Sairam friends,
I get angry and i love Saint Shirdi Saibaba. I have been believing in saints, their teachings of love and peace. Me along with my sai friends used to do some odd works in the saibaba temple in our home town for hours. One thing i have noticed is no matter how much we love saibaba or serve humanity in the name of shirdi saibaba,our own charecters remains the same.

Shirdi Saibabas grace to Control Anger
The reason why sai devotees cannot change their bad habits :
We are smart. Yes we are. When we cannot give up having Non vegetarian foods, we happily have a reason to say “Saibaba used to cook Non veg food for his devotees who has them”
When we cannot control our anger, we simply say the facts from saibabas life time “Saibaba himself gets angry to his devotees at times”
Both are not true :
I shall explain how Both these facts are untrue. See . Saibaba does cook non veg food in a pot and Veg food in a pot seperately for his devotees. At times saibaba even purposely asked his orthodox devotees to have non veg foods. This is just to test their Guru Bhakti. If the concerned devotee follows the words of the Guru even if he is not willing to do whats instructed to him.
Saibaba also has said “I live in every ant, insect, animal and human being, so respect everyone” . So if you see in this perspective, the animal being killed for food also has a sai soul in it. The antaryami Saibaba is indirectly harmed when we kill animals. So only for saibaba devotees who reason its ok to do what ever sai does, Please think hard and decide for yourself.
Grace of saibaba to reduce anger :
We are not speaking about controlling anger . Saibaba shows his anger outside to his devotees with red eyes only to pass on a certain message of love. Take the example of Megha. Megha is a orthodox Brahmin. He was told by his master to go to shirdi to take darshan of a Saint Saibaba who looks like a Muslim. Now Megha has a feeling if he should really bow to a muslim saint.
The moment Megha entered dwarakamai, Saibaba got enraged and asked Megha not to come to him as he considers himself as a high class brahmin where us Sai a low muslim. Thus saibaba through his anger has taught us to leave the indifferences we have in Caste, creed and religion and respect everyone with equal affection.
Why do we get anger :
Lets say am writing a article about shirdi saibaba in starsai and its over 3 in afternoon, If my mother calls me “Venkatramaaaaaaaa have lunch …have lunch” i get irritated and today i asked her” why you torchure me “. After the words came out i regretted for getting angry like this. Thats why i wanted to write this article about How to reduce anger by grace of shirdi saibaba.
Now lets do the following :
When ever you get angry, Try hard to smile to yourself..Some kind of internal smile. This way we will be able to take positive side of what ever happens in the world which might other wise make us get angry.
For saibaba devotees :
Be silent :
Just one second try to think Nothing and be calm. Its not necessary to chant sai sai sai, if you wish you can do. All i request is Never react to whats happening that moment and be calm.
A moment of silence will help you understand the situation if the anger is necessary or not.
Anger is a crocodile in the river of happy Relationships :
You can live happily amoung your friends, family and office people. All you need to know is when ever Anger comes in you, you are eating away the past affection and care you showed on them.
Anger at times is expression of affection :
Once when i was a kid we went to a Hanuman temple . The temple is situated on a rock and we had to cross a small stream of river to reach there. My aunt was carrying her small baby and walked in the river. Suddenly she got slipped over the rocks and was about to drop the baby. By Hanumans grace nothing happened and we all were safe including the baby.
My uncle came near aunt and slapped her immediately asking if she doesnt know to carry the child properly. This hurted my aunt but otherwise its just an expression of the love my uncle had on his daughter.
Many times when our dear ones do something that harms themselves , we get angry on them. Though this anger has a positive side to it , as we can easily say “I only cared for you” , we must try to be soft in every situation possible.
When it comes to me , Pure devotion on Saint Shirdi Saibaba alone can help us control our anger. We dont have to do anything. The more you experience the Sai in you, the better human being you become.
Ok friends. .. Just because i write this dont think i can control my Anger. I am also like you trying to discover what our great Guru has left behind for us like gems scattered in ocean. Please read the Life of Shirdi Saibaba sai satcharitra and see incidents where sai got angry to his devotees. In every situation you can only see Love.
In love. Every thing is OK
Some tips to control you anger by Saibaba’s Grace :
Try to chant Sai sai sai but am sure its not easy to remember saibaba when you are emotionally hurted or harmed…so do as below…
1. Keep silence and never take the situation into your head and heart.
2.Don’t expect much . What ever happens , happens for good. At times you have express your opinion and rights to people. Try to do it with a Clear tone of voice . Theres a difference between anger and being bold
3. You will be surprised at times
I generally get angry for few things which happens against me and society . Couple of days back when i was in Saibaba temple in our home town , i was standing in middle of temple looking at a big saibaba statue over dhuni. Someone took his car very fastly in reverse and was about to Hit me. My friend called me for attention and i moved. I thanked saibaba for saving me on time. But i still wonder why i never got angry with the devotee who was so inhuman that he din’t even reacted as if he did a mistake. I myself went to him asked him to be careful.
There are many websites, doctors and experts advicing with great tips to reduce and control anger. Any non devotee of saibaba might name me crazy if they come across this article . They will ask how can devotion on Guru saibaba can help you reduce anger.
Ofcourse i am surprised too. I still get angry friends. What matters is when my heart is always remembering sai sai sai, sai is making me remain calm when he feels my anger is only going to spoil the situation.
So hope you understand.
We are whom we are. This is not a article to control your anger but to help you realize how deeply one can be devoted to his guru that he forgets to get angry.
Infact my friends asked me why i went and spoke to that devotee who was about to hit me with his car so politely and am supposed to shout at him so that he wont do this mistake of speeding in car in temple campus anymore. I wonder why. Its Sai who made me forget my basic nature. This is what saints can do. They let us be whom we are but they keeps our emotions in their control when ever necessary.
Sai, I am always greatful to you for making me a better human being. Atleast for few seconds. …
Om sainathaya namaha
will treasure it and will try to implement it by baba’s grace
Sairam Anna..
Thank you for this wonderful write up.
Its a timely write up for me.
Yesterday evening in the office i finished my work and when i was about to leave my lead told me a small work.
I was in so much of anger. I couldn’t control as i had to leave for class and i may go late.
While going, on the way i felt like crying and telling to myself if i need such a job!!!
But no options. I was in that anger that i wanted to break something, throw something.
Then i went to take french class and returned home. i was a bit cool.
Then i listened to Shej Arti and slept.
Today morning i did meditation.
As u said we should not take things to heart and head.
But i did it which bothered me and my happiness.
I felt as the whole day went wrong.
Sai in me should help me to control my anger.
Sai ki jai
Sairam Venkatji
Thankyou very much for the tips. I too get annoyed very fast and repent later
Jai sai ram,
Thanks for writing on how to control our angry
When ever i use to get angry ,i was unable to control
But i hope i may control my self
Thank you.
jai sai ram
please give me suggestion
how my mind will cam and quit and i will do my work quitly
sairam hrudananda
Every morning look at shirdi saibaba photo and talk to sai after a deep breath
say all your feelings. by this say saibaba you wont show your frustration on any one or any issue the entire day and u will remember sai alone 24 by 7
meaning to say ….when you have expectations worries of past and future mind doesnt get peace…so dont have expectations be free feel free in sai presence
u will be fine
hope it helps
keep chanting sai sai sai
Recently i started reading all ur articles and they were great.
I too get angry with my mother-in-law, not only me many of our relatives are vexed up with her nature.
And i am not knowing how to tackle her.
there r many problems with her which r unexplainable.
Tell me that how can i control for any worst situations also.
Jai sairam
sairam shirisha
its not a easy task to love someone who hurts us .I also dont like few i come across in temple who hurt me. I asked my sai friend what to do. He said “for saibabas sake dont bother them” …the word “FOR SAIBABA’S SAKE” moved me because he means to say though people behave rude and hurt us , sai looks if we try to develop a balance of mind that we can never be harmed by their words.
so try to think shes speaking to saibaba and sai is listening and taking away u r burdens. at times to make things clear explain her in a clear tone .
Try to chant sai sai sai
light lamps regularly in house and temple
ur life will be peaceful
since its personal issue i mailed u personaly also
om sainathaya namaha
Sairam Venkatramanji,
I have a very bad habit of showing my anger on my daughter. At times, when I feel that my situations in life does not change, unable to show my anger on anybody else, I scold my daughter.
I think, sometimes, I show so much of patience towards others (eventhough I know that they are wrong); I am not able to do the same in case of my daughter. May be I get only her to show my anger….i repent very much later.
Pl. suggest me how to control my anger in this case.
Om Sai Naathaya Namah !
Thank u for ur adivce. I will try to follow these tips.
Jai Sairam
this article is really superb.its really helpful for me.
i m very happy people love alot sai baba i m not devotee but i love sai and sai leela i really tell u ur article will help me alot sai bless u
wonderful. its truly written in sai satcharita that sai baba gives timely advice to his devotees through someone( his own devotees)
venkat raman anna thanks a lot for the sai service
baba always blesses you and family..
brother im a short tempered guy,after starting praying baba im slowly changing my attitude,,
but any how my short temperment and instant decesions has made me lost few valuable things in my life..
for which i really bothers a lot…hoping some day sai will give my lost things back..and gift his devotees heartfull devotion devotion towards him and makes us travel in his path..
baba plz forgive me and guide all of us swamy..
we need you swamy
bow to sri sai,peace to all
Dear Sri Sairam devotees,
All in the websites has given is very useful to all of us. We are thankful and greatful to our dearest god and dear sri sairam devotees like you.
om sai ram venkat ji
Thank u for this article.
Each and every word u write, wen I read them I feel like BABA s really saying them to me.
SAI BABA already blessed u and he ll always blesses u.
om sai ram
Sri Sainath maharaj ki jai….
I was really angry and feeling helpless and crying …….in my mind i asked saibaba….pls say something….and i just typed shiridi saibaba in the google ….a bunch of pictures appeared on the screen and choose one picture and clicked on it which led to this article which in turn made me to share the experience..
Om sai Sree Sai Jai jai Sai.
Thanks for the wonderful article. I m really shorttempered. But my husband is very sweet n never gets angry.I really want to reduce my anger for him. If i do that he will be very happy. I know its going to be difficult for me but i will try.
hi my name is mom now a days is so anger due to heavy work at home and she is a tailor.anybody plz give suggetions………………………………………..request
Hi venkat ji
Jai sai baba ki jai
Hi venkat ji ,
Its a great article I too had experienced the same …… Wonderful words… when we think of sai we will lose all our hatred and dont even think of doing a mistake to others …. I used to shout at my hatred before … But after becoming sai baba’s devotee I had left all my anger to some extent and say “sai sai sai ” always …
Amazing, I can see Baba in these words. Anger fetches nothing.
I believe its not you who wrote the article but Baba!
You are very fortunate to be his instrument.
thanks, for giving so good article how to control anger as i usually get angry in small things by reading this article i will try to control myself.
Jai sairam
Thank you sir. Timely advice
Dear sairam brother,
I am happy to know about ur website and read ur advices in kindest way.I saw ur starsai only accidentally and at my most depressed times.My attitudes became positive and patient after reading ur words about karma. Thanks to baba to make me know ur r there to help us. Thank u very much for ur kindness.
Dear sairam brother,
I am happy to know about ur website and read ur advices in kindest way.I saw ur starsai only accidentally and at my most depressed times.My attitudes became positive and patient after reading ur words about karma. Thanks to baba to make me know ur r there to help us. Thank u very much for ur kindness.
Dear brothers,
jai sai ram
Today i chanted baba’s name when i got irritated in the morning but got depressed i given return answers my mother in law i unable to control my anger with her words y baba is testing me this much when should my problem solved till when i have to face ds i got fed up with their words i want to go far away from ds relations
Yes,,, Bcoz of my anger my lovable person not attach that much to me now a days.. i promise and surely reduce my anger… When i anger i forget all hereafter i will be calm when i was in anger…
Yes,,, Bcoz of my anger my lovable person not attach that much to me now a days.. i promise and surely reduce my anger… When i anger i forget all hereafter i will be calm when i was in anger
i lov sai baba and i alwys do coz he showed me the way of life.And i definately try to overcom my anger
nd i alwys trust baba in every situation of life.
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
hi venkatji
i have great problem in controlling anger these days after becoming babas devotee am trying to control anger by uttering Baba’s name continuously as u said it is not easy to give up our bad habits but am trying to
may BABA bless me and many more like me
hi ur tips are very nice.i can also speak like the other people but my problem is i determine to do anything hardly but it will lasts only for 2 to 3 days.if i want to implement also bcos of some or the other reason i will be very forgetful.iam a very angrily a days iam loosing so many persons bcoz of my anger.will definitely try to implement the tips.thankk you so much.
Om Sai Ram,
This article is very good sir, thanq so much. Iam also suffering with this bad habit of getting angry. I will try to keep u r suggetion in mind always. sai baba is with us always.
Jai Sai Ram
Hii venkat jii,this article is very good &help us
thanq.I love baba very much.before days I was very angry n my mind always frustations but when I was strats trusting Sri Sai baba lot of changes happend in my life..
Om Sri Sai ram..baba always blesses u n ur family
Thank you and my eyes are opened. Jai Sai Ram
Sai ,
i hate my mother-in-law bcoz she hurted me & my parents alot , my husband also wont support me , i tried and trying alot to control my anger on them, My husband always irritates me in lot of issues , how can i control my anger , wen i learn to control my anger,.. how my life will be peace, As u know Sai i believe in u alot. I also know that U helped me in many situation (i can promisely say that U r really living God , u helped me alot in all situations).i know i also did so many mistakess , but becoz of them only i did like that . SAI plz control my anger , conter my all things to live the life happily and peace..
To control my anger, to stop problems i will follow the tips given ie.. be silence at critical situation as Sai is their with u at that time and Smiling at that situation……….
and I will talk to Sai daily in the morning abt my problems, happiness,situations etc ,, such that i can control my anger..
Thanks for expressing the feelings SAI..
Thanks for Tips Sai..
Sai I Love U, Sai please be with me , if i forget u give me big slap and remind me that I m there to solve the problem k..
Om Sai Ram
Thank you for ur Blessings…
Thank you sir isko read karke bhut jada acha laga i cnt express in words hw much i feel good.. Once again thank you sooo much by heart. Thoda dhyan laga “SAI” dode dode aayege… n itz true mere SAI hamesha aate h. Thank you. Om Sai Ram
It does happen that I feel how bad in reacting with my anger… showing the way of silence and very implied words to make them realize the mistakes. I’m so clear that I wanted people who know what wrong they did which will affect others very easily..but I realized that, this is there in me as anger. I realized this at my recent times…
My worst anger is when my innocent parents were treated disrespectfully by one of the nearby tenant. My father is the one who is born to be the exemplar of innocence… Of course my Mother too…Yes. Because of this I been answered by my grandfather that “me and my brother born for playing the role of parents”. I weep lot why my parents are meant to face all this when they don’t know what is good and bad… I rushed to the lady and her husband who are shouting in front of my home…And I was shocked and made numb hearing the words that burst towards my parents. I was in hell anger inside me..seeing the pain of my parent. This was the first time I controlled my anger and went near them and made them to stop shouting. I made them to move from place telling them I will speak to my parents and will meet with owner of the house.
I never dreamt that I would be in front of strangers along with my dad to see my father getting disrespected and given warnings…For the first time I saw my innocent father able to realize that he is feeling bad to be in that situation. He was still saying them he did no wrong. Actually he was not knowing how to show his reaction… and smiling at them as if they are giving proud talks..
Instead of showing anger… I cried literally…I was speaking to baba… Tears came instead response to the people.
“End of this worst situation … I took my dad to them and made my dad to say Sorry to them…what the painful is My dad said sorry to them”.
I pray that my parents should not be given any of the worst situation anymore…Innocence always believe everyone and everything.
Feeling better after wirting this…My Lord is reading…
I’m feeling the depth affection of baba on me.. that’s why god making me to read his blessings..this way!!
Thank you …SaiRam.
om sainathaya namah,
today i was very very depressed about some of the feedbacks i got from an astrologer regarding my upcoming pg exams preparation and wether i can achieve my specialist degree or not. i was more hurt on hearing his predictions that my own near and dear ones would be the greatest hindrance to my exam preparation. i am going to get married shortly to the person i loved, and unfortunately i am having problems with his mother and uncle and aunt especially after engagement. today after hearing all this i got very depressed . suddenly i started feeling that my career will never be safe after my marriage. i did not know what to do but after reading your article i was reminded being a sai devotee how can i be ever unsafe!. i too have the habit of talking to my sai and even crying in front of him whenever i want to take out something from my heart desperately. thank you very much for reminding me that my sai is always there with me. sai has already blessed and may HE biess u more. wether we love someone or not, but one thing is for sure we should never expect anything from anybody. that is really difficult thing to do especially with your own family but i will always try and continue to share my problems with my sai. BOW TO SHRI SAI PEACE BE TO ALL.
I m very lucky that on my every wrong or right step baba is there to help me…i m very greatful to him…wenever i m in trouble baba is the only one who looks after me….he always shows me right path on my evry step…i trust him a lot…….i love Sai baba a lot…….jai sai ram
thanks alot…
Maunam sarva sadhanam. Let Maun be part of our life Baba. Because many times even if we talk correct people don’t like that and problem is when people don’t want to accept their mistake and say sorry not to human beings but even to the almighty. Now I have decided not to advice any body on any issue, even in family. Leave everything to GURUDEV he will take care and I will only do my duty sicerely, honestly and rest thing is left to GURU. Now let my soul be free of all the worldly worries. But help me in persorming my duties sincerely and honestly till my last breath. OM SAI RAM
the incident which u have experienced had occured to me a number of times and i could recollect all of it now bcoz of u sir.this made me enlighten to my past practises of worshipping of iam so disturbed and as a result i found a way out for my mental distress.thank u
hello venkat ji,
actually iam an tamilian from tamilnadu,iam having some problem in my life i dont know whether its a mental disorder or mental deppression,simply thinking of unwanted things,is any thing will happens to my husband ,kids and for my parents,brother,and what my kids will do when my self nomore,and iam getting tensed,and fearrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,and restless,beating my kids,anger with my husband and so on,yesterday i saw the answers from dwarkamayi website,i entered my birthday date 10, its really truth the answers was the problem what am having and sai said i will not let u down,and another no which is my wedding date 27.i got the answer from sai which i realized before 2 months,what is i got sai dreams in my sleep,its a good dream and i got good news also, thank u for this service venkat ji, i need to be peace without tension and anger,and i should not give trouble to my iam quite peace from the deppression,because sai will take care of me and my family. i no need to worry.i should releive from this problem permanently
please pray for me and my worries
Om Shree Bagwathe Sainathaye Namah!
My sister is a great devotee of Sai baba, She goes to Shirdi every year. There are so many instances where Saibaba has solved her problems. That much faith i have never seen in any person. I believe and read sai chalisa daily before retiring to bed. I am a very short-tempered person, i only hope saibaba helps me out of this
I bow to my sai infinite times, may his blessings be on all of us,
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Sai Hare Sai Sai Sai Hare Hare
Hare Baba Hare Baba Baba Baba Hare Hare
Hare Datta Hare Datta Datta Datta Hare Hare
Om Sai Baba
om sai ram
Sai Maa,……..
You are my everything in life!
I dedicate every aspect or second of my life to you!
Take everything from me , just give me your everlasting presence and lumination for the rest of my life….
Be my light always Sai…….all Gods together are bundled as One and only one God…which is you my Venkateshwara swamy
whom we call as Sai……………….finally there is one God….whom people call by different names-but
i call him as Sai the God………..incarnation -Jesus,Allah,Krishna -whoever you can call him by whichever name—–I am making a choice in my life to call Jesus-my most favourite God as Sai from today…..
Sai is everything and everywhere———-
He is the God of Gods and i want him to surround me with everloving grace and lovingness around me always……………………
Sai -you are my everything…….take everything from me and give my you and you only……….if i have you means i have everything in life and i will not worry for the rest of my life…………..
Your everseeking grace and love-daughter Amb