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Saibaba Books

The God in Marble Statue is called Saibaba

Chapter 3

The God in Marble Statue is called Saibaba

All through my childhood i have prayed Lord Murugan as he’s Known as God of Tamils. It was sometime in 1993 when my friend Kanna’s Father Rajaram uncle took us to a saibaba temple . I had very little memory of that day. It was just a year since we settled in coimbatore and this uncle was telling about a temple which has a Statue of Saibaba in Marble.

A Saint So pure that he is made of White Marble :

Today all tamilians are aware of these white Marble statues as many saibaba temples are built in south . Years back most of the south indians has seen God and Goddess only in Dark Granite Stone.Even the ancient kings and sculptures who constructed big temples across tamilnadu has created Gods Statues only in Granite. I was eager to see this Saint so pure that hes made of Marble.

The day when Saibaba pulled a Sparrow called Venkat to him :

Rajaram uncle,Venkat and Kanna are the sparrows called by Saibaba . I wonder how many births i have been related to my sweet sai but in this birth i know him and saw him close on that beautiful evening in 1993 when i was 14 years old.

To me it was just another temple where if i pray God, God will give me success in exams and Lots of Money. I knew nothing much about Sai nor there were anyone who told me about his life.

Todays generation has much more than me. Today all saibaba temples has shops which sells the book about life of Saibaba written by Hamadpant – Sri Sai satcharitra , hundreds of sai websites offer information about Saibaba but 16 years back it was only my personal faith which made me love Saibaba .

A Humble prayer with demands :

I dint know about sai leela, I dint know what are miracles.There was no one to teach me saibaba’s life and his greatness. All i believed was this saint Sai Baba is powerful. I never knew saibaba is living in my own heart as a antaryami. I thought saibaba as a saint seperate from me and demanded him for all that i want with humble prayers.

Ha ha..It was humble prayer with demands.

Baba, bless me to pass in exams :

What else a boy in 9th grade would have prayed for ? The indian education system has helped me realize God alone can help me pass my exams and here comes a Saint to help me. The temple Rajaram uncle took me first is the Nagasai Mandhir in coimbatore. Those are not the days when one will be curious to know why its called Nagasai mandhir

A candle for 50 paisa was my regular offering to NagaSai :

When ever i go into the temple which introduced shirdi saibaba to me, i ask the shop keeper . “Anna oru candle kudunga” and keep 50 paisa.

The usual answer from the man who still runs the shop will be “Eduthuko kannu”.

“Take it dear” . ( He wants to show he trusts me that i wont take more than one candle )

Very few people used to come to Saibaba temple those days. I will light the candle with sincere prayers to saibaba that i must somehow pass my exams.

Yes i did pass my exams , my 10th grade and then my higher secondary. When i was doing my graduation in Visual communication i continued to come to this Saibaba temple every thursday. Today Nagasai mandhir is crowded with thousands of devotees on thursdays. In 1993 -99 all i have seen was little less than 200 devotees . The prasad they give will be tasty and it is even today.

Distributing Coconut bun to people who take alms on the day i started earning :

It was 1999 september when i got my first assignment in photography in chennai. I was paid 500 rupees. I called my mother and asked her to distribute Sweet Coconut bun to the people who sit out side Nagasai mandhir and my mom did that. Theres a reason i want to share this to you friends.

I was not at all successful in my career, i faced failures as i was into filmmaking . I was hurt, insulted and finally came back to coimbatore in 2003 leaving all my dreams to be a filmmaker . In 2004 some divine thoughts in me and inspiration of saibaba made me create which today gives me a meaning to live. Through i have been able to write all that i believe will help sai devotees making it a shirdi saibaba temple of Humanity.

To sai devotees who write me asking why saibaba has never helped them this is my answer. My life itself is the answer. Had i got success in my career from 1999 to 2009, I would have not got the gift of creating StarSai which is going to serve Sai Children for a life time. This i know is the plan sai has for me.

There are sai devotees who write me like this

“I have suffered for years and decided to live in shirdi. Is there a ashram any where ? “

Trust me there are ashrams every where but is that what saibaba wants you to do ?. Staying in Shirdi or Ashrams is not at all what sai wants from you. What Saibaba wants from you is to remain in your same life with complete faith that saibaba surely will protect you. So hold on friend.

When what you ask from Sai is not got , it means Sai is giving you what he wants to. His treasure of wisdom. Your devotion has impressed him so much that he keeps you one step ahead of devotees who are adamant that saibaba has to do what they asked for.

I shall pray Sainath , the god who lives in us to bless you with proper guidance.

Now lets see the beautiful Story of Lala Lakshmichandin 1910

Lala Lakshmichands dream of a Old man with beard surrounded by devotees :

I would like to describe one of the sparrow who was pulled to Shirdi through a dream during saibaba’s life time in shirdi. Lala Lakshmichand was working in Shri Venkateswara press in mumbai.

In 1910, Lakshmichand had a dream as if a old man is standing and he is surrounded by lots of devotees. Lakshmichand was curious to know who this old man in dream might be. He had no cue.

Few days later , his friend Dattatreya Manjunath who was a Sai devotee arranged kirtan of Das Ganu Maharaj. Lakshmichand found a portrait of Old man who’s features tallied with that of the dream he had. Since Das Ganu maharaj dedicated his life for spreading the greatness of Sai Baba by doing kirtans all over maharastra and Bombay presidency , He used to keep a portrait of Saibaba in the place where he does kirtan.

Though Das Ganu’s kirtan will be about Ramayan, Saints etc, his mission was to spread the fame of Das Ganu . Today we know about Saibaba because of Das Ganu maharaj and Narasimha swamiji.

Anyway, Lala Lakshmichand learnt that the old man in portrait is a great saint Sai Baba who lives in Shirdi. Das Ganu was doing kirtan about life of Saint Tukaram and combined with the sight of Saibaba’s picture made a impression in Lakshmichand who decided to go to Shirdi.

God helps when you are in search of SadGuru :

Like how Saibaba made Rajaram uncle take me to Nagasai mandhir in coimbatore, Saibaba has his own way of pulling good souls to him , each in a different way.

Surprisingly the same night Lakshmichand was asked by his friend Sankarrao if hes willing join him to go Shirdi and take Saibaba’s Darshan. Lakshmichand was over joyed and at once they started their journey.

Bhajans in train and Doubt in mind :

Lala Lakshmichand borrowed 15 Rupees from his cousin for his expenses and started in train. They did wonderful bhajans in praise of Gods remembering the greatness of Saibaba. At the same they are after all humans. They had some doubts about saibaba, if he really is a great saint and if they have taken right decision to have Saibaba’s darshan.

The passengers in the train assured that Sai Baba of shirdi is a great Mahan and satisfied them.

The Character i love the most in Sai Satcharitra :

When Lakshmichand reached Kopergoan , he wanted to get some Guava fruits as an offering to Sai Baba. His mind was filled with the beauty of scenic village and forgot to buy them. They took a Tonga to shirdi when Lakshmichand remembered his wish to offer Guava fruits. The moment this thought emerged in him, he saw a Old women selling Guava fruits . They bought some fruits from the old women . When the women learnt they are going to have darshan of Sai Baba, she said

“Take rest of the Guavas and offer them on my behalf to Sai Baba”

Lakshmichand took loads of Guava fruits and reached Shirdi.

Friends, i love this Old Women’s devotion on Sai Baba. Though we never know about this old lady and about her experiences with Sai, we can feel her deep faith on sainath. Today millions of devotees come to Shirdi, Build Sai Baba temples and proudly say i have done this and that . What Sai Baba looks is not your offering . Its in the love and true devotion behind this offering which actually goes to Sai’s Eye.

The Old women has to work all day to earn her living Guava fruits but the moment she hears Lakshmichand is going to shirdi , She offered rest of the fruits to be offered to Sai. I really love this incident.

A Simple Leela of Saibaba :

Recently in november 2009, when i had been to Palani Hills to worship lord Murugan , My mother asked me to donate food to poor. It was already evening, so i was walking in the road looking for someone to give packet of Biscuts.

I saw 2 old women selling guava fruits and remembered the incident from Sai Satcharitra. I asked her to give me just 2 Guava fruits for 10 rupees. She said why 2 , i will give you 5 and gave all the guava fruits she had. I then gave her the biscut packets. I came to Nagasai Mandhir and offered all the Guava fruits in the holy Dhuni of Saibaba.

Lakshmichand reaches Shirdi :

Oh friend did i took you away from where we started. We are now going in the Tonga with Lakshmichand and its 1910. Lakshmichand and his friends were very much pleased about their experiences. They saluted the flags above Dwarakamai , took Pooja tali in hand and went inside the Masjid.

They worshiped Saibaba happily . Lakshmichand was moved with devotion , fell under saibaba’s feet and Saibaba spoke

“Cunning fellow he does bhajan on the way and enquires from others , Why ask others ? Everything we should see with out own eyes. Where is the necessity to question others ? Just think for yourself whether your dream is true or not ? Where was the necessity of the darshan by taking a loan from marwari ? Is the hearts desire now satisfied ? ”

Oh my God. Can you imagine if you doubt Sai Baba and went for his darshan and face the same words as above. Lakshmichand was in the same embarrassing situation. He was also wonderstruck at SaiBaba’s omniscience . He never knew how can saibaba know all that happened miles away from him.

Lakshmichand lived in shirdi few more days and became a staunch devotee of Sai Baba.

Can Sparrows have doubt :

I humbly request this to all sai children around the world who are in pain . You dint came to Sai Baba with your own will and wish. It is Sai who pulled you to him. You are his Sparrow and like Lakshmichand Saibaba loves you also. Sai is not living now to directly question your doubts on him. Hence i write this. Please never ever Doubt Sai Baba. Even in the worst situation be true to Sai Baba and Sai Baba will hold your arms , raise you and bless you with peace.

Friend. Hope you loved this chapter about how Sai Baba pulls a devotee to him . Now imagine how you first came to know about Shirdi Sai Baba, imagine you were living during Sai Baba’s time in 1910 and going in a Tonga to Shirdi.

You are entering Dwarakamai now.

Don’t forget to tell Baba about the devotion of the Poor old women who offered all the Guava fruits for him.

Sai, I have tears in my eyes when i imagine myself under your feets.

Om Sri Sainathaya namaha

Next Chapter

Chapter 4 – Sabka Maalik Ek

Contents page – Shirdi Sai Baba Book of Love

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