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What will you imagine when you do holy bath for Saibaba statue?

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I usually imagine as if I see and live with Shirdi Saibaba in real form. I close my eyes and get into my own imaginary story. Its like…This morning, I imagined as if I splash water on Sai’s eyes, clean up his eyes and then help him take bath pouring several mugs of water. Then, I dry him up and tie the turban around his head.

Then, I apply very little horizontal line of holy ash – Viboothi. Then, I keep a tiny kumkum on his forehead.

Now Imagine, Sai with all his glory sits in the corner of Dwarakamai near the railing. Saibaba is all fresh to bless you with a happy life!

I light lamps infront of Saibaba and recite Aarti reading it from a book as I don’t know aarti by heart.

Saibaba takes hot, hot Udi right from the burning Dhuni and applies on my forehead!

*If you imagine, he will also apply Udi on your forehead to you.

Trust me. Real Udi is not at all necessary. Many devotees living abroad write me asking how to get Udi? Its not in the thing when it comes to Sai. Its in the “Faith”

If you trust and believe and have faith that Sai is applying Udi on you, he actually does!

All it takes is innocent faith in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba.

So what will you imagine when you do holy bath – Abishekam for Saibaba statue next time.

Its not a statue. You are actually making Sai feel fresh!

Sai will bring all hapiness in life.

Let your fresh story unfold!

Om Sai Ram


The featured photo is contributed by Murali Sai!

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