus we started getting sai’s blessings. Now i am reading sai kadha started this diwali and will be finishing this satuarday. planned to prepare curd rice as neivediyam to sai. what a great soul he is..I love shirdi sai baba.
miracles do happen
jai shirdi sai baba
After prayes srisai ram only i got some good things in my life and my parents arrannged for my marriage and i got sweet husband and my cute girl baby.. her name is sindhu… i used to feel peacefull in my mind whenever i spelled sairam and am thinking that i got my girl baby becoz of sri sairam.. i am very happy abt that and i really want to go to shirdi… i am prayig for that chance.. please sai baba give me that beatifull occation… 🙂
Dear Sai Bhakts,
One of junior room-mate in our hostel used to tell about the Lord Sai in the year around 1983. It was a tough time for me. I prayed Baba without hesitation regarding my problems and they were solved. I read Sai Saccharitra and tried to understand what Baba wants from us.
He says that nobody comes to him for the real wealth which he is keeping in plenty and wants to distribute free of cost.Millions of devotees go to him but hardly any one seeks for that real wealth from Him.
The devotees ask Him for the perishable wealth ( worldly pleasure ) and not for the wealth which He really wants to give to His devotees.
Indeed,we should not pray Baba much for the materialistic things but for the real treasure – the self realisation.
For that, we should have to surrender everything on to Him and he will take care of it.This is very difficult,however,not impossible. We should chat Sai,Sai ——- as and when there is a space in the long chain of thought in our mind which generally persists in everyones’ mind.
Jai Sai.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Narayanan Pisharody Narayanan Pisharody My LIVE experience of shirdi Sai Baba-Darsan – !!! Duringone of my visits(along withmy wife&daughters& my g.children) to Shirdi in the year 2004, I had a dream like experience of seeingBABA LIVE. When we went to Dwarkamai I couldsee Baba(2 BABASseated) LIVE, enclosed by grills, oneBABA raising HIS one SUbLIME hand to bless me. I could not believe EVEN now my eyes. I asked my wife who said no such thing was seen by her. What a sublime and wonderful& Sweet Exp. Firm belief and unflinchingfaith throw away the wall ofMAYAenabling ardentDevotees to see GOD!!! Now my eyes are getting wet due tears of joy when think abt this event. I had one more interesting exp.of differenttype during the year 2000 June. I will disclose this later(BABA protecting me in the form of a DOG! ). Similar event I could read from SAI SATCHARITRA. Hence this disclosure, later. How God protect HIS Real devotees!! JAI SAI RAM
Posted by narayanan tv pisharody at 12:02 AM 0 commen
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Narayanan Pisharody.
My LIVE experience of shirdi Sai Baba-Darsan – !!! Duringone of my visits(along withmy wife&daughters& my g.children) to Shirdi in the year 2004, I had a dream like experience of seeingBABA LIVE. When we went to Dwarkamai I couldsee Baba(2 BABASseated) LIVE, enclosed by grills, oneBABA raising HIS one SUbLIME hand to bless me. I could not believe EVEN now my eyes. I asked my wife who said no such thing was seen by her. What a sublime and wonderful& Sweet Exp. Firm belief and unflinchingfaith throw away the wall ofMAYAenabling ardentDevotees to see GOD!!! Now my eyes are getting wet due tears of joy when think abt this event. I had one more interesting exp.of differenttype during the year 2000 June. I will disclose this later(BABA protecting me in the form of a DOG! ). Similar event I could read from SAI SATCHARITRA. Hence this disclosure, later. How God protect HIS Real devotees!! JAI SAI RAM
Posted by narayanan tv pisharody
My first exp of SAI BABA giving me courage to face any trouble whether it be tough or not. At that time (1998 June when it happened) I did not realize itssignificance.
Sai Bless all.
I Use to run a provisonal stores ,after my marriage at the age of 25.One fine day I and my wife was sitting in our shop dissappointed due to our inter nal family problems.Suddenly the words “lets go to shirdi” came from my heart ,me my wife and my mother in law went to shirdi next day .We were standing in the Q in the samadhi mandir and i was looking at saibaba and the rose garland on sai samadhi.I was thinking about the rose garland to take home but I knew the poojaris want give it to any one .my wife was thinking the same standing in the Q of ladies I didnt knew that.When it was my turn of samadhi darshan I touched my forehead near saisamadhi and touched my both hands to babas samadhi the same moment the poojari picked up the rose garland and handed over to me .It was a miracle , both of us were surprised by Babas leela.
since then we had been to shirdi many times .my wife believes and trust Sai & Samarth very much.
I belive have faith in Sai baba but up till now I am not able to Become the true bhakta of Sai I have always failed in the Exams put in front of me by my lovable Sai Baba.
IAppolize for any kind of mistakes in babas foot steps.
I dont remember how did i know about Sai Baba. But we received a big photo of Sai Baba from some one who knew, looks like Sai knew we need his blessings to come over biggest troubles in life. I was in 10th class when i had severe head ache and i was not able to concentrate on studies, i used to hit my head towards the wall but there was no relief, i saw movies of sai baba and i feel i am blessed because i could imagine all the miracles he did for the poor people like us. I used to keep udi on my fore head and it triggered me that i should have holy water of udi and poured so much of udi in the big tumbler of water and drank it. To my surprise my head ache vanished and i did not suffer till this year, it is more than 10 years..what can be the miracle. That is how i remember him and also went to shiridi several times till now..
THANKS TO DEAR SAI BABA FOR ALL HIS BLESSINGS, CARE AND LOVE towards me and for my family members..we need more blessings of yours to lead this life peacefully and happily.
I do believe in Sai but never done any puja till 5 years ago.. My first experience was when my husband was performing puja to Ayyappan for visit to Sabrimala. In a fraction of second I saw Sai image on Ayyapa photo. I couldnt believe my self what has happened. My eyes were full of tires. Last day due to some inconvience I could not complete the puja and I asked my husband to do the same.
From that day onwards he is also deep devotee of sai.
I am working in a company under HR department, used to send salary statement for all to our head office. Since I was newly joined I left one persons name in that list and sent without knowing the seriousness of it.
I prayed to baba to solved the problem. the day was Thursday and I prayed that before I finish the puja you let me know the status. As soon as I finish the puja I got the phone call from the person stating that he got his salary credited.
Sai Baba ki Jai
When I looked at this page, I tried to recall how I got to know Baba. I cant recall exactly somehow (may be it will come to me) but my faith was anchored when my husband had suddenly developed a number of unrelated health problems and after seeing the doctor, we went to thwe temple and I prayed deeply and helplessly. The next day, literally, I went to work as I knew he is fine now and he wento the doctor with my uncle. Bot his problems had disappeared the colour X-ray showed it all clear and the other thing that “definitely” needed surgery had also gone and the doctor said he did not need to send refer us to the surgeon. I cant believe but I know Sai Baba is the kindest (bahut bahut dayaloo) saint or God. Since then Sai has shown so many miracles to help us in difficult times over the last more than twenty years and I pray to Him to keep us near Sai Lotus Feet. I’m currently praying deeply to Sai Baba to cure my sister and I have faith that Sai will totally cure her. I read Sai Satavan Manjari that I very gratefully downloaded from this website – am truly grateful to you for posting it here… Thank you heaps heaps Om Sai Ram
Namaskar Sai Baba Devotees,
Om Sai Ram,
I cant recall exactly somehow (may be it will come to me) I always Past by some shops around Leboh Ampang Area (in Malaysia) and i used to see BABA Picture every shop asthough Baba looking at me wherever i go. If I go anywhere, anyplace, friends house, shops, in the office even unknown places i got to see Baba’s Pictures. I don’t know why but I’m happy to see Baba. First time I look at Baba’s Photo I thought who is this man, i really don’t know who is he. Later I start to find out about Baba. I’m working and one of the month my salary was deducted by bank since I didn’t setlled the Credit Card no. so that bank blocked my account. i pray to baba for 21 days the last day of my prayer I got back my money.
Thank you BABA
Om Sai Ram.
On how i first learned about baba..i am still unable to find the answer but im happy that i found a treasure and feel blessed to have baba with me now. Last year..i was going insane with financial problems, my husband lost his eyesight temporarily and lost his job and a 18 years old daughter waiting to enrol in college and a teenage 16 years son, accumulating debt and unpaid bills.
I was lost and even relations start avoiding us afraid that we might ask them money. End of 2012, i came across baba’s website(ask shirdi sai baba and his answers from dwarakamai) and start visiting it almost daily. From there he start guiding me by giving me advice, mantra/chantings, lighting lamps and poojas through the website.
From January 2013, baba has been with me like a father holding his daughter’s hand through rain and storm while my husband went for his eye surgery in January and in March when my son met with accident which injured his spinal cord and needs him to undergo surgery to fix plate to it. As a women and baba by my side, even without money and depending on welfare for the surgery which caused thousands of ringgit, i was treated with respect and dignity wherever i seek help.
My life is still a question mark but with my baba by my side i have nothing to fear. I just do not how i get to know baba but i just love him so much for finding me at the right time when i was lost.
Om sai.. sri sai.. jaya jaya sai
all dear bhakts of sai,2yr ago i went to shirdi and cameback with strange experience.That night after samadhi darsan,i came tired and slept.that night,the dream was that baba appeared in vishwarooam (with head of god of all religion and almost 1000 hands)and told ‘son,you have never believed in me.because you are in danger,i came to warn you.go,go out of here now and come after 3days’.i went away.and came after 3days.the locals told me that there was firing that night.baba saved my life.omsairam!!
I was totally disappointed with my life .I had no joy .every where I faced only failure.once I decided to day I went sai temple and I wept there .one pujari came to me and sai that sai will give me peace .after some time I felt that I am very SHANT .I decided to worship Sri Sai .I stated to do it and also start fasting.That was a time and this is a time Sai gave me lots .first of all give me Peace .and fulfill all my desires and dreams.This is a real experience I am in this world because of my Lord Sai. Sai is very kind and is always ready to help their devotes at every moment .Sai is Great and he is like my family member not like life is a gift of My Sai .I am Great full to have Sai and blessing of sai with me.Thanks to Sai Krapa.
**Om Sai Ram**
Hi Sir – First of all I came to know about SAI through one of my wellwisher.But I was not serious about him.Later my mom told about SAI poojas and prayers. Though I had heard lot of SAI stories from my childhood and also after my mom’s advice i didnt get to know seriousness of SAI baba.
Then he choosen me in his play.Yes, he turned me towards him, he attracted me towards him. I did my engineering and seeking for an respectful job in IT industry. I went through lot of consequences for about a year time. Then I made my mind to sai.After an year I had joined for an job opportunuty program course. I put my faith and prayers to SAI. I believed no one there is in this world other than sai. 4 months I prayed to SAI and offerend prayers,poojas and 9 week Fasting.
Then my life turned towards in a positive way. Frankly speaking I havent cleared any of my interview till that time. But surprisingly because of SAI im able to clear most of the rounds and got an good job in an reputed IT company. without him Im nothing today.
I cried , I prayed ,faithfully offeren my paryers to him before this incident. He answeed my prayers. SO this is my story in a short. his play is even more interesting. But due to convinence im stopping here. I wish SAI will provide lot of interesting stuffs in my life. I want to ne like this for ever by thinking SAI.
Let all the devotess pray to him sincerly. He will anser your prayer for sure. Faith and patience leads to victory.***OM SAI RAM****
Om sai ram sri sairam jaya jaya sairam
sairam….i know about sairam in my college final year through my friend….she always say like sairam and she took vrat for him……from that im also like to know about my family side no one know about saibaba but i know only through online…after i finished my engg i have arrear in one my 2nd semester paper final result also came…on that result also im failed….on that time i went to my pooja room crying and asking why u do like this….and what i did wrong…..after my full effort put to saibaba’s threading stitch kit…finnaly i did and put frame in my pooja room….from that day when i feel sad went to pooja room and tel to him about my feelings…..finaly i got a revaluation result got pass on that paper…..on that time im crying for saibaba took me as his child……now im searching job..still im didn’t got job…but i know saibaba will give me a job soon.. he never leaves his devotees….Om sairam Sree sairam Jaya Jaya sairam….please be faith and beleive him….
I first time gone to saishirdi on dt 4 dcm 2013. Whn i go to the temple of sai baba i m flngs vry happy. Before 1 yrs whn i go to saibaba temple i take only take 2 red roses, whn seen in temple the roses flowers is 3 .i suddnly confused about that, in tht dt i belief on saibaba. Jai sairam…
om sai ram , baba is a living god i love shiridi sai baba in 2006 i lost every thing in my life during that time one of my friend gave a photo of shiridi baba told me to pray,from the same day i started praying with full of faith i am happy to tell all baba devotees that i am very happy in life i got every thing what all i lost in my life all started telling that it only shiridi sai baba miracle this happened with in a year
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
OMSAI SRI SAI JAI JAISAI… It was a miracle by SAI. I lost my first and second baby during birth itself and lost faith in GOD. For few years i never do prayers nor lit lamp to god. During that time i was working in a small company with a normal salary with two kids.. In Apr 2004,i met my aunt in kerala and she was sharing a miralce of SAI happened for their neighbor.
I came back to Chennai but not from the incident shared by my aunt. I started feeling that SAI is around me wherever i go and to my surprise i saw HIS photo pasted in auto. For me it was a surprise, because i was residing in that place for almost 15+ years and not heard or seen HIM earlier. I asked my colleagues for SAI temples in chennai. Me and friend planned to Mylapore SAI temple on 1st May 2004, but due to some personal sickness could not visit on 1st MAy and re-scheduled for 8th May.
I was so happy on 8 May, that i am going to visit HIM. Sai readers,trust me, i was ready to office and about to come out of my home, i heard SAI bhajans which was first time in our location… i asked my son to go and see outside. He came back saying, yes its a tri-cylcle with BABA’s photo and playing bhajans. I rushed with tears to see HIM. No words to express that moment…. Our plan was to go to temple in the afternoon, but BABA blessed me with HIS darshan in the morning. From that time, HE is always there with me…
i am so happy to say that i am sai devotee. i know baba through my friend. from the day i started worship him. He saved me from big and small obstacles in my life. when i am searching about him, i came to know about this starsai website. i read few pages. this message in the site gave me a strength and confidence.I want to know more about baba and i will keep on worship him in my life.
This is the day first time i went to sai baba temple. some happiness within me. i do not know what to speak to him.I just said thanks to him , for made me to be happy in my life beyond the obstacles.Sai Baba be with me foreveer.I am at ur feet. sai Ram. Sai Ram
SAI is all to me. I came to know about SAI in 2003 through my aunt. Without SAI life is nothing now for me.HE has done miracles . One miracle happened in 2003. For the first time, i planned to visit SAI’s temple on 1 May 2003 in Mylapore, Chennai with one of my colleague. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, unable to go to temple.
Next visit planned on Thursday, 8 May 2003 afternoon during lunch break. On 8th May morning, i was about to leave home to office. Heard some bhajan from road which was unusual in our location. Came out and surprised to see SAI devotees in tricycle with BABA’s photo and playing sai bhajans in front of our house.That moment i was full of tears and cannot expressed by words. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI.
Love I have on Sai Baba cannot be expressed in an incident. It all started at once when Sai decided to come to my life. The love and affection he had on me increased day by day and I started loving him more than anyone in this world.
I offer my tears at his lotus feet thinking that even tears will disappear one day and turn into happiness.
There is a saying that ‘We think of God only when we face hurdles in our life’ but I think of Sai each and every moment which took off all my sufferings and happiness that was surrounded in my lives.
I love you BABA..Just saying love you is not going to show the wholehearted love I have on you.Till I reach my death bed I wish to say ‘JAI SAI RAM’..
Om shree sai ram.
The almighty guru decided to enter my life in the year 2007 through one of my room mate. She is a devotee of sai. But I was not ready to believe in her or baba at that time. I was a devotee of lord murugan and lord shiva. My friend even took me to mylapore shree saibaba temple. But at that time I was not ready to accept.
After that I got married and then started struggle. After some years me and my husband started living separately and almost close to divorce. I stopped praying to any god at all. At that time one of my another friend got a saibaba picture and a prayer book asked me to pray daily. I got peace in my mind after praying to baba. So I decided to do 9 Thursday fasting and pleaded him to decide the future for me. My friends and family supported me a lot along with saibaba. After the fasting saibaba gave me the opportunity to come to holy Shirdi. Now I am living with my husband again. I totally believe only because of shree sai ram I am living with my husband again.
Even though we have not sorted out our differences yet, even though we are quarreling a lot now , I strongly believe in saibaba that he will bring happiness in to my life.
Thanks a lot to you Mr.Venkat , just a week ago I was losing my confidence, I read some articles in your website and started chanting Om shree sai ram and Om sai namo namaha now and then. I am confident Saibaba will bring back happiness and peace in my life and in my family as well.
Thank you once again sir. God bless.
Om sai ram! Around 8 yrs back we had shifted from delhi to gurgaon there is babas temple called sai ka neighbors always praised too much about the temple as it is a replica of shirdi temple.everyone used to ask me whether i had visited d temple? And my reply was alwayz one fine day out of sheer inquisitiveness i visited the temple with my friend.and that was it.i felt deeply connected with was like i was visiting my parents home.and year after year my bond with baba is going stronger and stronger.i know he will be always there for me and my family.he is my guide and i dedicate my entire life to sai ram!
Om Sai Ram… I cant remember when i feel his presence in myself… Actually my friends are the real devotees of Sai where i knew.. 1 fine day we went to Sai’s temple but tat was first time for me.. I just prayed as “Sai just come to my home” that’s it.. then i returned… after 2 days my sister’s brother-in-law brought a laminated calender and asked me if you want it or not…? I just turn my face to see it… Wowwwww it was an awesome moment… Its our Saiiiiii….. Tearssss were running in my eyes…. Cant control myself… Real world God SAI…
Om Sri Sai Ram…
SaiRam. It was in 1997 that I attended a full session of yoga. After attending the yoga program, when I began to practice daily at home, I felt the need to have a Guru. I decided that I would like to follow one of the wonderful saints like Shirdi Sai, Raghavendrar, Kanchi Paramacharya etc., since I had read about them and had high regards for them. I decided to follow Shirdi Sai and I am continuing to do so. But I am having the regret that Sai Himself did not come to me. Also I have never been blessed by Him in my dreams so far.