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Happy to see Kids I have walked with are grown-up and getting married

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I have been going to this Saibaba temple for over 15-20 years. Atleast the past 13 years, it has become a part of my life.

Back in 2005, I used to tell people to light lamps regularly in temple. I remember one of this girl whom I asked to light 27 lamps in Saibaba temple near the Tulsi plant as she was worried that her Boyfriends parents din’t agree their Son to get married to to her. I completely forgot this and was in Mumbai. Years passed on. When I came back to Coimbatore from Mumbai, I saw a lady carrying a baby coming near me. She asked “Venkat..How are you?”. I couldn’t recogonize her for a while. She continued, “I got married…This is my Child.”

I couldn’t control laughing because here’s this girl and she already has a child…Did time went on so fast?

She introduced me to her husband. That’s just one story.

There’s no specific reason why I like lighting lamps.

Thankfully Sai also like lighting lamps. So try lighting lamps when ever you go to temple. 

I have guided hundreds of devotees when they are going through some relationship issues. Most of them don’t tell me when they are eventually getting married. Some girls unfortunately marry some other guy their parents chooses. They too write me after few years that they are leading a happy life now. So life is like this.

You feel painful when you go through a breakup. You assume that you can only live with this guy or a girl.

Not really.

You can live with any Man or Women as long as you both have compatability. So accept life as it comes.

In India, your parents play a key role in deciding whom you must marry. So if something is not working, never get dejected. Who knows? The “Some other” guy whom you marry might actually keep you happy than the one whom you loved earlier.

In the Shirdi Saibaba temple,I go regularly, I have seen some people for several years.

I don’t know their names. I would have hardly spoken to them. But when you regularly go to a temple, you natually see how their life changes.

I have seen guys coming alone when they are in College. I would have simply smiled to them. Later, after few years, they get married. They have kids.

There are girls whom I have seen as Kids. They grow up. And when they grow up, I see how they change. It’s all too funny.

Today, while I was in temple, one of this girl was coming into the temple. A guy standing near me told me “I don’t know why She’s coming to temple?”

She was in western wear and hence this guy was commenting on her.

I saw this girl and said “Are…She’s my assistant in 2009″…he he..

When I was cleaning the lamps tray in Dwarakamai, this girl comes from her school and helps me on Thursdays. She asks me what to do and I give her tasks..he he.

For few months, I never saw this girl.

I told him, She’s a nice girl. Just that when girls grow up, they don’t like doing service in temple.

I added

“Don’t judge any girl by her dress.”

Coming back to what “Getting Married” means in India,

If you are not married after a stage, people judge you as they wish.

I have seen in 2-3 cases where some of my friends and even relatives won’t tell me when their marriage got fixed. They will tell me in the last minute. Later, my Mom told me they think you will feel jealous that they are getting married. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry for such an attitude.

In India, people think getting married is a Life’s goal. Like an achivement in itself. 

You did not become CEO of Google or Microsoft. You did not become an Entrepreneur and created 100 jobs. You just got married. Right? You are another “Someone” who got married according to me.

So for Gods sake don’t think people who are not married on time or jealous of you.

Recently, When I had been to one of my relatives home, I told them on face,

I am like this because I have decided to be like this. This is how I want my life to be.

If my cousins are getting married, I am happy about it. If you are assuming some stories, I can’t help it.

The same happened at work too. One of my friend was getting married last year and someone had told “Don’t speak about it near Venkat’s place because he feels  …..”

Feels what?

This was like a joke to me but I felt deeply humiliated.

This is why I call India as “Marriage Nation“. You either get married on time or get out of this country. Since I love my parents, I have to be here.

What made me write this article?

On Friday morning, One of my friend posted a link about a News story.

A famous Actor’s Daughter is getting married to one of my close associate’s Son. Few media has covered the story.

As soon as I saw that, my thoughts went back to filmmaking days.

I ran to my friend and told him the good old days I used to spend with this guy who’s getting married now when he was a Kid.

Actually, There was a hotel in the corner of the road. Once, I took him to the hotel. He was having Tomato Oothapa and kept on demanding for Coconut Chatney. Though he was small, I felt really embarrassed and told him “How many times you want them to pour Chatney?” and can’t control laughing.

Years passed on. I saw him last during 2008.

He directed a Movie later on.

Now, he’s getting married.

Actually, I have a habit of writing all my dreams which is Searchable with a keyword. So when someone at work resigns or if they are getting married or if something important happened to them etc, I immediately search if I had any dreams related to them in past few years.

I typed my filmmaking days Boss’s name.

On October 19th 2014, I had written this

“Saw a dream as if —————— has sent his Son’s wedding card”

(Don’t wanna reveal my Boss as you can easily search this news story in Media).

As soon as I saw this, I started questioning Sai.

1.I am completely out of Film industry. I never once call my Boss. I am not even in touch with any of the other assiatants who worked for him.

2.I am not very close to his Son. I just know him. He might not even remember me now.

3. Even if I go to Chennai and desire to go and meet these people, I won’t because it hurts me deeply that I never became a filmmaker.

So what should be the reason Sai gave a dream as if my Boss is sending his Son’s wedding card?

Initially, I told Baba, these dreams are unnecessary because why I need to know this 4 years back?

Where is 2014 and where’s 2018. Why did Sai showed me a dream about this guy’s wedding to me because I am nobody to them?

I got curious because these days, I am trying to understand on what basis Sai shows dreams to me?

I told Baba to guide me on this and help me understand why I see dreams of someone getting married though I had lost all connection with them.

I went to Saibaba temple in the evening and was having prasad sitting in the varanda.

One old lady devotee saw another old man who comes to temple regularly and asked “How are you?”

The old man replied

“I am good by your ashirwad”.

This old lady told “You are elder than us and hence you only must bless us’

He immidiately replied

“To give ashirvad to someone, you just needed a good heart. Age doesn’t matter”.

This lady laughed and walked away.

I felt there’s a message to me in this.

May be,

Saibaba shows dreams of girls and guys getting married to me because he wants me to pray for them. Bless them. Say good words to them. 

When I write this, I feel really happy for this guy. I might never meet my boss or his Son for lifetime. I won’t, even if I get a chance. But my prayers are always with them for I spent years in their studio. I used to eat, sleep and play around there. So I am thankful to them and their family.

Isn’t this a beautiful culture which Sai makes me follow inspiring me through his dreams.

Not just this guy.

Hundreds of Sai devotees write to me on their Birthday, when they are getting married or on any special occasion asking me to bless them. I always wonder what’s there in my blessings? I am another ordinary Sai devotee living 1000 miles away from them.

Just before I complete this article, I got a new mail in my from Bhargavi.

Hi ….
Today is my birthday…. I know this is awkward but I just wanted to let you know and get blessings from you…… Which will make my day more special…
Thank you

Who’s this Bhargavi? Who are the other millions of Sai children? Who are these people Sai shows me in dream.

Here comes the basic truth of the universe

“All of us are Connected”

We think that we only know the people with whom we are close with. Not really. Our relationship in this world is not just with people whom we know. We are all related to each other. How can Sai tell what’s running inside a devotees mind? Because Sai lives inside every life. When you serve Sai, you must also have similar attitude.

You must live in other’s heart and understand their feelings.

All Saibaba expects from me is be “Happy” when others are celebrating their life. Bless them.

Happy to see Kids I have walked with are grown-up and getting married.

And yes. I guessed where Boss son’s and some Actor’s Daughter relationship started – Maniratnam’s connection. That’s a clue for you to guess who these kids are!

While coming back from Car from Saibaba temple, I felt like listening to this song – Nenjukulley Omma Mudunjirukaen

I feel blissful.

I love Music.

I love Sai.

Once again, Venkat knows to bless. That’s the only thing he has been doing all these years. That’s his business.

That’s business of Sai.


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