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How to stitch dress for Shirdi Saibaba?

Sairam friends,

You know the first few devotees of Saibaba during his life time in Shirdi were Kshyama, Malahsapathi and Kasinath.

Kshyama as we all know was a teacher in elementary school in Shirdi, Mahalsapathi was the priest in Kandhoba Mandhir and who is Kasinath. Kasinath was a tailor. He used to do business and also stitch clothes. When he started being devoted to saibaba, he used to stitch kafni in Green, yellow and white color for Sai. Every day Kasinath used to offer dakshina to saibaba and sai also accepted it. Gradually this Kasinath started having ego that he only gives money to the poor fakir for his expenses. Kasi also used to cry if Sai doesn’t accept his gift of cloth or dakshina.

Sai wanted to teach him a lesson. So once when Kasinath came to dwarakamai, Sai kept asking him money. Give me more coins, give me more coins until Kasinath of drained of all he had. Finally Kasinath had to borrow from others and give Sai..Then others too din’t gave him money. Finally Sai taught him not to have any attachment with his “Giving” habit.

OK..Now the reason I wrote about Kasinath is because many Sai devotees used to look at the Saibaba Photography I had done in StarSai and especially ask about the beautiful dress Sai is wearing.


Shirdi Saibaba wearing beautiful kafni and turban my father stitched

How to Stitch dress for Shirdi Saibaba?

This instruction suits only the small size Shirdi Saibaba statues. Actually most of the photography you see in below aarti link are stitched by my father in 2007.

Shirdi Saibaba Kakad Aarti Madhyana aarti Dhoop aarti Shej Aarti mp3

Shopping to make Sai dress

The first step in making beautiful dress for your Shirdi Saibaba statue is going for shopping.

I have always been fascinated by Dupatta  in various design and colors. So I choose to make Sai dress in Dupatta material. It will be embarrassing to go to big cloth shops and stand with few girls around you to select Dupatta…he he….I have done that because I like patterns which has the following.

I like dress which has dots in it, curves and some little flowers on it. The colors of Dupatta also are interesting. You can tell them that its for making dress for God and they will help you get the best one. I wonder if I can do this dupatta shopping again but if Sai wants new dress, I have to.

You can also choose silky cloth or some cloth especially made for offering to Gods.

Now you need chamki and other stuff to decorate the Kafni that you stitch and also for the turban on head. So find a whole sale shope to get such chamki items.

Now the last part

You must have someone at home who knows to Stitch. My Father does stitching and with lots of request, I hooked him in this project for making Saibaba’s dress. My father make few dresses which came out amazingly well.

If you don’t have anyone to stitch, learn to do it yourself or give it to a tailor.

My friend Appurva stitching Sai dress by herself in below photo…

saibaba dress

Appu stitching dress for saibaba

Now she offered the dress made for Shirdi Saibaba and did pooja. I appreciate her work because she learned to stitch from her neighbor aunty especially for making Sai’s beautiful dress.

Saibaba dress

Shirdi Saibaba wearing beautiful dress and smiling

Hope you liked this and also you are most welcome to share your efforts to make dress for Sai

Like Kasinath, let us also be devoted to Saibaba and keep him happy with pure heart

OK am getting late now



Note – Now a days I am not offering any dress to Sai at my home for some reason. May be I should do it soon.

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