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Wish there’s a Ganges which can wash away my desires and I must take on a journey to Shirdi

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

This morning, I had a dream and understood its meaning. Saibaba wants me to search within myself. The very reason I exist than asking if Sai “exists”.

I saw many dream and just remember the last part. It goes like this..

There’s something kept below the leg of the lorry driver. I see one of this guy I know in Saibaba temple in Coimbatore. He’s not a close friend but I saw him surprisingly last time when I had been to Shirdi.

In the dream, I see him near the Lorry driver. I jump inside the lorry along with him. He says “I am going to Shirdi”. I tell him “I shall also join you in Lorry to Shirdi”. He replies me saying “No. We are going to Chennai in Lorry and then catch a train from there to Shirdi.”

I woke up and wondered what Baba means by this dream. I believe, life is like a journey and there will be ups and downs but we must keep moving. Every single Sai devotee who goes to Shirdi has darshan of Sai with lots of desires in mind. I realized that Baba wants me to take a dip in Ganges that flow from his feet. This holy Ganges water that comes from Sai’s holy feet will wash away all my desires. The moment, I loose all my desires, I might find why I exist and how I can make my life meaningful. Easy to write article like this but I am not going to follow. After all, I am also a human being.

Its just an experience Sai gives me. Seems Baba wants me to act more matured in life.

I am happy that Sai atleast shows me dream that I will take on a journey to Shirdi. What’s so special about Shirdi. I told you, Shirdi has a fragrance of its own. I enjoy having a look at Samadhi of this saint of Shirdi. His bones are speaking about your welfare.

Deep in your heart, if there’s a desire, give it up right now.

Learn that Sai will change your life when you giveup all your desire and surrender to him with heart and soul



The featured photo of Lord Ganesha is contributed by Vicky. Ganesha in his home.

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