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This Guru Purnima, Saibaba asks us care for Trees and Birds

Shirdi Saibaba Trees
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

This year’s Guru Purnima is on July 5th 2020. If you are planning to spend your time usefully remembering Sai, kindly read the article below.

Eight things you can do on Guru Purnima Festival for Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

Last night, I desired to go to Saibaba temple in Coimbatore. The temple is not open due to Corona issues but I feel blissful even to park my car in the road near the Saibaba temple and also meet my friends who serve in the temple.

Since it was raining, I stayed back home and decided to recite Durga Sahasranama. It was really blissful experience to recite the holy sloka looking at Mahalakshmi and Saibaba statue in my pooja place. I also looked at a lamp my Mother lit and felt nice.

When we are reciting mantra, there are chances that our mind will be thinking about other issues and about our worries. It happens to me also but I try to divert my mind towards Sai and the Mother Goddess.

After that, I wanted to recite Lalitha Sahasranamam also but my friends called over phone and I had to speak. At night, I had a look at a documentary on Gomukh – The origin of River Ganga.

Saibaba blessed me with the following dream last night.

It was as if a small bird is sitting in the backyard ( actually, we have some space in the side of our home). It’s chirping pitifully as if it wants to come inside our home.

Few days back, I saw a dream as if a Squirrel has come inside our home.

I woke up and tried to understand what Saibaba wants to convey through such dreams?

Later, I understood this.

Probably, the authorities or contractors in our area might plan to cut off the trees near our home anytime in future and Saibaba has stopped such a danger from happening.

These Birds and Animals living on the trees are really sweet and we should try our maximum to protect the trees in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, we only see Trees being cut.

I like Mumbai because many people allow trees to grow near their place but in Tamilnadu, people get scared of Trees close to their home. Honestly, if the trees are few feet away, it certainly won’t damage your house foundation and you are safe. So please don’t cut trees.

It’s not the people but the authorities who are allowing to cut the trees as they wish in order to do some projects or make money.

I am trying to understand if there are any law which we can use even if someone tries to cut these trees in urban areas.

Being a Sai devotee is not an easy task. Sai cares for every life. So Sai will show me dreams related to protecting and safeguarding every life.

Note: When I say take care of Birds, its basically by keeping the Trees safe. If you cut any trees due to construction, please plant another one in the same place so that birds will come to live there again. I don’t like anyone keeping birds inside cages. Its a personal opinion.

My Mother keeps food for birds in our compound wall every single day and she also speaks to these birds. he he…

I pray Shirdi Sai Baba on this holy Guru Purnima to protect everyone and heal them from harmful diseases.

Here is an article I wrote in 2015

Guru Purnima in 1860

Today, being Gurupurnima, my Sai friend Misha sent this photograph from Singapore Shirdi Sai Baba temple.

Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Singapore on Guru Purnima 2020

I also received Photograph of Shirdi Sai baba from Nagasai mandir in Coimbatore. I usually don’t publish photo of Nagasai since I regularly go there and I don’t want anyone to assume I am taking photos of Sai without permission. This one was sent by a friend. So I feel its OK to publish it.

I love the Saibaba painting behind Sai Statue.

Beautiful Shirdi Sai Baba of NagaSai Mandir, Coimbatore on Guru Purnima

Sai blessings to you and your family on this holy Guru Purnima.

Om Sai Ram


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