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Girls born in Moola Nakshatra can also survive in this Marriage Nation

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Moola Nakshatra is also a birth star like any other. For some reason, there’s a superstitious belief that girls born in Moola Nakshatra are unlucky. Hence, many traditional families deny a girl born in Moola Nakshatra. To be honest, I run StarSai from 2004.

Not getting married on time is a common issue for Men and Women born in all the stars. Just that, those who are born in Mool Nakshatra are specifically ignored because of their birth star.

This is humiliating and even good girls with good education and career find it hard to get a right soul mate.

Anyway, I will initially start this article with description of the day’s happenings and proceed to what girls and parents of girl born in Moola Nakshatra can do to lead a peaceful life until they get the right match.

You are going to find a good guy. Until then, Worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lalithambigai. Be positive and have patience.

One of our relative was sick and admitted in hospital. Irrespective of me requesting my parents not to take bus, they went by bus in the evening. So I made sure, I atleast take them back from Hospital in my car. On the way, some men in two wheeler hit my car on the left side. It was just a small scratch. I shouted at him for hitting the vehicle and casually riding away. I don’t know why I keep having such minor encounters on road.

Left side of my car is full of scratches..he he.I admire people who maintain their car shining and wonder how they do it? Sometimes, I avoid taking my Car and feel its better I go with my friends in their bike. The only problem is that I have to plead them to drop me in Saibaba temple. I also can reduce my carbon footprint. We have to keep this beautiful planet safe for thousands of years to come.

Both my Amma and Appa have become too sensitive and get tensed easily as they get old. I told my Mom to keep her mind calm and relaxed. May be, since she has pain, she is expressing it in a different way.

I took my parents to Saibaba temple and spent few minutes there.

A request for girls born in Moola Nakshatra to survive in the Marriage Nation

The articles I write in StarSai are based on small thought process which emerges in my mind or the dreams Sai shows me. While driving back home, I felt like writing an article for girls who find it hard to get married “On Time”. In India, there’s a time frame and age before which you must get married. Else, there are chances that you might loose your citizenship..he he…

  • Your relatives will speak ill of you and your family.
  • Even your good friends will comment on you.
  • You have to be careful in every single stuff you do in your life.

I have gone through all this but never bother these external forces to bother me and get married in hurry. I gave my heart and soul to Sai and he knows what to do with me.

Today, I don’t know why Sai made me think that I must write specifically for girls who are born in Moola Nakshatra. I believe, they call it Mool Nakshatra in Hindi. I don’t know any friends who have this Nakshatra. Usually, when ever Sai makes me get an idea for article, he wants to help few people living somewhere and facing similar problem. There are times when devotees write me saying “I felt like your words were a message from Sai for me”.

Secondly, I avoid relating any articles with Astrology since I want to stay away from this topic. But when I realize some stupid assumptions have ruined life of many Men and Women, I wanted to help them with this article.

So here’s my request for girls born in Moola Nakshatra or basically anyone who’s finding it hard to meet the right soulmate.

Rule No 1 – Don’t marry because people expect you must be married by this time. It’s your life.

I find it ridiculous when parents arrange marriage of their Daughter in hurry. Appreciate your concern. Most of the time, such marriages works well. For few people, it becomes a disaster. I receive so many mails from girls saying they married the wrong guy. So take control of your life. Have patience and don’t marry someone just because they say your horoscope matches or what ever. Patience honestly saves your life.

2. Beyond your horoscope, its the good deeds you do in this life which will bless you with a good husband.

Girls in Moola Nakshatra might get ignored by several good bride grooms since there are some foolish notion and assuption’s we have created unknowingly. Even if we take it for truth, one’s peaceful married life depends on how good they are as a person. I have seen girls belonging to very good family cheating guys and marrying someone else. I have seen girls who spoil reputation of innocent guys before they get married. These bad karma will chase them for lifetime. On the other hand, You might be ignored just because you are born in Mool Nakshatra but you would have never none anything bad to anyone.

Just try to use any opportunities you get to involvesd in little good deeds. This will make sure, you are blessed with a good husband.

3. Ask your parents to live in peace

The hardest part to do. Especially, if you are born in India. Your parents will either worry themselves or they will be made to feel bad by your relatives who’s only mission is to track your life and comment on it. You will certainly find someone who likes you and eventually get married. Your parents don’t have to worry so much and ruin their health. Ask them to hold on and relax for few more weeks or months. Yes you are getting old. Should you marry just because time is running out?

4. Focus on your Education and Career

When the whole Nation treats you as if you almost lost your citizenship since you are not married, you must focus on your education and Career. Its one life. Only one little life. Don’t get depressed. Sai hai na?

5. Be flexible when you like someone

This is something I don’t understand. When you face so many issues due to ill effect in your birth chart which is not your fault, is it right if you depend on Horoscope match or Astrology yourself. Think again and learn to ignore anything that has ruined peace of mind in your life. If you like a guy and find he matches your lifestyle, get married. Let him be from any Caste or Creed. Not all who marry in the same caste are living in peace. You marry in your own caste only to please your relatives.

I have seen several people who match well have not married only since they have issues in matching astrologically. Let me clarify this – If you have crossed lots of pains in your life, you have already gained enough wisdom to manage your life no matter what happens. When you can manage anyone and any situation, you don’t have to worry about match making.

Astrology must be used as a guidance but don’t live life based on the same. You must keep your mind flexible and take decision.

That’s it.

Let me give you an example.

  • There are girls who lost their husband after they have a baby.
  • There are girls who’s husband get seperated from them without even giving a formal divorce.
  • There are girls who manage their whole family when their husband doesn’t go for any job.
  • There are girls who meet with an accident or get sick and because of that their husband leaves them alone.

Din’t their horoscope match before getting married? So remember this basic principle –

If you feel someone is good enough and comes from a good family, for Gods sake go ahead and marry.

Don’t sit with your junk called Caste and Status. Most marriages in India fail since its done to please parents and relatives – not the girl.

If you believe in Sai, Saibaba will only do good to you and your family.

Marriage Nation

I call India as “Marriage Nation” because I know how painful it is for Men and Women to survive here when it takes too long for them to find the right match. I made a video about it and wrote in this article last year –

Sai…Sun Raha Hai Na Tu? Help me to survive in this “Marriage Nation”

Surviving as a Man too isn’t easy if you are not married. Trust me. I faced some issues at work last year. Thankfully, as Saibaba assured people who hurt me only had to regret for what they did. I shared those stories in below two articles.

Wrote in Feb 2017

Being a feminist in a Country where people ruin your reputation for being good to women

Wrote in April 2017

I have never spoken a word back to people who ruined my reputation

I must have decided not to write this article and lived my life. I feel sleepy now and would have slept off. Why should I write such articles just because Sai wants me to write? I am trying to do what ever I can to bring peace of mind for some girl somewhere in India.

This article is not just for girls who are born in Mool Nakshatra. Its for every Men and Women who have faced issues in their relationship due to caste and horoscope. Here’s a piece of advice.

If you keep remembering Sai and have a good heart, this is what Saibaba will do.

1. Even when you like someone and have been in relationship with a guy or a girl for years, if Sai thinks, they are not right for you, you will eventually face a breakup. So bear it and move on with your life.

2.If someone is not really good for you, Sai might help you even after engagement and make sure you don’t marry the wrong guy or girl.

3. If someone better is there for you but its gonna take too long for them to come in your life, Sai will make you wait.

So simply wait!

Have patience.

Ask your parents not to get tensed and worry too much.

Live life cheerfully.


Write to venkat

Marriage Nation Video

Note – When I write about Men, I get into their situation and write. When I write about girls, I get into a girls soul and write. My intention is to make you feel light. Reading this won’t change your life but it will help you believe in humanity. That someone cares for you.

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1 Comment

  • No wonder there is a saying aayiram poi solli Ori kalyanam was for the astrologers but now everybody see astro themself.arakoraya.Here the girls side is really honest.So sad.There are no such stars in other religions.God bless.

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