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How many of you contribute in keeping your home clean?

Sairam friends,

The Short film am working on for the fest at work place gave me few experiences. After many years, I enjoyed writing screen play, dialogues, editing, placing sound on the track and dubbing etc. The good part is some of my friends at work came home and stayed at night for dubbing.

One of this girl was kind enough to come all the way to our home for dubbing and her husband came home to pick her up as it was getting late.

The day before we planned this dubbing, I felt too bad that my room is so untidy, The self had so many books, papers, packets of sacred ashes scattered, old pens, old boxes etc. So I cleaned my room until 2 o clock at night and slept off.  Then my friends came and I told them, look, I took so much effort to clean my room.

Honestly, when I was cleaning, I was thinking if I am really a good Sai devotee as I don’t keep my room clean.  The other end of my room is my pooja place. So if Sai calls it as Dwarakamai, then I am supposed to keep it tidy and clean.

I had to do this editing stuff sometimes until 4 o clock and its really hard work to do something creative and film making is like that. Though I am out of it, I am pretty sure, if Sai wills, I will be working on some projects in the years to come. I wish to do some thing for Sai children. Lets see.

Anyway, Coming back to the theme of this article, the girl who came my home told me, If you keep all old stuff with you like even the papers which was used while studying , old boxes etc, It isn’t good. If you feel something is not useful, throw it away.

I have seen my Mom and Dad keep everything very clean and they complain that I never take interest in cleaning home. When my parents go U.S, I will sweep the home only once every 3 days…. he he… My sister, irrespective of her busy schedule keeps her home beautiful. I wonder why am so lazy and the odd one out?

Anyway, I hope here after, I will clean my room regularly. I am not promising but its in my mind.  I take good things from every happening in life. So this project made me realize, how untidy I keep my room and I must clean it regularly.

I don’t have good sleep ever since I started this short film work. Wish I do something creative for Sai too. Some Sai children who are used to regular articles on StarSai wonder why I don’t write. Please I am sorry. Once I get free, I shall write my stupid stories regularly.

There’s this girl in Jabalpur who wanted to speak to me and when she called up, she very correctly said, there’s no update from 19th December for 3 days and then I had posted a message that am little busy. I felt so bad that am not working for Sai. I am Sai’s little servant no matter what I do and wish to work for Sai for life time.  So I felt like writing today though am too tired.

I must say Radhakrishnamai used to clean Dwarakamai and even go to the extent of painting it with white wash every alternate day when Sai used to sleep in Chawdi. So Sai certainly likes it when we keep our home clean.

How many of you contribute in keeping your home clean?

I wish every one writes few words about how they keep their home clean. Like do you have a plan to clean the stuff? Don’t you people drop all the papers, this n that stuff in a place over a periods of time and suddenly you see its bunch of things that’s not necessary?

One of my friend keeps his room and computer so clean that I get inspired from him. He has a monthly schedule to clean his computers and room. I wonder if I will be able to do it.

OK friends, am feeling dizzy now…too tired..Sai blessings to you and your family



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  • dear Sai venkat





  • “cleanliness is godliness” and I believe that a clean space brings peace to our mind. I was brought up in a disciplined home where things were always kept very neat. I was like that too to such an extent even after I got married that I used to be called “clean freak” or type A or perfectionist etc.

    I like being organized in every way. I still believe in keeping things well but for some reason, I am letting go of things lately. I feel that things are cluttered in our home and it’s creating unexplained tension for me. When there is less clutter in the home especially when I walk into the house after a long day at work, I feel a sense of calm.

    I find that putting things in their place to begin with will keep clutter away. Beyond that, donating stuff we don’t need/use is something I do often. Not buying new stuff is another thing I am working on slowly 🙂

    I like setting goals for each room over a period of time and when I am done dealing with that room, I feel a great sense of accomplishment even though it’s nothing great. I constantly remind my son too that he should keep things organized and neat so that he can find things when they are needed.

    Jai Sairam!

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