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Sai heals baby with good heart beat and blesses devotee with happy pregnancy

Sairam friends,

I used to think if the small websites I create by Sai grace for good cause are really working to do good to devotees. for blessings of Good health

Shirdi Saibaba Dhuni to realize the greatness of sacred fire of Sai – Dhuni

Shirdi Sai Light – To help devotees realize the value of lighting lamps

Shirdi Sai Chant – Naam Smaran – Chanting of Gods/Saints name

and Yes – For Blessings to have a child and to be Mother, Safe pregnancy and healthy Baby

And then there are other projects which I can’t directly reveal and am working on it. There are few I have in mind but postponing as I have little time and at times when I am depressed not able to work on it. So are all these small efforts serving its purpose. Last month when I had to use my salary to pay fee to maintain these little sites, I felt does it really help Sai devotees?

I felt happy when I received this mail because at least some Sai devotees are being benefited…So it encourages me to do more good work.

Read the devotees experience below…

Dear Venkat Raman Sir,

I write this article to share my experience on how Sai cleared out all my fears in pregnancy now. I am a Sai devotee from Hyderabad and I wanted you to please keep my name and email id confidential. Last week for the first time I visited your website and that time I was deeply worried about my current pregnancy. I prayed to Sai that once Sai clears all my fears then I would share my experience to this website and hence now I write it. The story may be quite long but I am sure any pregnant Sai devotee who reads it would get more faith and confidence.

My marriage happened in the year 2012. Both me and my husband are staunch devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba. We planned for a kid after an year of our marriage. On 27 July’2013 we went to Shirdi for the second time after marriage. We had a very good dharshan and came back next day. And doctor confirmed my pregnancy on 29 August’2013. I was happy to the core, thanked Sai for giving me a gift after coming back from Shirdi and shared the joy to all my family and friends. But our happiness did not last even for a month. After a painful bleeding I miscarried naturally on 14 September’2013 because the baby had no heart beat.

Everything turned to be dull in my life then. Close relatives and even friends sometimes talked in a hurting manner that I did not take care of the baby properly and since I took lot of work pressure this happened. I cried like anything to Sai and even felt angry on Sai. I knew from my heart I lost a girl child. I planted a hibiscus tree in my home to pay tribute to my lost child.

Sai’s guidance from Sai Satcharitra

I usually have the habit of opening any random page from Sai Charithra and many a times whatever message comes will be some or the other way connected to the current situation I am into. One day one of my close relatives hurt me by talking about my miscarriage over the phone and I cried to Sai and opened a page from Sai Charithra where I read a paragraph which talked about a Sai devotee not having a kid and how baba told she will get a child in exactly 12 months and how Baba’s words came true and she got a baby. I felt the message was exactly to me itself. Same way as Baba’s words I again conceived and doctor confirmed it on 2 Jan’2014 which was again Thursday. Our joy knew no bounds. But again Baba wanted to test my faith and patience.

Sai’s assurance in dream

Since I had miscarriage earlier doctor advised me to take HCG blood sample test and repeat the same test after 48 hrs. She wanted to check if that hormone count is doubling. For pregnant women it seems it doubles every 48 hrs. So I gave sample on the same day that is 2 Jan’2014 and repeated the test on 4 Jan’2014. But count did not double but just increased by 200. I again felt worried and my fear increased if my pregnancy is good. I just prayed to Sai but had a strong belief that nothing would happen wrong and if anything happens its all Sai’s wish. Doctor saw the reports and told again to repeat it on 6 Jan’2014. So I gave the sample and came home. That night I had a dream where I saw the count some where around 3000. Next day was Tuesday and we collected the report the count was exactly 3079. I felt very happy. Doctor told me the pregncny is good and asked me to come for Ultra Sound Scan that next week. That time I did not know again my faith would be tested by Sai.

Meanwhile we had to travel to Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu and as per doctor’s advice I am not suppose to travel but this trip was very much unavoidable by us. After lot of thinking we decided to keep all faith on Sai and traveled there. Karaikudi is a place where I suppose very less Sai devotees are there and there is no single Sai temple in that area but even there Baba gave dharshan as a Small Sai Statue, kept in a very small cloth shop and I felt very happy and put Rs.10 in a hundy there. Mostly we traveled in a car and we saw at least 5 – 6  Sai photos in some hoardings or boards on the way. We felt again blessed.

We returned to Hyderabad on 15 Jan’2014 and on the same day we went for an Ultra Sound scan. But to our greatest shock doctor could not see heart beat and just saw gestational sac. We feared if it could be the same like my first pregnancy where I miscarried. Doctor asked me to repeat same scan after 1 week. I cannot explain in words how much I cried and worried that day. That’s the time I came across website. I felt whatever happens this is Sai’s child and he will save the child.

Yesterday, 21 Jan’2014 evening again I repeated the Ultra Sound Scan. Even before entering the room I prayed to a small Sai statue kept in the hospital. But again doctor told no heart beat and yolk sac seen in the gestational sac. She also told if a different scan named Transvaginal scan is taken we could see more clearly. For 1 minute I felt they are just bragging to get more money from us and because of my compulsion we came back to our home which is just walk able distance from the hospital.

Sai blesses baby with good heart beat and helps devotee with happy pregnancy

After reaching home my husband compelled me to fix an appointment with the doctor for transvaginal scan because he felt even more worried than me that he did not bother of  the money being spent. I called the doctor to fix appointment and to my great surprise she asked me to come back to hospital that time itself. I was 9:30 pm in the night. She took a trans vaginal scan and she suddenly shouted happily “Smartie Smartie u are there”… Then she froze the scan screen and showed me where I saw my yolk sac and baby’s heart beat. I felt like shouting happily there itself. Then she called my husband inside the room and showed him also the same screen. To our great surprise she did not take any money from us. Its all Sai’s planning and wish.

Why doctor called us back to hospital again at night 9:30? Why we did not see heart beat two times but saw it third time? Why did’nt she take any money from us for the scan? All these questions can never be answered. All the things happening around us are just Sai’s wish and he knows what a devotee needs and is there with us all the time. Only we tend to forget him but he never forgets his children. All we need is just faith and confidence. And I promise to have the same Faith and Patience throught out my pregnancy. I want you all to pray for my pregnancy and thanks a lot for reading this article.

Om Sri Sai Ram.

Hope you like this devotion on Sai during pregnancy friends

Please be confident

Sai blessings

A sweet Sai devotee whom I named Raksha

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  • Dear Sai devotee-Very positive experience. I wish you have a happy & safe pregnancy.
    All small projects of StarSai are helpful & keep our faith alive. Thank you Venkatji for your hardwork & commitment.

  • Thank you brother Venkat for your great devotion and selfless service to all devotees to spread the greatness of our Lord Sai. Sai’s blessings always with you. Om Sai Ram

  • What a beautiful story. I pray that the pregnancy be very smooth and let this devotee have a safe delivery of a healthy baby! Our Sai is watching over her family and all of us. This site and other related sites are a way to spread Sai’s love and increase our faith when we need Sai’s presence in our lives. Thank you Venkatji and may Baba shower his blessings on all.

    Jai Sairam!


  • Really Venky, it’s Sai and our own Sai, who has played wonders in this particular case. May Dear Raksha soon be blessed with a bouncing “Sai Baby”. Venky, also please pray for my dear daughter who is also in the family way by Sai’s grace to be blessed with a healthy baby in this year.

    When are you giving us good news? Praying for you as ever, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

    Keep your Sai Mission On………….. Warm Regards, Shankari

  • Praying to Baba for a child. Had an iui done. Hope it is successful. Getting positive vibes as I think of Him. Sai Ram.

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