sairam friends,
Everyone of us has a beautiful experience of how Shirdi Saibaba has pulled us to his kingdom. Write your experience about how you came to know about Saibaba of shirdi, your experiences and the beauty of how Saibaba pulled you like a sparrow to his darbar.
My parents helps me arrange the flowers to take below photography of Shirdi Saibaba statue in our house.

I will pull my men like a sparrow tied to a string - Shirdi Saibaba
You can write as comments about how you first learnt about Saibaba of shirdi
1.You can email me your experiences to email id in first page of
2.Simply use the comment box below to share your story..
Om sainathaya namaha
HI Sai devotees,,
I trust my baba is always with me…. i dont the time when i feel he is with me….. Om Sai Sree Sai JAi Jai Sai
i also wud like to visit shirdi…. sai baba…will u take me to shirdi???
Thanks for making my mind calm , hope to get the good news soon
i realy belive in sai baba only he is only person along with me in every day he is the only person who care for me
Thousand pranams at the lotus feet of my beloved Sai Nath Maharaj.
Baba came into my life miraculously five years back when I was very sick and admitted in hospital, a friend of mine sent me the Sai Satcharitra book and asked me to read it daily for a speedy recovery. I took on to reading the book out of curiosity and in no time I found that I was absorbed into reading the book. It became a part of my daily religious practise. Slowly and steadily my faith in sai baba started getting strong and a desire to visit shirdi grew in me. I went to shirdi and felt inner peace and felt as if all my worries were over and a new life awaits me. I felt all my sins of this and past births are done away with as my feet fell on the rich soil of shirdi and the Dwarkamai…. I bought a Sai baba murti from shirdi and started worshiping it daily; I started eating veg food on Thursdays. Whenever in a difficult situation I called out to Sai and he came to rescue me….
As days passed time and again I kept being connected and drawn to Sai baba and shirdi…Mid 2012, my personal life was going through a very bad phase and that was the time I came very close to Sai…there was a point of time when I spoke my sadness to Sai, shared my happiness, desires, fears everything only with sai. He became my best friend, I started visiting Sai temple on a daily basis and on every Thursday I participated in the arti…in no time I was well versed with all the artis and started with the Sai nav guruvar vrat. I felt immense happiness and peace while doing the vrat…feeding the poor gave me inner peace and satisfaction. Sai became my whole and sole….
I started meditation and yoga, while meditating whenever I would concentrate I would see Sais form before my eyes….there have been several instances where in I have seen Sais form in objects, food and pictures. Sai was always with me and he made me realise this. Once this realisation dawned upon me Sais name SAI RAM SAI RAM SAI RAM has always been on my lips….
Sai Baba has helped me solve major problems in my life….I was suffering from an unhappy and bad marriage. Baba helped me over come that and gave me the courage to stand for myself and not tolerate what is wrong. He ensured that I have proper finances and shelter for myself and my child. With babas grace I got a very good new job. Baba has given me in abundance….his love for his devotes is limitless and ever flowing like a river….and his leelas are un describable….but the experience that one gets from them is life changing.
I would like to end by saying that Sai Baba is really a Star!!! He is my god, my love, my life…..I owe my life to him and pray to him that always bless me and shower his gurukripa on me…..!!!!
“Om Sai Satguru Shridi Sai Namo Namaha”
no words to saying about my beloved shridi baba. When i talking of baba i will crying. Baba help me a lot .save my amma from sick. give me back my amma to me.and also one thing i must tell here, i am 33 year ready. among all my ladies life suffering ladies problum. crying my all life until get married still this problum.
luckly nice husband i was married. than here from my friend akka banu, im praying baba.this one year i never crying for my health,no see doctor, now my life is happy.
i hope baba will bring me to see shridi temple in india with my husband. and 6 years ready i no have kids also.
heartly prying with baba to get baby for our life very soon.
evry thursday i am prying for baba.abisegam and give baba wat can i .
love u so much baba. i am belive on baba.baba alwys bless his devotees. may baba bless all and get baba bless evry one.
OM SAIRam !!!!
Baba came into my life from Nov.2010. From that period Baba is guiding me in everything. Everything is done by my Baba. I believe strong. If I have problem I asked questions and answers. That versions helps me a lot. I worshiped Baba at Shiridi at Pune recently. I traveled from far away.
Om Sairam. Everything is yours.
Om Sai Ram …
As I am writing this I am listening to Sai’s Aarthi… I have never seen a god like Sai pulling me to his abode..
While I was desperately seeking a strong hold , I stopped by a small Shirdi Sai temple by a village.. Just Sat there and Prayed for a while to solve my problems… Then I left the place…Then I went to purchase something from a Jeweller and he suddenly asked me “If I like Sai Baba” .. I said ofcourse and he handed me a small photo to be kept in the wallet…In a few days I was visiting a relative and when I came out of the house was a small cart with Shri Sai Baba and a Couple pulling it by the street…
Then When I went for a family vacation, I had his blessings to see his evening Aarthi in a nearby temple…Then I went to Ganesha temple where a devotee handed over a photo of Shri Sai Baba to my Son…And now whenever I think of him , I see him somewhere around me as a sticker on a car or a Idol or simply the words “Sai Ram” written somewhere…Shri Sai has truely made me a complete devotee
Heartfelt Love to Baba…Please Guide our family as a Father,Mother,Friend always…
Shri Sainathayanamaha.We are staunch devotees of Lord Murugan and Amman.One day while I was about to board an auto a man was searching desperately for an auto and I asked what was the matter he said a lady was ill and wanted to get dropped at her place on further inquiry it turned out to be the area which comes on the way to my home so as requested I willing asked her to come with me .
On the I was asking about her health and asked the driver the location of her residence he said he knew it.As we were crossing a street she suddenly pointed her finger and said this is were Sai Baba temple is and my house is in the next street. She got down at the street corner and thanked me for the help i asked her what her name was she said its Saraswath.I was throughly jolted I never knew there was such an old temple nearby.
SInce than I became devoted to Baba He is always there guiding and protecting us in various ways.Then I came across this website showing us His presence is always there.Bowing to His Holy Feet for His immense Grace.Shirasa namami.
I am a devotee of Baba and with his grace I have visited Shridi many times. He has helped lots of time when I needed his help One of my experience is that my dearest friend had a misunderstanding with me as a result of which she stopped talking to me and also stopped visiting me. Even I was not allowed to talk to her children.A month passed by and I was getting restless. As I was surfing Baba’s website I came across the facilities available. One such facility was Baba answering your questions. I put my question and immediately Baba answered. He said everything will be alright by evening and asked me to donate food.
As per his instructions I prepared chapathi n curry and fed. I totally forgot about this. To my utter surprise the same evening the door bell rang and my maid opened the door . My friend came running and hugging me cried to her hearts contend and asked me to pardon her. I never expected this to happen so fast. I thanked Baba for reuniting us and my faith has increased double fold. Jai Sai Ram.
Baba I need your blessings . In the present situation please Baba take care me.
Sai ram thanks a lot i have driving my car without fear in road .still i want to be very confident to drive.please help me sai sri sai sathgurusai namonamaha.
Jai sai ram. 8 years 10 months with baba and only baba has uplifted me so much in life from my 12th std. BABA I know you never let me down and its me who forgets you sometimes it happens really out of some works i concentrate on and I know that work is not complete without you. Love you so much baba.
Keep me in your feet always baba as your servant please baba. Your my only strong source of support in this material world. Thank you baba. Forgive me for the mistakes I’ve done knowingly or unknowingly baba. “SRI SATCHITHANANDA SATGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI”
Through baba I have realised the true meaning of devotion love and worship…baba is great and once you devote him he his always there for you…to listen to you…to talk to you…to give a solution to your problems…to love you…Thankyou thankyou thankyou so much baba…if u wouldn’t have enter in my life I wouldn’t find peace till now…thankyou sai baba…bow to Shri sai baba
sai baba always choose his devotees when praying the lord narayana instructed to do vrath of saibaba to have a guru in life like that before this sai baba
then the darkness start vanishing in mind a self pride hiding inside this was only asked to reach narayana very fastly asked this only at sai ram and did the vratha and to dissapear alll the karma and then the miracle start to happen and still happening thanks to lord narayana and saibaba
All are one All god is same and one form just a different names SAI Ram Saii Krishna
god bless all creation thank you thank you thank you
I am proud to be a Sai devote for the past 35 years. I used to go to Saibaba mandhir at Karur. I forgot after my father left that place. But he called me from Naga Sai mandhir, Coimbatore. Then onwards he is liviing with, guiding me and helping me.
sai baba you are my heart and you are my soul ………i love you baba……..please make me yours……you just love me a lot…..that’ s what i want….baba hamesha mere sath rahna …jai sai baba ki jai .
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai dayalam sai kripaalam sai ananta triguna swarupam namo sai natham namo sainatham namo sainatham
” baba is my everything” i love my dwarkamai baba .because he is poor baba but he have rich love..
Daya karo Kripa Karo Raksha Karo hey Bhagwan. Aum Sai Shri Sai Jay Jay Sai…Baba bless us and help us cross this samsara…
baba a great guru came to me i my dream and bless me. I never pray to him before i am amman devotees, finally he is my guru i have change a lot in my life i visit at least 5 days a week .i never thought of going to shiridi but he invite me in a short period and got his blessing, baba i will visit you whenever you invite me ,sai ram
om sairam…
ithink it should be a miracle ,iam a devotee of lord ganesha ,amman muruga ,a year before a student of mine presented babas statue as a gift . one day my servant took it out from the box because i kept him in pooja un rapped . after tha one day i went for an interview before going i just prayed to him that i should be successful ,again,really to my surprise his temple was at th back of the place i went for job ,my father who dont go for temples said that we will visit the temple and go for the placewhere we wanted to go really my purpose was success ,from that day many miracles are happeningand iam thinking of him alone and iam eager to know about himand every thing is happening around my life as miracles …….really i should thank the girl who presented me the statue
My mother in law went to shirdi and bought me Sai sathcharitha . I started reading it. After reading I felt lot of Sai blessings n my life. Til this day baba has blessed me nd my family nd I’m sure n future too baba will always b wit us. Baba has blessed me wit great job, great life nd waiting for his blessing to get a child nd I’m v.sure that too will happen soon wit Sai baba’s blessing. Thanks for everything baba. U r really great. I’m proud happy nd blessed to b a devotee.
Baba I want to visit ur temple often , here thr s no baba temple, so baba pls bless my husband transfer to a place , where V both can visit ur temple. Thanks baba
I used to go to saimandir when I was 4yearsit is not actually saimandir it was a room where baba photo was there. Every Thursday there used to be bhajans. After 40 years there was a no Saibaba contact. When I lost my house due to friends treachery I suddenly remembered shirdibaba. I fought 8 yrs in court I won the case. From that day onwards Saibaba is there in every walk of my life.baba you bless my children also and let them be under your protection. Sairam saishyam.
simple sai baba is great those who believe he will be with you
So far I am not a hardcore devotee of baba! I occasionally visit his temple and somewhere in my heart pray him…Though I trying to explore how to start developing the faith in him,I am going through a very bad phase in life and may be the reason I am trying to develop more faith in baba…suggest how to develop more faith
Om Sai Ram,
First I thank you for making my dream happen, that is to tell someone how I got in touch with Baba or how Sai Baba took he to his fold.
Say some 7years back one of my friend too me to a temple in Bangalore on an evening, I was there only believing something good will happen by going to temple and I didn’t had much thought about it.
After that I don’t even got a chance to speak or hear or do anything related to it.
I was leading a normal life with and I came across a bad phrase in life, which gave me a relief and I got a job in a concern which is name of “Sai Baba”, even at that I didn’t realize I am in the kingdom of my beloved father Sai Baba, I was leading a normal life struggling and fighting with life by believing in God. When I was in a situation where I couldn’t continue with the life anyway and finding a solution one of my colleague told me about Sai Baba and it was Baba who pulled me towards him . Here I would like to point out and stress , when I met Baba for the first time he gave me an assurance how he is holding, I don’t know the right worst to say that, so I am using a link to show how Baba is holding me,He just said he is holding me and even I wanted to leave i cannot ,
I swear this should be remembered by anyone as this is the route cause of full surrender to Baba, But I foget then and there I get into this “Maya” world often, but some or other he keeps pulling me towards him and now after writing this I wish and I determine myself not to forget he is only holding me often to complete this life in a meaningful manner and I wish and plead Sai Baba that I should not even think of forgetting for a moment and I swear Sai Baba will not let such situations happen.To be frank I think I am not such a great literate and disciplined man to speak or narrate about Sai Baba or my experience about Sai baba.
Now I realize Sai Baba started working for me even before I started knowing about Sai Baba.
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram,
First I thank you for making my dream happen, that is to tell someone how I got in touch with Baba or how Sai Baba took he to his fold.
Say some 7years back one of my friend too me to a temple in Bangalore on an evening, I was there only believing something good will happen by going to temple and I didn’t had much thought about it.
After that I don’t even got a chance to speak or hear or do anything related to it.
I was leading a normal life with and I came across a bad phrase in life, which gave me a relief and I got a job in a concern which is name of “Sai Baba”, even at that I didn’t realize I am in the kingdom of my beloved father Sai Baba, I was leading a normal life struggling and fighting with life by believing in God. When I was in a situation where I couldn’t continue with the life anyway and finding a solution one of my colleague told me about Sai Baba and it was Baba who pulled me towards him . Here I would like to point out and stress , when I met Baba for the first time he gave me an assurance how he is holding, I don’t know the right worst to say that, so I am using a link to show how Baba is holding me,He just said he is holding me and even I wanted to leave i cannot.
I swear this should be remembered by anyone as this is the route cause of full surrender to Baba, But I foget then and there I get into this “Maya” world often, but some or other he keeps pulling me towards him and now after writing this I wish and I determine myself not to forget he is only holding me often to complete this life in a meaningful manner and I wish and plead Sai Baba that I should not even think of forgetting for a moment and I swear Sai Baba will not let such situations happen.To be frank I think I am not such a great literate and disciplined man to speak or narrate about Sai Baba or my experience about Sai baba.
Now I realize Sai Baba started working for me even before I started knowing about Sai Baba.
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Jay sai ram. …I wish to visit sridhi sai temple at nasik ..plz baba call me soon …plz baba have ur darshan ….help me to go to ur place ….call me sai baba
I got. Close to saibaba in 2008 .omsairam
Hello Sai Baba Devotees,
It’s really a miracle I was pulled by “HIM” via my father. Really I love SAI BABA very much madly. Baba plse help me to control my alcohol drink. Plse SAI BABA it’s giving lot of trouble in my family.I am trying but automatically I am going that side when money having with me.PLse do something BABA..
Really you helping me that I feel very much. MY THOUGHT STILL YOU ARE LIVE & YOU WILL LIVE UNTIL THE EARTH WILL LIVE..
I came to Sai Baba in 2013, when I was suffering much. Since then, Baba has granted me peace of mind and heart. I am amazed that Sai Baba would find me, call me, as I am a horrible sinner. I am so grateful for all of his grace and his blessings. Thanks to all the other devotees as well, who inspire me.
I was under lot of problems with always quarrel in my life with husband, mother in law & family in total..My life was full of quarrel & problems…..! I asked one of my friend what I should do for my peace…..
Then she replied you pray Sai Baba with full devotion & surrender to him…
I brought the photo of my Sai & started praying him with full devotion frm my heart & mind…I surrendered to him completely.I did pooja to that photo every Thursday..From that day problems solved little one by one …
I m following it till now …I m breathing my life bcoz of Baba..
My baby was 1 year when I started Sai Pooja now she ‘s 3rd standard & Baba has changed my behaviour to large extent & no quarrel no arguments nothing… as I speak v.less with my in laws etc .
Baba has changed my life & protecting me all these years…
love you Baba Sai you are my heart & soul….OM SAI RAM, OM SAI RAM