Sairam friends,
A week back the priest of colony Siddhi Vinayaka temple came home at night and said that the sculpture has sent the parcel of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Statue (Which they had ordered to make) from Thanjavur in Bus and he wanted someone to collect it early morning from the bus stand in Coimbatore. My Father, his friend and myself decided to get the job done. So I called up a Taxi driver who drives for us regularly. When I called him at 10 P.M, he could not hear me as he was in some other temple. I could hear some mantra being chanted.
So I spoke loudly and he also confirmed that he will come to our home at 5.A.M
I also messaged him to make sure he knows what I spoke earlier.
The next morning, I woke up only to his phone call as I slept off deeply. I started quickly and we all started in the car. We reached the bus stop and was looking for the specific bus from Thanjavur to reach Coimbatore. Finally, the bus came. The statues were of Lord Shiva and Parvathi to be kept on the holy cow during pradosham. So it was made of metal and heavy. I still loved to carry the parcel myself and walked to the car.
We kept the statue in the Ganesha temple and I then the taxi driver left us in our home.
What made me really shocked was this.
While in the taxi, I asked the driver where he was the day before as he could not hear me speaking over phone. He said, he was in a temple kumbabishekam near Kangeyam and reached Coimbatore only by 2 o clock at night. I was surprised that this guy slept at 2 at night and was able to wake up at 4.45 A.M and reached our home 5 minutes before we asked him to come. His policy is always to be punctual (Yes. He too lives in India).
I told my Father that he really works hard to earn his living. My Father who himself has worked a lot during his career told me that if you have work, you automatically wake up.
I was thinking about me and how lazy I am.
I am honestly not this kind.
From 2005 to 2011, I used to go lots of work in Shirdi Saibaba temple but gradually, it got reduced. I used to walk a lot for several kilometers which also reduced a lot. I usually can’t wake up early in the morning too.
Yesterday, I went to passport office to re-new my parents passport. It was very quick and smooth. Then, came back home, did some work and started to Saibaba temple.
Actually, I wanted to go some other temple as Thurday’s are made for every other devotees to come to Saibaba temple and I must not disturb the connection between them and Sai. When I reached Saibaba temple, something made me stand near the lamp stand and clean the lamps. I love cleaning the tray so that other devotees will have space to keep their lamp. I was there over 2 hours and enjoyed every bit of it. I saw hundreds of lamps and closed my eyes to imagine Sai being offered Crore’s of lamps.
I was sweating a lot and felt that I am doing this work after many months.
The boy who works in the flower shop showed my shirt, hands and said, its all become dirty and candles got stuck to it. I told him “Its OK. I am doing this after long.”
Then, As usual, I don’t go inside the temple on Thursdays. I stood in the parking space and spoke to my friend. He asked if I am joining him carrying the bucket of prasad from kitchen to the place they distribute prasad. I felt Baba wants me to do some work to day and did that too. Every week, many guys do this work.
Imagine crores of lamps offered to Sai
If you are into Photography, you will know some professionals do projects which has hazy effect of subject in their work. Many devotees only look for Saibaba photos where Sai is clearly seen. When I stood near lamps tray last night, it was so bright that I only had a hazy feeling of Sai among crores of lamps. When Meera Ram mailed me this Baba from her home, i felt it matches my feeling.

Shirdi Saibaba – Imagine crores of lamps offered to Sai
I came home only at 10 o clock last night. My Father even called up to check why I am late?
I told him that I did some work in temple after many months or probably years.
I was worried a lot about some issues. Lit lamp late night and was staring at Baba statue in my room for few minutes.
Sai, bless me to work hard because many of us do not actually work. We basically eat,sleep and have fun.
Sai Baba is a saint who always worked himself. Sai encourages people to act. We must do something which is useful for us or others.
Apart from doing work, there’s something strange about it.
Have you come across situations when you do all the work sincerely but you end up failing or being hurt or insulted?
This is why Saints wants us to simply to do our work and not worry about the fruit of work.
Our goal must be to work hard and with love. Accept any results as it comes to you.
Om Sai Ram
om sairam
sabka maalik saihai only sai chanting is enough to become pure.
om sairam
Nice message venkat.. omm sai ram..
Om Sai Ram…baba… i want to visit that temple in Queens again…Let the good happen….
Om sai ram