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Give to Guru


Offering Guru what ever we enjoy is a blessing in itself. There are several occasions when we forget our Guru Shirdi Sai Baba during our good times. Even when we have delicious food, Sai requested us to have a habit of offering it to him first especially since it will lead to satisfaction of sharing and non-attachment. The more you think about Guru before you enjoy sense objects, the better you can decide between enjoying it or letting it go. Giving to Guru doesn’t mean contributing money but offering everything you posses first in the holy feet of Sai Baba.

Once a devotee brings Mangoes to Saibaba. He was hungry but never even tasted the Mangoes especially since he wanted to first offer them to Sai. When he reached Shirdi and offered these Mangoes in Dwarakamai, Sai openly told everyone how precious and worthy are these Mangoes as the particular devotee controlled his hunger and came all the way to first offer him.

When you realize the value of giving to Guru, your mind looses its interest in materialistic life. You will become more free and happy.

Aum Sai Ram


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