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I never ask anyone to follow Sai. Atleast make sure you follow an ancient saint

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

In 2004, I saw a strange pattern in most of the TV channels those days. They were promoting some fake saints and hence I was deeply hurt. Later in that year, I launched StarSai and wrote few words about Shirdi Sai Baba. From 2009, I started regularly sharing my experiences and my thought process in StarSai.

Over the years, I have seen Sai devotees who are going through various struggles in their life. Some even complain that Sai is not helping them. To be honest, I always have one answer to them.

“Atleast be satisfied that you have chosen Shirdi Sai Baba as your Guru”

This is because I am deeply hurt when ever I come across people going behind fake Gurus. They can do nothing to you than their sweet talks.

I can’t specifically say who are good Gurus. But there’s a list I have in mind. Having said that, I don’t know about few good saints. So its up to you to choose your guru.

A simple example is this.

Is your Guru just asking you to follow some books or sweet talks? They are just event organizers and good speakers. They can’t be a Guru.

A real Guru is the one who can live inside yourself like antaryami.

Ancient saints in India can handle each and every devotee individually. That’s why they never preach anything.

Secondly, a surprising fact is that, I only worship Shirdi Saibaba but all other good saints comes in my dream and vision. This shows how other saints love our Sai.

I have seen Yogiraj Surat Kumar in dream. I have seen Sri Ramakrishna in dream. Recently, I keep having vision of a saint my Mom used to say she has seen in Kanyakumari before almost 50 years.

This women saint is not popular but few people in Kanyakumari knows her very well.

Her name is Maayi and people call her MayiAmma.

She had her Jeeva Samadhi in 1992.

My Mom often used to tell me that Maayi has given her Kumkum when she visited Kanyakumari years back.

The featured photo is MAAYI – Women saint of Kanyakumari. People say she would have roamed leading a very simple life in Kanyakumari beach. Only such saints who don’t care about their own comfort should be accepted as Guru.

These days, I often see temple and saints from down south like Kanyakumari. I don’t know why.

Anyway, I am writing today because I am hurt whenever I see someone who are good hearted but they did not choose a good Guru.

Have these 3 rules

1.Never trust anyone who serves Sai. Directly worship Shirdi Saibaba.

2.Never trust any modern Gurus. They can’t help you at all.

3.Never listen to a crowd and follow someone. Ask yourself if you are in right path and decide what’s good for your life.

Sai blessings


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