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There should always be something good that Sai has done to you

Sairam friends,

When ever I write that I am suffering, I have a problem, I am confused etc, its sending a wrong message that Sai has not taken care of me irrespective of my devotion. To be clear, there’s always a greener side to my life and everyone’s life. There are a lot of good which Sai has blessed me with in my life.

The good that Sai has blessed me with can’t be listed down because I never know how miserable my life would have been without Sai.

Almost every night and at times when I am driving alone or walking alone, I speak to Sai in my mind. I thank Sai for what ever comfort he has blessed me with in my life. So many of you don’t even know how Saibaba is working for you silently without your own knowledge.

I know that especially since Sai shows me a dream if he has averted something bad which was about to happen. Sai makes sure I don’t loose the smallest possible comfort.

Yesturday, after I wrote the article, I realized that I am projecting as if I am always depressed and sad. While I am going through some issues, Sai has also kept me happy. I am indebted to Sai for what ever he has done to me.

I am happy that I have a Guru who cares for me like a true friend.

Last night, I went to the Sai mandir near office and simply stood outside in the parking space. I enjoyed the wind as it was open space. I thanked Sai in my mind for all that he has blessed me with. So basically, I am OK with my life. Sai is taking care of me.

I also don’t feel so bad that Sai confused me showing a girl often in dream because She never bothered me. My worry is that I reacted to his dreams and hence Sai should clarify me why all this happened? If I see it as a problem it is because it hurt me a lot. On the other hand, I learned to see it as a payback.

The more I go through pain because of this issue, the better it is for me. I must go through atleast this suffering because I know for sure that I have sinned few girls in my previous birth. So I deserve this.

I can’t expect Saibaba to help me in every single issue. He expects me to have patience and also tolerate whatever happens irrespective of his presence in my life.

So its OK. Even if there are few issues which bothers me, Sai’s presence has certainly kept me happy.

You also try to analyze if there are atleast some good comforts Saibaba has blessed you with. You might face problem in your Career but you atleast have a Job. You might face a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend who is not true to you but you are still young to be blessed with a better soulmate.

So see the positive side of your life.

You will discover happiness only when you think different and accept failures and disappointments as part and parcel of life.

Smile because “Sai hai na”


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