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My heart palpitates due to worries about India

Sairam friends,

I think even people working for Indian Intelligence won’t do so much analysis and research as I am doing these days. I am trying to understand what happened after Indian independence. How much Indian’s had tolerated China? I can’t understand why India never objected when China occupied Tibet. Probably, we already had over 200 years of war and the leaders in 1950’s wanted to create a peaceful neighbourhood.

All this day in office, I torchured my friends asking if its impossible for Tibet to gain complete independence again from China? One of my friend told me, “That will never happen as times have changed.”

Chinese have been too smart in capturing Tibet and now they are creating problems in Dokolam platue and Arunachal Pradesh. First of all, their occupancy in Tibet is illegal.

I took a paper and drew a Map imagining how it would have been if Tibet was let to grow as an independent Nation.

Well. It might happen. If not in my lifetime, someday, it will certainly happen because I feel Tibetians are peace loving people and they deserve to lead a peaceful life in their own country.

My heart palpitates due to my worries about India especially since I am not happy with what ever China is doing.

Secondly, I don’t like it when several Chinese Venture capitalists have invested millions in Indian Startups – PayTM, Zomato to name a few.  What if things doesn’t go smooth between two Nations? Chinese government can easily seek or grab valuable data of these Indian customers through their Chinese investors.

No one in India seems to care about this. I care because I smell their strategy. I feel they have plans which might shock India. Its not an assuption. Its real.

Their investments in Srilanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan is simply to trap India by dominating our neighbouring countries. They will fund huge projects. These countries won’t be able to payback the loan. So China can easily setup their military base there. Let them do it. India is a peace loving country but if we have to, we know how to protect ourselves.

Why should we fear China? Are we slaves?

Oh yes. A percentage of StarSai visitors are from China. It could be Indian’s living in China or some people genuinely interested in Shirdi Saibaba. Anyway, as I promised earlier, my problem is with Chinese government and military and not their people.

Not just me. Look at this news –

China, not North Korea, to dominate Japan military planning

Even Japan considers China as a foe.

Anyway, I hope everything goes smooth and they learn to respect the current Indian border as it is.

I am also worried about internal politics happening in India. I don’t see any truly sincere leaders working for the welfare of people. And finally, the people.
Most of us speak. Like, I write and do nothing. We all comment on politicians and move on. Nothing is being done to clean up the system.

As of now, everything might go smooth. I sincerely wish China and India always remain as good neighbours. I assume that our relationship will be peaceful as of now.
As I always say, StarSai is for people who live even after 100 or 1000 years. So my writings are for future generations to come.

I am just expressing my worries today for I owe my life to India. My heart palpitates at times when I think too much about few issues.

Went to Sai mandir during night Aarti

Today, I started from work only at 8.15 at night. I went to Saibaba Mandir only when the Shej Aarti was about to get finished.
I looked at Sai in Dwarakamai and spoke to him.

I told him “I don’t know when this girl starts from office everyday. So when ever She starts late, be with her, hold her palm and take her to her home safely”

The problem is, I work in a place where there’s not a precise HR policy that girls who travel beyond a time must be provided a Cab. Even if such policies exist, I don’t see any girl availing this as they come in their own vehicle and hence don’t know how sincerely such policies are carried out.

I offered dakshina to Sai as I thanked him for She was alright today. I imagined too much and feared a lot last night. Obviously She will be fine. I know this. Just that, Since Sai has shown her in several dreams, I feel responsible and get scared.

I think my Sister escaped from me as She got settled in the U.S. Else, I would have been too protective towards her too. These days, You can’t be too protective because that hinders a girls freedom. I can’t justify my worries about this girl because I don’t even know her as a friend. This is confusing me. Probably, I am indebted to her. So lets see how long this goes.

I am diverting my mind on various issues to forget this girl completely.

Thinking about India, Worrying about its people. Analysing what went wrong after Indian independence that we have been too negligent when it comes to issues like Tibet etc.

Its going to be 1 at night. I feel sleepy. Sai, please come in dream and tell me something good. Let’s do something useful!

Edit – I did not had any clear dream. I just saw as of the whole of North Eastern states are facing unrest. Not sure why Sai shows such dreams.

I got this message from a Sai devotee – Sarkar 

China is ambitious and wants to grab more land. It is not much different from people who promote religion and change people’s religion…to widespread their religion. Some chinese people on Quora site also commented. The problem is not with Indians or others, but China.

Regarding India after independence, I think that India was simply too weak then. It was also a time after world war 2. China was/is one of the top 5 powers in the world. I don’t think that India could have won if there was a war. Losses would have been too much for a recently freed India who just escaped the hands of British and blow from the separation of India-Pakistan. There were too many issues back then that we do not understand now. I think leaders were in tight position back then.

It is not easy to take hold of a country that is made empty by the foreigners, went through massacre during separations, the hate between different religions and the diversity. It is very easy to say now that there shouldn’t have been separation or Kashmir should have been completely in India or Tibet should have been fought for. Let’s not forget that fighting with China or USA or any other leading world power could have invited another world war. Syria is a battle ground now.

India is not like the past now. It is powerful and has a presence now. However, India has a tendency to let outsiders in…like foreign investments and there is too much corruption (refer. recent amendments in parliament regarding foreign investments).

I agree with Sarkar.

The problem is with Indian politicians who are not ambitious about creating a Super power the way Chinese leaders are working for their country. I have to do something about it. Am on the way!

Om Sai Ram


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