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I am 30 and running a family

Father's love
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

After I expressed why I fail in all that I dream to do, I was thinking if it’s OK to lead an ordinary life?  Simply, do some work, speak to people, Go to the temple, come back home,  eat, and sleep. That’s all I am doing.

Every morning, as soon as I go to work, I have this habit of looking at news about people I admire. Bill Gates has a big space in my heart for his philanthropic efforts and all that he writes on

Read this article – A Teacher Who Changed My Life

Similarly, my current inspiration is Elon Musk. I believe he’s super cool!

I usually have a habit of guys passing by my way and speaking to them as I sit in a place where people walk around. I hope my over talking doesn’t create a problem. Anyway, I found this guy walking towards me while I was looking at photographs in my monitor. He looked at it and said “Bill Gates”. I said I will show you another Man I admire and searched for “Elon Musk” and continued “The Man behind PayPal, Tesla, and Space X”.

I went to his Wikipedia page and said

“He’s 45 and running a company which makes the world’s best electric cars”.

My friend looked at me and replied

“I am only 30 and running a family”.

That was an instantaneous answer which I never expected from him.

I could not control laughing and appreciated what he said.

Maybe, its Sai’s way of making me understand life.

I must not think only of people who made it big and learn to accept life as it comes.

Father's love

There’s this beautiful story in Sai Satcharitra about Cholkar’s Sugarless Tea.

Cholkar prays Saibaba to bless him to pass the exam so that he will get permanent employment. Once his wish is fulfilled, he still could not visit Shirdi to have a darshan of Saibaba and thank him. He saves money by not adding sugar in his tea for weeks together and finally reaches Shirdi. Do we understand how much this poor Cholkar would have sacrificed to run his family? How can a Man have tea without sugar and believe that he can even save little money from that? I am really surprised.

There are millions of “Father” and “Mother” who sacrifice their happiness to run their family. To bring happiness in their children’s life.

I am getting late now.


Sai, please heal my Ma. I love her.


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