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Everyone experiences glass ceiling in their Career. You should learn to endure with hope

Career Growth quotes
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

A few Sai devotees write to me about experiencing glass ceiling in their Career. Apart from inability to grow ahead, some professionals also faces other issues just because they are vulnerable. Some issues are related to existing pathetic culture in an organization.

As there are Sai devotees who tell me about their problem, there are few guys in office who speak to me when ever they are upset. A month back, one of this guy came to me during evening and requested that he wanted to talk to me. He said that he wanted to resign and leave the company.He’s just starting his Career and so I asked him what happened?

He told me that a Women manager keeps on handling him harshly and that day, She had said She would beat him. He immidiately came to me saying he wants to resign. I told him that most Managers in this organization have grown just because they were here right from the day they laid foundation of this building. I added, he must not expect professionalism from these managers who don’t know what is Corporate culture and how to handle resources?

I told him to let his manager know he’s not comfortable when She uses such obusive words but never resign from job. Any decision taken to feed our ego doesn’t really helps us build a better Career. I adviced him to see things positively and cope up just for another one year. Meanwhile, he might find a better opportunity and resign at the right time when his Career would have a continous flow.

I have written several articles on Women empowerment but these are for girls who need growth in their life and Career.

There are several women who are already in a good status, they enjoy authority but doesn’t know how to use their position to help others grow.

I asked this guy to learn something and keep enhancing his skills which would help him choose a better place to work in future.

Having said that, on several occasions, Sai has shown dream when ever someone at work is facing a problem.

In 2013, I saw a guy is really struggling in dream. Today, he’s in a much better position.

Dream of this girl as if She’s doing well at work

Almost for the past 2-3 month, I never saw this girl at work in dream. I was even looking for an analytics tool to make a graph on when I had several dreams about her in 2016 and 2017 and when it got reduced. Yesturday, when I had been to temple, I asked Sai if I can quit thinking about this girl as I never saw her in dream for past few month?

Surprisingly, this morning, I had a strange dream.

It was like many Managers are in the training room. I see myself in one side. I also see this girl and her friend. I found one of this guy is calling by her name and asking for her opinion regarding something. I don’t hear what She replies though. Her friend was sitting besides her and din’t talk. Again, some other senior lead asks for her opinion.

Meanwhile, I was frustrated on everyone because the past few month, I have been requesting a few to help me make video profile of each product and solution. None of them would come to talk on their product if I am going to record it. So I am explaining everyone that times are changing and the traditional methodolgy of Marketing and Sales can’t help for long.

That’s it.

The dream got over. To be positive, It was like Sai showing me this girl is growing ahead in her career and She has a good future as people ask for her opinion. May be, She could be a Project Manager in future though that was not shown in the dream.

But what will I understand from such a dream Sai? When ever I see this girl in dream, I won’t hear her speaking. How long can I watch this silent film to interpret what Sai wants to convey? I am making up meaning based on my little understanding.

The guy asking for her opinion behaves really strange to me for the past 3-4 years. Actually, I made a Short film back in 2014 and got few awards during an internal event. His team also made a short film. From then on, when ever he looks at me, he behaves strange. I wonder if he thinks I grabbed the Oscar he deserves. Its afterall something we did for fun. But I respect him for he just minds his work.

Its hard to learn when you have other responsibilities in life

One of the reason managers at my workplace don’t know to handle millennial resources is because they never grew with knowledge. They went ahead in the ladder with experience handling projects. Further, they don’t know how other organizations have taken initiatives to make employees feel at home. Recently, they had arranged workshop for helping managers get through Project Management professional certification. When ever these classes are happening, I used to make fun to my friends saying

“Will these uncles and aunties pass PMP? Its not your average Joe exam to attend few workshops and get through”

The point is, you must learn as you grow in your Career. Mere growth by luck and circumstances for many years and suddenly focussing on gaining knowledge doesn’t motivate them as they already have luxury of being a Manager.

One of my friend took up an international exam on Information Security. I also attended the course but din’t choose to do exam. This guy and all others in that batch paid over 40,000 Rs for the exam and failed. Again in 2016, he attened the exam and passed successfuly.

I always proudly mention this guy’s effort and how much he worked hard to get this certification.

They gathered in a batchmate’s house every Sunday to prepare for the exam and did it well. I don’t think these Uncles and Aunties with kids have such dedication to prepare for exams.

I told some of my friends that they must use this opportunity to do PMP themselves and get through. Infact, since Sai showed this girl in dream today, she and her friends too must consider preparing for PMP as I believe they will do much better.

Something strange I have noticed in India is this.

Most of the girls and guys opt for a Career as it comes to them. There are so many ways to enhance one’s skill but it depends on their effort and decision to spend time and money for knowledge.

The reason I speak about continuous learning is because I lost my life accepting an ordinary job. So if you are just starting your Career, be exceptionally creative in structuring it to get ahead in life.

It’s not that I tease people who don’t learn. I also appreciate people who work hard to gain knowledge and prove their dedication. Simply enjoying comfort without knowledge will ruin the organization.

One take away you could expect from this article is this.

Use your time to learn and invest in it. You will certainly be benefitted.

Its not enough if you learn.One must also be smart to expose their skills and gain the right opportunity.

There’s this security in Saibaba temple. His Son had been to Germany for his Masters. His Father has taken loan keeping the house for mortgage for his Son’s education abroad. Now, that guy is doing a low paying job as a lecturer in College. His Dad works as security to pay back the loan. I have seen people growing because of their education and also some who never grow irrespective of how skillful they are.

So basically it depends on your constant effort to grow ahead in your life.

Irrespective of how hard you work, you might have to face glass ceiling in your Career. You won’t grow for  a long period of time. This must not make you regret for how the world works. You simply have to endure with hope. If you are really skillful, none can dump for long.

I would have choosen to write articles on Saibaba temples and Pooja but practically, Sai devotion or devotion on God alone can’t help you in life. You must have some qualities for Sai to help you.

Example – Endurance is a good quality. Its the ability of having patience when everyone dumbs you down. You must analyze what’s really good for your future and take the right decision. Never hurry to quit job. Never get indulged in office politics.

Recently, I realized people will speak ill of you because its not about you. Its about them. That’s their culture. 

Today’s dream about this girl also had another part which I can’t write publicly. Basically, I work in a place where culturally its hard to get the going smoothly. You will get into problems even if you say something casually. So one must think twice before they speakup. I can only pray Sai to keep this girl safe and happy as She is always. Anyway, It was a positive dream. So everything is going to be fine.

I just don’t gain anything from these dreams. If I asked Sai tell me why you showed this girl in dream, he’s telling me about how the girl is doing at work. What will I understand from this? So I decided to make it generic and write for everyone following StarSai.

Lets hope all who read this experiences growth in their Career.

Be calm when the going gets tough.

Gradually, you will find good opportunities in your life.

Sai blessings,


Edit – I went to Anuvaavi Subramanian temple situated on the other side of the Marudhamalai hill. I love this Temple so much and had past memories. I am not satisfied with this dream as it din’t answer my question as in why should Sai should show this girl in dream? Sai knows how guilty I feel all these days and hence Sai must give me a clarity. As I get old, I am trying to be very careful in what ever I speak and do. I am not good in articulating what I wanted to Say. So its better I either don’t speak and speak only to people who understands me.

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