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Happy Gurupurnima

Sairam friends,

Its beautiful Gurupurnima auspicious for Saibaba – Read an article I wrote before few years

Eight things you can do on Guru Purnima Festival for Sri Shirdi Sai Baba

On Tueday evening, my Mom called me home saying my Father was not feeling well. He was OK later on. At around 1.30 at night, he vomitted and fainted. I struggled over 30 minutes to bring him back to conciousness. It was as if my Father is nomore and he kept saying something I can’t bear. I had immense faith on Sai and did not let him go. My Mom is so weak these days but I held my Father’s back by arms and never let him lay down. Few years back, A Nurse in a Hospital while I was donating blood taught me that if someone is fainting, we must not let them lay down as Oxygen supply won’t reach head. Not sure what logic it is but I basically don’t let anyone fainting to lay down.

I asked my Mom to bring me Glucose and Sugar and made my Father have it. It was too painful as at one stage, if it was not for Sai, I would have left hope. My love for Sai and my Amma and Appa made it happen. After 20 minutes, My Father showed signs that he has come back to life.

We took him to Doctor at 2 o clock at night when he was much better. The sickness due to food poison continued for another 3 days but Sai saved my Father. So I was satisfied.

On Thursday, I went to office in the evening just for an hour as I don’t like being off for long. I got a call from my Mom that my Aunt and Uncle who had come to visit my parents had met with an accident. I called my uncle and reached the destination. By the time I reached there, I realized they have been taken to Hospital by Ambulance. I reached hospital and found my Uncle just had few injuries in hand but my Aunt suffered from pain in her hip. I touched her head and was shocked to see a buldge. I was really pained as all these years there was never an issue so bad – That someone came to visit us and they met with an accident.

The hospital was so busy with little resources. So I myself pulled the stretcher to take my aunt for CT Scan. Only after I saw the scan report of head, I was relaxed. There were no major injury on her head. Later, we did x ray and scan for her hip.

Seems she has spinal cord compression and its very very painful. Thankfully the Doctor examined the Scan and said that she doesn’t require any surgery.

I did not had good sleep for over 3 days.

My parents felt bad for all this happening. As I always say, India is not a safe country for two wheeler. One must be very careful while driving. I can’t bear that my aunt has to be bed ridden for couple of weeks. My Mom is taking care of her now as we don’t want to let her alone.

I was also feeling sick past 2 days. This evening, I went to Nagasai Mandir. I lit lamps and later claimed the terrace to offer garland to all Saibaba statues on terrace and the kalash.

I felt really happy and thanked Saibaba for saving my Father.

I have few issues for which Saibaba has not answered me but he knows I treasure my Amma and Appa so much and he has always been lovely Guru who protects them.

It’s Guru Purnima and I am able to write this article today because of Sai Leela which happened in our family this week.

There are so many good happenings in my life which I never revealed. This time, I felt its good to say how Sai saves us even during worse situation. I called up Geetanjali didi in the evening while I was at Nagasai Mandir. I felt happy to talk to her.

My life is around Sai children. Just that I usually meet them only when Sai wills. I never speak or meet anyone unless its hinted by Sai.

Om Sai Ram

Here’s another old article

Guru Purnima in 1860


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