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Darshan of Goddess Varahi Amman in Lord Murugan

Sairam friends,

Yesterday, I started did abishekam for Sai, Dattatreya, Shivling and all Gods in my Pooja place and offered flowers. When ever I do this holy Bath for Gods, I feel very divine and they also look fresh and beautiful. Since my friends wanted me to come for a Movie, I went to the Mall and really had a good time.

Before the movie, I was teasing my friends for they always come late to the Mall and I will be the one who keeps waiting for them. I told one of them probably is selling Handkerchief in Cross Cut road and another is selling Cooling Glass in high way. So only in last minute, they pack their stuff and come to Mall..he he…..

After many years,I saw good cinematography and its a movie worth watching.

My friends left and I don’t want to go home. So I decided to go to Marudhamalai. Now a days, it has become a habit for me to go to Marudhamalai Murugan Temple once in a while. I liked climbing the hill and also darshan of Murugan. I lit lamps to Panchamuga Ganapathy under the Three sacred trees and moved to the que for Murugan’s darshan.

When I finally reached Murugan’s abode, I was surprised to see the face of Murugan was actually like Goddess Varahi Amman. I was really shocked and kept wondering if they decorated Murugan in the form of Goddess. This is too unusual and I thought may be I am imagining something. I kept staring at Murugan and could only see the face of Varahi.

When I went close in the que, I could clearly see Murugan’s face and only to my eyes he was like Goddess Varahi. Then I went to all the other sannidhi and walked down. All the while, I was thinking why did Murugan show me the form of Varahi.


Goddess Varahi Amman – Consort of Lord Varaha

Varahi is Angusa of Goddess Lalithambigai
Varahi is one of the Mantrikas in Hinduism.They are called Saptamatrikas (Sanskrit: saptamātṝkās, सप्तमातृका, “seven mothers”):
Varahi and
Chamunda or Narasimhi. 
Some devotees also believe in eight (Ashtamatrikas: ashtamātṝkās, अष्टमातृका, “eight mothers”)
In  Muurgan Temple especially in Marudhamalai, you can see Kannimar kovil. I feel these Goddess as Saptamatrikas  and love her Kumkum.

Goddess Varahi motivates a devotee

If we have to do anything in life, we have to get motivated. Similarly Goddess Varahi is the one who motivates a devotee. She’s consort of Lord Varaha – Vishnu Avatar taken to save the Earth and lift it from inside the ocean. Varaha avatar has the form of Sow and it only looks down. To lift the Earth, it has to lift its face up. So Varahi motivates her husband to lift up the face and place the Earth on it so that he can lift it up.

So devotees who are depressed, who have inferiority complex and who keep facing failures, can worship Goddess Varahi.

In Hinduism, We ignore few Goddess as they are too fierce but honestly, they are very Kind and shows sympathy on their true devotees. Varahi is Ugra Devata and requires Ugra Shanti. Meaning if we invoke their grace and they comes to us, we must please them with offerings and mantra so that they become peaceful again. This is my personal understanding.

Secondly, Varahi is a Goddess of Siddhi ( Miracles). She does little Siddhi to help her devotees and also make them believe in her presence in their life.

Why did I see Varahi Amman in Lord Murugan?

I kept thinking why I had darshan of Varahi in Murugan and realized the following. A year back, I recited bought a book of Varahi Amman and gave the priest in Dwarakamai to keep in Baba’s feet and give me. He said, “You must not recite such mantra. The Goddess is very fierce”.

I got scared and kept the book near the place where they drink water and went away. In 5 minutes I realized I had forgot my bag and came back to take it. I felt may be Varahi made me come inside temple again and went there to take back the book. I saw a box of Ayyapa Prasad and felt its good sign. I came with the book to home and read “Varahi Sahasranama”

For many years, I also kept the Photo of Varahi in Thanjavur Brihadeeswara temple. Seems King Raja Raja Chola used to worship this Varahi. Last year, I felt why to keep fierce Goddess in Pooja place and took it away.

I have another incident related to Varahi Amman which is too personal.

As I said, Varahi is good in doing miracles and showing her form in Murugan could simply be her way of making me remember her as Navrathri is starting.

Last year, I did parayan of Durga Saptashati and one of the chapter is that of Varahi Amman killing a Demon.

Who really are the demons that Varahi and other Fierce Goddess are killing?

There are various demons in our life. Few are external and few internal. Some people have enemies who cause obstacles in their growth. Some people envy others growth and some people keeps causing troubles to others.  There are bad……….which causes problems to devotees. She drives away or kills all these bad things from our life.

The internal demons are our Jealousy, Ego, our own Anger and laziness. Some people are really good but they never do anything productive as they don’t take efforts and believe in themselves. Varahi Amman helps us come out of our bad nature and makes us as a good human being.

So Varahi kills the bad “You” and brings our a good “You” thus making you lead a peaceful, happy life.

Then, I went to Saibaba temple in my hometown and climbed on terrace to offer Garland to all big statues on top. I went up to Dwarakamai and called up my friend. Since her mom was not well, I kept chanting Gods name until I reached home. Then I found my parents too were not well and I recited Skandha Guru Kavasam.

I read few articles about Goddess Varahi and slept off.

I really asked myself if I should write about Varahi today or not. One can worship Varahi Amman if they keep their mind pure with good thoughts and action. Only need to gain blessing of Varahi is being pure.

Usually, devotees worship Goddess Durga, Mahalakshmi, Saraswathi and Parvathi. Goddess Varahi in my personal experience, appears herself to make me devoted to her because she knows that’s good for my life.

Once again, Please be very careful with Varahi sadhana. If you want to practice devotion to her, keep your mind pure.

Hope I din’t bored you today friends

I want to do something more in StarSai and planning a concept. Writing Sai leela, some experiences and about Gods I love is good but I don’t want to stop there. Hope Sai shows me a way to create a more beautiful StarSai. Lets see…

Sai blessings


Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Sai Baba

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  • I read your article. It is interesting.

    I would like to know one small info about Varahi Amman.

    Last time, when I had been to Tanjore, Tamil Nadu, I visited Big Temple and had a darshan of Varahi Amman. There the Gurukkal has advised me that I should observe Vrat on Panchami date for Varahi Amman; he gave a small photo of Amman. On its obverse side a sloka is printed. He also gave me a calender with dates on which date I should observe vrat. But that date falls on chaturthi NOT panchami.

    Please clarify me on which day I should observe vrat – on chaturthi or on panchami? So far I observed 4/5 vrats

    Please correct me.

    T. Ramadass


    Answer- Honestly, I don’t know the exact day for pooja of Varahi. Kindly ask any priests but i simply know if we are pure and worship her, she will certainly show her grace. She is good in uplifting a devotee. A good motivator.

  • I had a dream that varahi’s photo in my hall and a person known to me asking me to worship varahi amman. After few days i crossed a poster of Kumbabishekam (varahi) at a newly constructed temple nearby my hometown. I was shocked but i went on that day and worshiped goddess. Whether i should continue the worship?

    You can always worship Varahi amman. At the same time, learn the value of Shirdi Saibaba and lead a simple life. It will surely help you a lot.
    Sai blessings- Venkat

  • Also Ashtami and Amaavasai day is auspicious day for worshipping Varahi Amman.

    By performing Ashtami Pooja we are blessed with talent, success and wealth.
    By performing Panjami Pooja we are blessed with Rajya Labam and Victory.

    Maha Varahi is specially worshipped in Ashada Navarathiri (this year 27th July 2014 to 5th Aug 2014).

    While Maha Varahi is astride on Tiger, she will destroy all enemies.
    While Maha Varahi is astride on Buffalo she will destroy all cruel people.
    While Maha Varahi is astride on Horse she will give Mohanam (Beauty) and Vasikaranam (Attraction).
    While Maha Varahi is astride on Lion (Vajrakosham) she will destroy enemies and restores Dharma.

  • Yesterday i m in madurai meenakshi amman temple for dharisanam, im in Q, and pray varahi amman slokam and i got meenashi dharisanam then i m in Q for siva dharisanam but i did not get lord siva dharisanam closely bcoz it’s screened but i got siva prashadam include poo, pazham,thenkai, viputhu kunkumam with out spend any many peoples does not get prasatham .but i dont bought anything for god.but i got all.It is really varaki miracle. she save me and all. and always. aval patham panivom aval arul peruvom.


  • What is there to be afraid of this great Amman?. Just love her and pray her as your mother and she will grant you what you deserve. She just came to me about 10 years ago and before that I did not have a clue of this Goddess. She is the general of Lalitha Maha Tripurasundari and that leaves nothing to say much how powerful she is.

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