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Goddess Saraswathi blessings and inspiring people to read books

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

The dreams I get won’t always appear in deep sleeping state. At times, I would have woken up but I see a dream vision. Yesterday, I had a beautiful vision of Goddess Saraswathi. She was truly divine. It was a vivid dream in which I saw Goddess Saraswathi blessing me.

Co-incidently, I gave a book to one of this guy at work as he kept saying that I am de-motivating him for every little thing he says. So I requested him to read a book on Entrepreneurship. Others saw the book in his place at work and asked for a book for themselves. That’s when I realized a truth.

They say “Smile is Contagious” If you smile others smile too.


“Reading habit is contagious” 

If you make someone read, others who see him/her reading picks the habit of reading.

Something that India lacks is the culture of reading books. Very few percentage of Indian’s actually nurture reading habit. We are people who work. Doers but we do without enhancing our knowledge. We keep working hard. Think about the vast majority of students who stop themseleves with a Graduation or Post graduation, work some where and never even get little interest in learning for lifetime. They may become an expert by working but reading too helps in enhancing knowledge.

I am myself not an avid book reader. I just buy books and these days, I read a lot digitally. Having said that, I realized the greatness of a physical book.

Its beautiful to have a book in real compared to a gadget which can store thousands of books. 

I can give the book I read to my friend but I can’t give the gadget to many people. That makes all the difference.

I wish to do a project someday which inspires and motivates people to read. Lets see how it goes.

I agree reading books is not for everyone. Once, In Dwarakamai, many devotees were having a sacred book in their hand and reading it. One devotee sitting in corner was wondering why Baba did not ask him to read. Then Baba immediately replied “That’s not for you”.

Sai knows who gets knowledge in which process. We can never understand Sai’s ways.

As of now, my intention is not actually “Giving books” which matters.

My dream is to make people gain knowledge and keep growing in their life and I will do it in all ways possible

At times, I get really concerned when I see kids in India hooked to TV watching some reality shows. Some kids are addicted to Games.

I have an advantage in working in a simple organization because it helps me learn what people aspire to do in life but they are not provided an ecosystem to do that. Sometime back, I requested for a simple book shelve along with monthly funding to buy books for everyone to read. This was not approved.

See what America is doing –

You keep set of books outside your home for people in your community to take it and read and return as they wish. In India, this may not be possible but you can do it in an organization or where you belong. It doesn’t cost much.

Not sure where the problem is in India. Why our kids are not nurtured the culture of reading books. Our reading population are those who loved reading by their personal interest.

Anyway, All I know is Sai and Goddess Saraswathi blessed me.

Something good will happen.

Someone has asked for the book to read and my friend has denied to give her. I felt bad as he was playing around like this. I got irritated with him.

At night, we went out and I was bored. There was a temple and I simply stepped in the Shiva – Parvathi temple. Surprisingly, I saw Goddess Saraswathi in the temple and thanked her for blessing me in dream.

Its hard to work on the site as I get tired. I slept soon due to sleepy head. I woke up at 5.30 and requested people for interviews to share their experience.

Hold on…Lots of articles on way!

Keep loving Sai and Goddess Saraswathi.

I will try to chant

Sai Saraswathi..Sai Saraswathi..Sai Saraswathi today!

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • I most like to read are classic novels from past centuries.
    I like to read history books too.

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