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Devotees Experiences

How Shirdi Saibaba saved my Mom by making her feed birds every day?

Sairam friends,

This experience is shared by one of my Sai friend Swati. Somehow, I am also able to relate it because my parents also offer food to crows every morning. Sharply by 8.15, few crows sit on our compound wall or gate and my Father will say “Ellarum vandhutaanga – Everyone came and waiting for food.

The funny thing is, these 6 crows like curd rice. If we keep other food, then they have it very casually but they are eager to have if Curd rice is offered.

Anyway, Now listen to Swati’s experience…

Sai ram friends,

I am thankful to the blog’s owner to present my experience on his page. Baba has always played a major role in every devotee’s life I am a student at Delhi pursuing my engineering second year. The incident took place this week itself. According to baba, the only way to give him food was to feed the needy and his beautiful creations that are in the form of birds, animals, or any other living mammal. We have been putting grains for sparrows, pigeons, and squirrels every morning for the past 2 years.

On that specific day, I was in college, my brother went to school, and my father went to the temple which is nearby my house.
It was just my mother who was there at home alone. While she was there in the kitchen; she heard the sparrows chirping, she had already
put grains for them to eat, she continued with her work and cooking but they continued making noise.

She went out in order to put them some more grains. While she stepped out of her kitchen and proceeded towards the balcony,
there was a huge blast sound that she heard. She was so shocked and scared she could not make out what exactly was happening, the blast was so huge that all our neighbors, the security guards came running. There was a pressure cooker blast that took place.

The kitchen was in a devastating condition, and there was a huge loss. My mother was shocked and scared looking at the scenario. She could not utter a word even.  And everyone was astonished how she could manage to survive. It was just the difference of some instantaneous seconds else she would have been in the kitchen. I thank Baba that he came in the form of the sparrow and saved my mother from such a big miss-happening that took place. I thank Baba for protecting my family and always being there.

Baba is always there to help everyone, he would never differentiate between rich, poor, male, female, humans, animals.
All we can give him is time, faith, trust, and devotion.

We should surrender ourselves to him.
Whatever he will do, will be for our good.

Om Sai Ram


Sai ki Jai.

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  • Thank you Swati for sharing such a miraculous experience.
    Sometimes the rational mind cannot explain certain events in life. That’s why such events are miracles.
    ‘Maano toh Bhagwan, na maano toh bus paththar.
    Jeevan maan ne mein hai, behas mein nahi’

    Meaning: if one has faith we see God, otherwise we see only stone.
    Life is synchronous with faith not with argument!

    In this ocean called life, there is both nectar and poison. It is easy to drink the nectar but we need Sai to drink the poison and survive.
    We must trust that ‘yesterday was good, today is good and tomorrow will be even better’.
    Om Sai Ram!

  • While the experience is scary, it’s humbling to know that Baba rescued her at the nick of time. Almost every Indian house hold in India and abroad has a pressure cooker. I had always heard that it could explode but very scary to hear that it actually happened to this young woman’s mother. May he always protect every one of his devotees and all children of God. Jai Sairam!

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