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Devotees Experiences

Giving up having rice to be blessed with good married life

Sairam friends,

There are many devotees who give up having their favorite food to please God and Saints to answer their prayer.  Sai doesn’t ask anyone to do such sacrifices but Saibaba appreciates determination and immense faith on him.

I received this experience from a Sai devotee Jayashree.

Om Sairam.

I feel we are all blessed to be our Sai’s devotees. May all the glories go to our Holy Guru Sai. I had given up the eating of rice and dishes made with rice for almost 8 months and then I got an alliance and got married at the age of 34 years.

Despite all the ups and downs we are still married by Sai’s Grace for the past 9 years. Every time I feel low or depressed I pray to Sai and drink the water that keep for our Sai.
I don’t know from where I will get my energy but I will be able to complete whatever task I want to accomplish.

Whenever I read the answers through Starsai at different times it will somehow suit my situation. Everything is Sai’s Wish. He Creates He Protects and He Destroys.

Om Sai Jai Jai Sai namo namaha. Om Sairam

Jayashree Shivakumar

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  • I also belive sai baba with us sai baba listen to us sai baba feel our problems and sort out like a father when we have any problem he is always with us every devoti Whenever I read the answers through Starsai at different times it will somehow suit my situation. Everything is Sai’s Wish. He Creates He Protects and He Destroys.
    Om Sai Jai Jai Sai namo namaha. Om Sairam

  • I also belive sai baba with us sai baba listen to us sai baba feel our problems and sort out like a father when we have any problem he is always with us . i love sai baba
    Om Sai Jai Jai Sai namo namaha. Om Sairam

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