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How my parents serve God and Goddess?

Sairam friends,

We have this small Siddhi Vinayakar temple in our colony where we live for several years. Some of my Father’s friends join together to do serve in the Temple like taking care of the temple administration, Monthly shopping for Pooja items, organization festivals etc.

Some uncle also does physical work in the temple like fitting electrical wires, water tanks and day to day activities like cleaning, sweeping etc.

My Father regularly sweeps the temple when ever the servant maid they have hired for temple does not turn up. Most of the time, we give for Monthly Abishekam (Holy Bath) to Lord Ganesha, Parvathi,Shiva or Hanuman, I have seen my Father clearing the dirt near the pipe so that water can flow out easily.

We have a servant maid in our home who also helps parents to do seva in temple.

Every single week, My Father demands to go to temple to wash all the cloths offered to Lord Shiva, Parvathi, Ganesha, Murugan, Hanuman, Kal Bhairav, Durga and other Gods. My Father takes all the opportunities he gets to persuade my Mom to come with the servant maid to wash clothes in temple.

During Sunday, My parents let me be home and walk to the temple. Previously, My Father wets all the cloths to be washed in a vessel so that it will be ready. Then, our maid washes the clothes while my parents helps her doing odd work. At times, I used to go along with them and sit in the tree shade. My parents give me snacks and water to drink. Mostly, I will remain home thinking why on Earth these Gods are making my parents do all this work and never brings them happiness? Why should my parents do this work with love? Is it because some people are chosen by God to do little work like this or is it because my parents are gifted to do it?

I have seen many devotees consider donating money, cloth to God and contributing other thing which can be bought with money as a seva. Yes it is. But it takes pure devotion, commitment and sincerity to regularly organize washing clothes of God.

I have seen my Father cleaning and sweeping the Temple while clothes are being washed. After the maid washes these Sarees and Dhoti, Towels, My Mom drops them on the thread for it to dry.

When ever I think about my parents spending 2 to 3 hours in temple, every other week to do this washing work, I ask Sai Baba if he really has heart to make them happy and satisfied?

At times, I get angry on my Father for being very sincere in washing the clothes. Though only the maid is washing, my parents go with her in the hot sun and comes back at around 3 or 4 0 clock only.

Anyway,I feel its also a gift to do this little service which many people won’t be interested in doing.

I am not showing my parents but I shall post these pictures for you which I took the other day.

nandhi gods clothes

Mom has kept Gods cloth to dry behind the Sacred Nandhi of Lord Shiva and Parvathi

My Father spends his time at home by collecting flowers from the plans in our house and ties garland to be offered to Sri Ganesha, Murugan, Shiva, Parvathi and Hanuman.

The other day, I told him, “Can you give a garland for our Saibaba at home?”

and he immediately gave this to me…

Shirdi Saibaba garland

Shirdi Saibaba smiling with beautiful garland my Father made

There can be numerous ways to serve God and Goddess.

You don’t even have to go to temple. Even doing little good you can for anyone at any place is a service done to God and Saint.

Fortunately, My parents only ask me not to always think of serving Sai since they feel I will get away from living my life but they themselves do little they can to serve God and Goddess in temple.

I am thankful for being born in a family where devotion is in our gene.

Of all other service you can do to Saints and God, doing something what other people shy away from matters most. If you can’t do yourself, just organize it and be a part of it. You will be blessed.

Every weekend, I hear my parents speaking about when to go to temple taking the maid for washing clothes. At times, When Mom is sick too, she manages to go to temple as she gets some kind of satisfaction when she’s in the temple doing some work.

Sai, Bless my parents and make them happy.

Please show us a way.

Aum Sai Ram



After writing this article, today being Sunday, my Father prepared to go to Temple to wash clothes of God. He said there are 6 sarees and several towels to be washed. They usually start between 12 to 1 in the afternoon postponing their lunch to 3 to 3.30 in the evening. They take some snacks and water bottle since they might get hungry. Its 3.30 now. My parents just came back home from temple. They were really hungry and having food now. I don’t know what makes my Father want to do this seva in temple. Is it his love for God?

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