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Sai Baba Articles

Goddess Mahalakshmi really living in website i created ?

Sairam friends

This article was written as soon as I wake up after a dream in the evening of 11:10:2009 when I worried that I don’t have enough money to maintain the websites I created all these years.

We think the goddess and god live in photos and statues of the sacred temple. Here is a surprise and a Mahalakshmi Leela I experienced today.

Mahalakshmi who conveyed in dream that shes really living in

Mahalakshmi who conveyed in a dream that shes really living in

Inability to arrange money to pay web hosting fees for our divine websites :

By this 14:10:2009 i have to pay hosting fees to maintain divine websites. I need 30 $ more to be arranged and was worried about it. I told my friend kanna that i will give back in cash someday and ask him to send me through when i am about to pay hosting fee.

I was confident that somehow i can pay hosting fee but there was a problem. will expire on 15th…i tried to renew all domains which were about to expire in the past months.

Somehow I felt Mahalakshmi itself not showing her grace on me and am suffering without a job , So its ok if I don’t renew . has to be renewed by 30 days. It was really a burden for me and I was pained why am in this situation not even having money to safeguard the websites i made.

I was deeply pained asking Saibaba why i am suffering like this and asked him to show a way. This afternoon i slept keeping sai satcharitra in my palm.

I got a dream as described:

in the dream …

Some of our relatives has come to our house and they do a phone call to another relative. The conversation was “do u know our mahalakshmi did suicide. we have to console her parents” .

While i was still in dream i never thought about Goddess Mahalakshmi..It was as if a women named Mahalakshmi has committed suicide.

It sounds like the relatives has come to Visit a ordinary women named Mahalakshmi’s parents n console them.

Woke up trying to understand the dream :

I got up and wondered what kind of dream is this. I looked at the mahalakshmi bronze statue that i gifted my mother during her birthday  and thought may  be i have to do abishekam for Mahalakmi statue and also do some mahalakshmi pooja like kumkum archana.

I opened sai satcharitra and it came to a page where saibaba asks a devotee if he remembers to offer food to him before having it. I told myself that am always keeping little food i eat in a small plate for sai , ganesha , mahalakshmi, saraswathi and dattatreya . Then why did i got this dream ?

suddenly a thought crossed my mind that

if i dont renew by 16:10:2009 then it will expire.

The dream suggests the presence of Mahalakshmi alive with her glorious blessings for devotees in

Shirdi Saibaba and Goddess Mahalakshmi are asking me not to be upset since i dont have money and somehow take it also as a responsibility and renew the domain name as soon as possible.

Its a matter of 10 $ . Am sure saibaba will help me safe guard all the websites i created in starsai holy feet network. Today i realized how much alive God and Goddess are really present in the websites i created for them with love and devotion.

I must say its not only for . Any spiritual website or book or Gods photo , statue has a life force . The life force and Gods presence is surprisingly present in divine website also because i did all the websites from 2004 with love and devotion on our Guru ,gods and goddess.

Mahalakshmi Leela in this dream made me realize how sweet the goddess must be if she reminds me to take responsibility and not to ignore her website just because she didn’t bless me with prosperity

I can’t stop shedding tears when I write to these friends. How can Mahalakshmi who gives aishwaryam to the entire universe ask me to save her? I am only a small instrument of Shirdi Saibaba who was inspired to create websites of Guru Saibaba and all gods and goddess I love.

All my websites are very small not so content-rich. The only thing I do is I make sure, the website inspires a devotee to have faith and devotion on the gods and goddess.

Pained by past experiences :

When I really don’t have money to renew domains and pay hosting fee some people come forward to help me and once someone asked why i trouble myself by having so many domains *( websites ) why not have only one so that I don’t have to worry every month for money to renew them.

At times I used to ask Saibaba why he gives me such a situation where i have to ask others and they give me such an idea.

Maybe my websites are small. Recently a famous website named published my Saibaba photos without permission. I immediately wrote to the editor to remove them because it’s all taken with hard work and my love for Shirdi Saibaba , gods n goddess and I won’t let a commercial website use them.

In fact, people used to hate me as I say the Saibaba photography I did is copyrighted etc. It’s not because I don’t want to share my works with others. Its because I don’t have a good career, no proper education.

I am a failure all my life and the only thing God has gifted me is my StarSai Family and what I do in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba and I treasure them more than my life.

Ma Mahalakshmi I bow to you and will keep you and your website safe for a life time. I was really irritated the past one week why the person who made a website for Goddess Mahalakshmi itself is not having m0ney to maintain the site. Matter of 10 dollars ~!#! ….

It’s easy to ask donations from others but at times we can’t.  It hurts when the goddess cannot show grace for me to earn my living and maintain the websites. So i thought I will let go and it’s ok if the website of Mahalakshmi expires.

Now I decided to safeguard them and I know Saibaba will help me.

Friends, the moral of the story is

The presence of Guru and God in once life can’t be estimated by how wealthy or healthy you are. God is present in every sacred work you do with great powers. Imagine if Mahalakshmi blesses me with a dream to say she wants to live meaning the website must not expire then it means shes really living in

Let us respect anyone who creates a website, writes a book, and spread the glory of Guru and GOD in the kaliyug because God is living.

Let Goddess Mahalakshmi life forever and bless us with good health, peace, and prosperity

Welcome to


11 :10 :2009

Sairam friends,

I add a comment after years… a few months back a sai devotee mailed me that she finds this post foolish and that i must understand any god lives in one’s heart and not on the website. I dint replied her but i felt express my feelings.

Of course entire starsai network only speaks about looking at Gods/Sai as Antaryami – The one who is seated in ourselves.   But I just said how Mahalakshmi made me remember that I have to renew the domain for next year on time and gave me enough money to do it.

Not only these friends, Few other domains which I made commercially with terms “Cow” were there. When it was about to expire, I had a dream as if

3 beautiful small cows in a village and they see me so affectionately. Someone asks me to give 5 rupees. So i offered 5 rs as Dakshina to Sainath after the dream.

We really can’t understand some dreams and may interpret wrongly too. Whatever i write in starsai comes as an innocent discovery of Love i have on Sai and All Gods… Maybe I am wrong too but do always believe that Sai lives in oneself. Deep in one’s heart.

Sometimes i imagine Goddess Mahalakshmi in my heart and do abishekam with milk to her in imagination and keep chanting sai Mahalakshmi , sai mahalakshmi,sai mahalakshmi .

Mahalakshmi lives in everyone who does good deeds.

Have you seen the two white elephants on both sides of Gaja Lakshmi form of Mahalakshmi?

The 2 elephants denote Good deeds and whoever does good, will immensely be blessed with wealth, care, and love like the water flowing from the trunk of both the holy elephants.


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About the author



  • Hi Venkat,
    Each and every word in your sai websites are spiritual.. Tons of thanks to you, Whenever i feel depress, l land to read your articles..some times tears comes in my eyes when i look at the photos… I am seeing love of god in the photos…. Also sent this web link to my friends… They laugh at me if i talk about spiritual.. although i send the link since when bad time hits their life, god alone can save. please don’t feel for the career…. You have learnt a lot from life, teaching others to overcome from difficulties… As a brother, I would like to have a kind request on you.. Please concentrate on your career as like spiritual activities.. Only if you earn money, you can do spiritual activities.. You should earn money to take care of your mother (Sai Lakshmi).


  • sairam Ramesh

    ya sure by sai grace i hope sai himself will show me the right path in my career…keep loving saibaba like this. surely your friends will come to sai path some day in their life.

    Om sainathaya namaha


  • Sairam venkat

    I was really feel much relax by reading all ur articles about Babaji… i really appreciated it very much!!!!! Thanks a lot for sharing all your views & great articles about Shirdi Sai Baba…

    Keep up ur great job… GOD bless u


  • sairam…

    sailakshmi always bless u venkat sir no need to wory if psbl pls read daily srisooktham ..


  • Om sai ram,
    I am a recent visitor of your site by baba\s grace and will, and started shradha saburi pooja by lighting 2 lamps. This has strengthened my faith and hope. Your generosity in praying to baba for all his devotees is a service not all will be doing. We as devotees say Loka samasthat sukino bhavanthu.But you are chosen by Baba himself to pray for all his devotees and also for those who dont know HIM and HIS presence. Please continue your service through this website.

    I take this opportunity to thank Baba for inspiring you to create this site that gives immense strength and hope and be blessed and also feel the presence of Sainath.

    My latest experience is immeasurable as it can only be felt. Om sai ram

  • om sai ram,

    Venkat, I dont know whether u remember or no but I had wsritten to u around 4 years back, about how sai baba vrat katha and ur website’s “how to overcome troubles” section did something sort of a miracle in my life. Since then every single day (except sat and sun) i start my day by opening and looking at baba’s pictures.

    Your writing style is amazingly simple but powerful. My sincere prayers that may God give u generously financially as he has blessed u spiritually so very well. U r doing a great service to mankind. Most likely people happen to be at this site during the times of great stress (unless they are being referred by a friend or family members) and believe me, this website does answer a lot of questions and shows the way to GIVE before we expect to receive.

    jai sai ram!!!!!
    June 5, 2010

  • hello friend my name is shatry. i like siababa but i think i am not loving him properly.its my mistake. but i alomost daily go to his temple.and about maha laxmi used to say her that(in childhod) i ndt need ur blessings .thinking that money is cheap but i dnt ahve any disrepect to he i used to do namaskaram to her. i realised the power of mahlaxmi when i am strugling to earn money. i used to get cheap jobbs of 800 rupees, 1500 rupees , 1800 rupees 2000 rupees, (but once i worked in exhibityion then i got 8000.) just few days back i realised thet it is the effect of what i used to say to mahalaxmi devi in my child hood and now i started praying her. all are free to coment on me

  • i am vwliever of baba my husband loss his job on october 26th till now he didn’t get we are in dubai how to get his blessing

  • Om Sai Ram
    sir i have gone through all the comments of sai devotees regarding Sai Baba’ blessings and his help to those who really remember him from the bottom of their heart. Even i also felt baba helped me many times when i asked him for help. I do believe in sai and thank him as he wants me to pray him because without his wish even we can not do so. I am saying this because when and me my friend Divya went to Shiradi we bought Sai Satcharitra as we wanted to buy some literature on Sai Baba but i didnt know the importance of Sai Satcharitra till that time. Even i read few chapters as a inquisitiveness but eventually left reading it regularly and now i feel it was baba’s wish. I kept Sai Satcharitra at my poojasthan and even didnt care to read it. But when my friend to whom i was very atteched and treated her as my daughter, left me because of some family pressure.And that was the time which was so depressing and critical for me to pass without her as my moral and mental support was not with me. I dont know how i started reading Sai Satchritra but i really cried alot while reading and started keeping it with me at the time of sleep. i know things didnt happen as we wanted it even when i prayed Sai to fullfill l it but i know Without Sai Help i could not have survived now. I know everybody has to pay according to their past action but i really feel Sai will definitely make that time short and easy to handle. Friends this is my first time to write something on baba so forgive my mistake if i have ever done.
    Jai Ganesh Jai Sai Ram

  • Hello Anna,
    Thanks for creating such a good website.Daily I do meditation by seeing sai baba picture.Also After reading about lakshmi pooja I’ve decided to perform as to overcome some problems.Hope Sai and Lakshmi Devi solve my problems and give us peaceful life…

    Om sai ram.


    I must thank you for THE BEST informations for Sai Devotees. I got answers for all my issues, BABA is always with us and directing us in a right way. Baba;s advises will reach his devotees by means of sai satcharita, Photos, Pictures or email.

    Let us pray Sai to give energy to sing his Arathi and his daily Dharsan for ever.


  • Om Sai Ram

    I love your website, I can’t remember how I can surf your website, may be Baba direct me to your website. I myself experience the greatness of Baba in my life. Baba is everything for me and I believe he is always with me. For those outhere Baba is the solution for all the problems and what we need to do is to surrender ourselves to his holy lotus feet, he will take care of us. He just need our true love and devotion.

  • dear venkat.
    i have to do something to my brother to release him from the habit of using liquers.
    I have to do without his knowledge,
    pl. guide me


  • om sai ram this website is really helpful to me.i really love your website

  • Om Sairam,

    Sai Baba has blessed my life and continues to bless me in every way. That is why I came across your website today in my search for answers to my questions and your simple but very devout way of writing what you experienced, touched my heart.

    In this heart Sai resides and will ever reside and even when I am away from the Sat Charita, He mercifully brings me back to HIm at the end of the day atleast before I got to bed to read about Him and His leelas at least once and everytime there is a new meaning for me in the great Sai Satcharita.

    My prayer is that may all troubled souls be blessed and may peace come into every life as it did into mine. For all that is required is “Shradda and Saburi”.

    Om Sairam!

  • I was sad I had an terrible agrument with my husband and thurs was the udayapan of my 9 weeks sai fast.Sai showed me mercy has guarded and guided me like my mother.I too in lots of debt but yes sai has always helped me from tomorrow I am to fast for vaibhav laxmi. I god to read your article by the grace of sai. my beloved baba.

  • i felt really depressed today, I was chanting sai baba madhyan aarti in TV, just after completing the chant, I really got so much of tears I felt like hugging saibaba’s statue, we have a very big saibaba photo at home, I bowed on the photo and cried loud, leaving all my worries to shirdi sai. Suddenly I remembered your website, I rushed to ur and read ur articles, it was so soothing , I felt as if saibaba is talking to me directly… After reading all these, I felt light hearted, and my mind is clear now..

    All the worries and burden have cast on Saibaba, whatever he does is for our good.
    Good job Venkatji, pls continue your good work and keep updating your website… Sai’s grace and blessings will always be with all of us..

  • Namaste Sir: Thank you for the Starsai website – I was looking for answers for the troubles I am going through. Though Baba has solved 99% of my problems.
    Sir I hope you are doing fine, kindly email to me
    Best Regards

  • Sai is always there!

    We just have to look with our heart filled with devotion towards Baba!

    Just remember that what Sai does right now, is the best thing for us to learn and overcome each and every aspect of life!

    Om Sai Ram……..

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