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My husband come home walking as I believed in Sai Satcharitra

Sairam friends,

One of the best thing about some Sai devotees is their ability to be faithful and stay stronger internally even during worst phases of their life. Not all of us can show devotion on Saibaba during crisis. Here’s a story of a faithful Sai devotee.

Sharing Sai Baba’s experience – We received blessing in the form of my husband’s recovery.

On February 9th 2015 My husband started his day going to office. On his way he thought to stop by at the ATM machine. He parked his car and walked towards the machine. There was lot of black ice (not visible to eyes) on the foothpath. As soon as he stepped on the it, he slipped and hurt his neck. He was taken to hospital where doctors told us that he would never walk and will never have bladder and bowel control. My heart sank. I cried a lot.

After 2 days I went home and lit 2 lamps in front of Baba. I had lot of faith and said to Baba that though my husband was fully paralysed, I am confident that Baba would cure. I started reading Sai Charitra daily..

In chapter 10 (original Marathi Sai Charitra) it is mentioned and I will  try to translate here.”Don’t try to analyse “how and why “…..always chant Sai Sai…your sorrows will go away..don’t have any doubts about it..this is what Sai said and don’t treat the words  unworthy..these words are priceless.” The moment  I read  it, I got tears in my eyes..I knew whatever my husband’s condition was then, I knew he would be my faith in Sai.

I continued reading the Sai Charitra and on 17th day, my husband was already showing lot of the 17th chapter Sai says “ Don’t worry be happy”..each day I learned so much about Sai and each day there was tremendous improvements. His neck collar got removed after 6 weeks, he got his bladder and bowel control, he started eating on his own and slowly started to sit.

As my Charitra reading continued, I found a gem in Chapter 25..this one is mentioned in 11 promises of Sai Baba..I translate here “ though I have passed away..I give you my word, my bones from my tomb will speak to you..not only me but my tomb too will be with you forever. Those who seek refuge here, will always be blessed” . I kept applying udi on my husband body and slowly he started taking small steps with support.

In my last visit to Shirdi in 2013 I bought Samadhi shawl from baba’s Samadhi. Every day I wrapped it for few seconds over my husband. Daily, I recited Shri Adkar’s arti “Arti Saibaba” in the hospital room. This arti is mentioned in Chapter 33 and Saibaba himself handed over the arti  (written on the paper by Shyama)  and udi to Ramgirbua to give it to Nanasaheb Chandorkar at Jamner, to help his daughter who was in pain during the childbirth.
My husband came home on April 23rd  2015. It was Thursday. I also kept fast for 9 Thursday and April 23rd was the 9th. My husband came home walking .

Jai Sai Ram

Radha Vaidya

Hope you like this Sai leela. I am happy to post this friends. Please share such experiences which shows immense faith and love on Shirdi Saibaba. Sai Satcharitra is a very holy book and reading the same regularly will change your life for good.- Venkat

Sai Satcharitra

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