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Devotees Experiences

God is listening because Sai baba blessed us with a beautiful house

Hello Starsai…
I have been waiting for a long time, for a few of my prayers to be answered,,if you can include me in your prayers as well…I have written this blog…this is the best experience of my life so far..can you please post this for me…

When God Listens. …
He is listening at all times, we are just unaware and think .. that he isn’t .it takes time for us to believe and see, that it actually happens..

Prayers to buy a House :

My parents were settled in the US for almost 6 years, when they started looking for a house in April of 2008, we are a family of four., I was visiting my parents for the first time during that year
…we started with 2bedroom houses, it was a good time to buy a home as the prices of homes were low my parents were Old enough to own one now…
Initially when we started the search was slow, but then the desire to own a home of our own was kind of kindling in our head and heart and we were done staying in a rented accommodation.  My parents filed the bid for many houses , one after the other. Sometimes more, sometimes less than the quoted price. But tough luck…They would go to open
houses, short sale and did almost everything possible to buy a house…but I guess the time was not right…
I was by this time back in India, working, leading my life, I would be online with my sister, checking all the houses that they were interested in and believe me, by now it was already October and we were nowhere close to buying a home.

Believing Shirdi Saibaba will give a house i loved:

My parents had faced disappointment too many times already. Anyway in the month of
December, my Sister and I really liked a house, and my father also placed a bid for it..and for the first time I wrote in my prayer book ….

Thanks for giving this house to us and (wrote the address of the house and also the date 15th December 2008) and as usual  we didn’t get the house..

From January 2009 to March 2009, they filled up another 8 to 10 homes, each time their frustration rising , but they carried on relentlessly. In march we were close to buying one and almost paid the initial amount, when the owner’s last minute bait and switch, let us down..
My Sister and Parents by now, had stopped telling me about the developments regarding the house, each time mounting frustration and hopes crashing down and what seemed so simple for the world, was like the the most difficult thing for us to achieve. It was the fag end of
April by now we had filled up a total of 20 or more houses in the last
one year and the result was just the same..
One day after, I had finished talking to my Sister she thought she hung up and I could actually hear her and my mom talking about some auction, though didn’t understand much of it and hung up…The next morning, I visited sai baba’s(Shirdi) temple, which was a regular
ritual for me, my prayers in that book are too baba as well .


Sometimes we fight to sai ! Give me my beautiful house baba !

In the temple, I had my fighting session with baba, where I told him that he had been unjust and unkind and not once did I feel guilty for what I said. I drove back home and slept, as it was a Sunday, only to be woken up to a Call by my Dad and he said….

” We have bought a house”

after a week of hardwork I was in deep slumber, I was having difficulty identifying the difference between  a dream and reality and then to hear it again ” We have bought a house” . I knew about all the houses that they were interested in, his next statement was something
that shook me beyond belief he said remember, we had filed this house twice before and we didn’t get it, I filed for this house in December and January,

I jumped out of the bed and reached for my Prayer book and read the address of the house, that I had thanked baba on the 15th of December 2008 and it was that very house, we got this house in an auction $75000 cheaper, than what it was in December, thanks to my uncle also, who was our realtor, he was god sent for us….

Shirdi Sai baba fulfills your desire little later when you least expected it :

I actually understood the meaning of these two words faith(shradha) and patience(saburi), easy to preach and difficult to follow, all this is beyond a miracle. This house is bigger than what we ever thought, that we could own, it still seems like a dream, since then, this is
just one of the many miracles or prayers that have been answered, telling me, that he is listening all the time and I can’t ever thank him enough for this one…

Love you loads baba.


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