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Devotees Experiences

How Sai baba helped a girl grow ahead in her life and get rid of her skin allergy?

Om Sai Ram friends,

My life is going on. I received this devotees experience to publish on StarSai.


Don’t know where to start. My Baba has blessed me with a very good family. My life itself is Sai’s blessing.

When I lost my dad as a teenager, I was disillusioned. It was such a big tragedy,I thought I would never be able to move on but my Sai held my hands and helped walk the difficult path.

I went on completing my post graduation with top scores. Life was difficult even after that but I never lost confidence. I was always cheerful and ready to face anything. This is my dad’s miracle. He gives you that confidence. The simple thought that I have the most powerful dad in the world erases all my fear.

Recently, I had a very bad skin allergy and tried so many doctors.. I just went to Sai and was fighting with him for not guiding me to a good doctor.

Then, I remembered a good homeopathic doctor and went to him. I was not sure the allergy would disappear but it just went away in a month’s time. I don’t consider it a miracle because I am pretty sure he lives in our heart and guides us if we trust him completely.

He will never let his children down.
Thank you,

BN (The devotee wanted to keep her name anonymous)

Hope you like this Sai leela friends.


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