I had been to Shirdi Saibaba temple last evening and came around dhuni for few minutes. I spoke to a Sai friend of mine for long. Its been years since I spoke to someone like this. So what’s happening in your life? Write to me when you find time. Mean while, have a look at a Saibaba portrait contributed by Muthukumar

Shirdi Saibaba portrait
Anyway, Here’s a simple mail I received from a devotee..
Read on..
Om Sai Ram!
Sai, is not just a person, or a Saint. Sai is the Divine consciousness. Sai Baba in the form of His Leelas is constantly keeping a tremendous form of positive energy on the roll. The soul cleansing and heart quenching saga of learning to realise the real purpose if human existence, is made real time by the Sai consciousness.
Each day we face struggles. We constantly fall for the need of the moment. But the point is that, are we able to keep the same Faith and same Patience all throughout? Do we manage to trust Him and accept Him as the ultimate doer?
Day in and day out we struggle not to flinch.
There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty in the journey called life. What seems like the ultimate truth of the moment may sound ridiculous and redundant the next moment. Hardships and difficult times come and go. But Sai remains.
We need to constantly connect with the Divine vibrations and fill our hearts with love, abundance and peace. The need is to surrender to His Holy feet. Sounds very simple. But in reality there is a small element of human mind that does not allow this to happen. That is the ego. Ego is a subtle yet strong hinderance to the acceptance of the universal Sai love.
We need to first empty ourselves and let go of our fixed thoughts and ideas. A cup that is already filled needs to be emptied before it is refilled. In order to fill our hearts with love and peace, we need to first empty it off all the negative contents. We need to first forgive and let go off our past. We need to have faith in goodness.
Sai has been my Saviour ever since I remember knowing about Him. And has been great medium to connect with Sai.
Everytime my life goes topsy turvy or my mind was having a conflict, the question answer site solved the problem in a moment. Every line that Sai says sounds convincing that He is aware of all my problems.
Thanks for the good job. Your site is a beautiful gesture. Keep up the good work.
Prita Pradhan
Related link – Sai speaks from Dwarakamai
I feel that there’s scarcity of Saibaba photos as I am trying to use pictures in every article. If possible take photos of Sai temple near you or in your pooja place and mail me.
Om Sai Ram
There are many ways to acheive material goals but to reach Sai only one way artless Bhakthi.
Om sairam
Jai Sai Ram,
Om sai ram…please be with me and my family and bless us. Don’t leave us…love u baba…Thank you for everything baba. Om Sai Ram
Bakthi is a Divine River which flows in our Heart without our efforts…. Only we have to think of our Guru. Rest the Great Guru takes care of.
I know Baba is real, He is always with us and watching over us, when ever I need him, Instantly he shows his presence in some way. Baba loves us all.
Life is full of ups and downs, anytime any thing goes wrong its merely a test for our devotion toward Baba , just hold on tight and keep remembering Baba. Every thing turns out fine at the end. Why worry when we have BABA with us .He takes care of every thing.