Sairam friends,
This weekend was very good because after a long time, I attended a Startup event in Coimbatore in PSG Tech.
(Oh that website is my Plan B if I loose my job..he he and Sai never asked me to be a Photographer. He wanted me to organize Photographers in India and across the globe. I got this dream in October 2018 and working on it. Its not an easy task guys)
The past 3-4 years, I have launched multiple projects to interview Software as a service and other Tech product companies based in Silicon Valley and other countries.
A year back, I saw Mark Zuckerberg’s commencement address in Harvard university.
Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Commencement Address | Harvard Commencement 2017
I loved it when Mark says
“We can all do something to give someone a hand”
He hints about how impotant it is for us to help others find their purpose in life.
“We can create a sense of purpose for everyone by building community”
In the end of the speech, he mentioned that one should do something for his or her own community where he/she lives.
I live in Coimbatore and never bothered much to connect with people here. I avoided since it should not criss-cross between the full time job that helps me earn my living.
Somehow, since the past 2 month, I have been traveling to Bangalore to attend events, I happened to see if there’s one happening in Coimbatore.
I drove to the campus and met Suresh Samandam, CEO of Kissflow who gave a speech on positive aspects of the state I live – Tamilnadu.
His speech was an eye-opener for me since I was deeply worried about governance in India and purticularly in Tamilnadu the past 2-3 years.
I wondered if we will really be able to survive in the decades to come.
Suresh’s speech was about how Tamilnadu stands Number 2 in economic growth and also in various other aspects like Education, Women’s education and healthcare etc.
He added that apart from being one of the most currupt state, we are still fair enough.
He said that something that can solve most of our problems is “Mass Entrepreneurship”.
Something that striked the cord with me is this fact.
When a person gets what he/she wants in life, they will naturally become content and will only try to think about what they can do for others.
So the best way to create a better society, state or Nation is by helping others grow ahead in their Career, Business, Education or what ever they are persuing in their life.
If you believe that you got enough in your life, do something for others. Even if you believe that you are leading a comfortable life, be thankful for it and use any opportunities to lift others in their life.
It could be your distant friend, your cousin, a stranger you met in Bus or train or in the street. Do something for others to learn, survive and achieve their goals. Let everyone grow ahead in their life.
As I end this article, I watched Bill Gate’s commencement speech in Harvard university. His quotes are so beautiful
He mentioned his Mother’s Quotes to his wife Melinda
“For those to whom much is given, much is expected”
I know many of you who come to StarSai are going through some pain but ask yourself if you atleast lead a better life than others? Ask yourself if God has been kind to you that he has given much to you.
If your answer is yes, remember as Bill Gates says in above speech, do something for others in need.
Few month back, when we were waiting in Coimbatore Airport, my Father said “They should have taken initiative to build a bigger Airport years back. Now, there’s no space and we elderly people have to take extra flight to go to the U.S”
I realized how important is it to give back to the City I belong, the state I belong and the country I belong.
Do something good for yourself and others to grow ahead. Be more broadminded. Cherish other’s achievements genuinely.
And do something to cut that extra flight. Its the same in every issue be it Food production, Water or energy. There’s always something you can give back to the community you belong.
Tell Sai that everyone should be blessed and he will give you opportunity to do your part to someone in need
Love and be blessed!
(Edited – I went to Nagasai mandir last night and went for a walk with Sathyam. We also went to Sakthi dham temple where I liked Ram, Sita – Radhe – Krishna and Hanumanji.
Radhe Krisha were beautiful in Red dress!

Later, I came home, spoke to my Ma for few minutes and slept off. I am supposed to film some footage in my office but never felt like doing it. These days, I hate filming employees when they work and especially feeling embarrassed to film girls. Filmmaking should have a crew but I am left all alone. So there’s no fun.
Probably, Sai wanted to motivate me to do it because they wanted a video by this month end. I had a dream in which Sai showed a guy who’s using a travel bag and a slider to do super cool Camera movements. Actually, I am using my own Camera to film and thought of asking the company to get me atleast the Slider so that it gives better footage. I din’t felt like asking this too and wondered if I should buy it myself.
Sai’s dream made me realize I should start filming because it will have some value. I get irritated with these people because their product will be average but Video alone, they want like Accenture and Microsoft Promo. I am spending money every month to learn and update my skills every month. Wonder how many in the senior people product team are doing it!
Anyway, I woke up and asked Sai “Baba, why are you doing this to me? Why a dream even for a small issue I was facing? I never do anything to you but you keep taking care of me.”
There are 2 things I wish to do….
I wish to run a spiritual theme park between Sioux Falls and Rapid City highway in the U.S. It should have a super cool restaurant where people travelling by should be able to get affordable food.
In India, I should build a school and run it affordably. This was also shown by Sai in dream 3-4 years back.
I am getting late for work now.