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How deeply do you trust the women and men in your life?

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

This morning I had a dream in which Sai hinted me to touch this topic. Human relationships is getting complicated and we assume that we are leading a sophisticated life but our basic negative qualities doesn’t seem to change. Being in India, Sai has always showed the one of the reason Men go through lots of difficulties in this country is because we have hurt and humiliated more women in this nation than any where else in the world.  When I say “Humiliation”, I don’t actually mean physical abuse or domestic voilence. To me, its the basic feeling of being possessive about the women in your life which gets exhibited occasionally in a very harsh manner.

Doubting the Women in your life?

She could be your girl-friend, Wife or any one else but she’s dear to you and you are possessive about her. She loves you but remember she has a life of her own. She deserves a space of her own too. In India, when a women is married, she’s supposed to completely keep away from all the past relationships she had.  This isn’t always possible and sometimes, she might meet her college-mate, ex-boyfriend or someone who knows personally. She might desire to have a chat with him. Lets say she takes his number or connects with him over a social network just as a friend. What runs in your mind at this moment?

I know how some girls reacted when her husband casually speaks to his ex-girl friend. They get furious. They will have a huge argument at home and finally, you are supposed to give up the communication completely. When it comes to women talking to their friends, what ever way she perceives him, do you doubt her for a moment?

If this doubt grows too poisonous and accumulates gradually, you will start to doubt everytime she even causally mentions about some men she admires.

To me, relationship is all about trust and most of you forget for a moment the essense of innocently trusting your soulmate.

Women naturally have tendency to doubt. I don’t blame that because I get so many mails from women who say their husband left them and seems to like someone else. On the other hand, some women too doesn’t live true to their husband. But should you doubt when your girlfriend/wife casually meets someone or talks to him?

Women are possessive and they might loose their temper even if they find little intrusion is coming into their relationship.

Why then, should I request Men to completely trust the women in their life?

When you track history, Men who trust their women no matter what little incident happen, always standout from the crowd. They are honoured for their broadmindedness.

So try to speak out if you have any issues. Be responsible to your relationship and keep your promises.

Relationship is all about trust.

I am getting late for work now and hence could not write all that I have in mind.

I have to work for my new site – 

People are too busy for an interview and I have to work all night for the site. Infact, last night, I felt sleepy by 11 and was wondering why I am like this. Then, I realized I woke up early too and slept off. I have a dream and hope Sai shows me a way to fulfill it.

I have few few years to do something useful. Time is ticking!


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