Sairam friends,
Today, I went to Shirdi Saibaba temple in the last minute. My friend asked me to wipe off the Udi from Dhuni tank. I did that after long time. The iron rod scratched my skin and some blood was out. I consider this as Sai’s gift. Before 5-6 years, I regularly has such gifts from Saibaba but now a days missing it as I am not serving him as before. Now, my friends are taking care of Dhuni. I am really worried about their health as its too hot. I ask them to apply coconut oil in their foot as it reduces the heat but they never listen. At times, they don’t like me telling this as they believe Sai will take care of them.
I took the bus from temple, got down in my place and was walking in the road. What happened next was shocking. I wanted to write about this incident but I won’t. I better say it to few of my friends and not write in StarSai. It just shocked. Totally shocked looking at a school going girl behaving like this. I can’t control and shouted at her as she was using bad words to Men who were trying to help her. I moved on immediately as I don’t want to bother these strangers. After I reached home, I wanted to write an article about the whole episode.
Later, I realized, I don’t wanted to write bad about any girl irrespective of how good or bad she is in StarSai.
I just wish to convey this message to people who speak about Women Empowerment.
Men basically try to help Women. At least in public places when something happens to a women, especially young girls, they run to help. Some Men gather as group and try to help. I have seen this in Tamilnadu and also when I was in Mumbai. Today, I realized how some young girls ruin their life by getting into bad relationship. I agree, Men spoil them but they must use their common sense and choose what’s right and wrong in their life.
I was totally disappointed looking at this girl and the whole episode. I even got scared as I stood there and watched all that happened.
Many girls write me about their relationship issues. All I have is a simple advice. If the guy involved has some bad habits, if he is giving you pains and making you get into bad habits better quit him no matter how much you love him.
Its better to be alone remembering Sai rather than being in a bad relationship.
Please do not play with your life by getting to habits like smoking and drinking. In relationship, you might be hurt, cheated or faced worse possible pain. But that must never change you. You must be the same good girl/boy as you always were. Keep yourself occupied with something good.
My brother in law used to tell me that even loving one person too much is a bad thing. If someone you love doesn’t treat you well, move on and change your life for good. Never depend on anyone and take decision with clear mind.
Its always better to be lonely than to have friends and relationship which only gives you pain and takes you in a wrong path in life.
Here’s today’s Shirdi Saibaba’s nature collection…

It’s better to be lonely. Even when many are around you, you can mentally be lonely and remember Sai deeply in your heart
Its 1.20 at night in India. So many read StarSai but none knew how I feel when I see girls and guys getting ruined. Its something very personal to me because I want to create a peaceful world. I feel bad for shouting at that girl in bad words. Do I use bad words? Yes. I do. I get angry if I see something wrong is happening. I can’t justify my anger is right. Its basically a fear in me which makes me avoid writing the whole incident. The fear that this girl who is involved might come to know someone wrote bad about her. May be she’s a good girl in the wrong relationship and it went to extreme. We can’t judge people based on the way they behave when they are pained. All the bad words I used made her finally shut up as the Men around her were trying to help her.
I want this girl to forget past and study well.I wish every one leads a good, peaceful life friends.
Being lonely doesn’t mean that you must go away from friends etc. Its just being calm and mentally occupying your own space remembering Sai. You can stand in a big crowd and still feel lonely. Have you experienced this. At times, its good to be like this than taking the wrong path in life.
I wish everyone goes in the right path. You don’t even have to be a Sai devotee. Just do all you can to make your parents happy.
Also, if you are pained that no one is with you, hold on….Please do not regret loneliness. Its better to be alone.
Sai is always with you.
Gradually, your good nature will attract good people to you.
Aum Sai Ram
Lets remember what hurts us hurts Baba too.God bless.
Moral decay of society has started long time back. This is one of the curses of technology advancement and complex thinking. Moral science is a subject taught in schools …..but no body cares to read it nor teach it with seriousness…when u insist on segregation of male and female students and dress code… u end up like a joker in society.