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How to keep yourself satisfied with what you have?

I had always wondered why some people can’t or won’t do beyond what they are currently doing to earn their living. Don’t they know something bigger can be achieved in life for the skills they have. While some people are able to change their life for good, most of us only struggle to do what we plan to do. Some of us don’t even plan to do something better with out life.

In Sai’s Path, its all about being “Content” with what you have. Will you be satisfied with what you have in life today?

You can be happy if you are OK with all that you possess and do now.

Is it possible for you to accept this what’s your life now to be the same forever without trying anything new.

This suits for people who wanted to do a course in a U.S university but can’t make it.

For M.B.B.S holders who can’t get admission in P.G

For people who wanted a better status in their workplace, change of location etc

For people who are an normal worker but wanted to do something on their own being an Entrepreneur.

There are various examples –

If all of us are satisfied with what we have now, then Saibaba’s work will be very easy but we have lots of desires, wants etc, try for it, we might either be successful or fail in it and in the end, we ask Saibaba, why our life is like this?

The Isha Upanishad as said in Sai Satcharitra also speaks about one being satisfied with what they have.

I leave this question to myself because I realized that’s what made me suffer a lot with worries and that could be the reason many of us “worry”.

Let us be satisfied with what we have.

You can always expect something bigger in life and keep trying but do not be attached to it.

Om Sai Ram


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