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Devotees Experiences

I am Happy, I am Sad – Saibaba please show me a way

Sairam friends,

These days I am Happy. At least because my parents not getting angry with me for not deciding on any girl and they just wish I get married. I feel free now. I smile at times and am honestly Happy. At times we are really happy irrespective of what we get and what we don’t get. We are basically happy.

But suddenly I become Sad and get depressed. May be its my past Karmic deed that am suffering like this. May be I spoilt a girls life or got coursed from couples for separating them or may be I am the biggest sinner of all. May be a serial sinner that I am supposed to do lots of good deeds to the world. I can only do what I can Sai ! Please accept it as my offering and show me a way.

I really wanted to create StarSai as Good positive site baba. Devotees feel StarSai is negative, Boring and what Not…For all the efforts I take is this the name you want me to get? May be I am supposed to accept everything the world says and be calm.

I also feel too depressed today Saibaba. Please take all the devotees to other websites where they write praising you and lots of positive devotees experience and lots of Sai Leela that brings Shradha and Saburi in a reader. I accept I am negative and StarSai is of no use for devotees.

I think world will realize what I try to convey after I die only. They don’t know that simply writing Sai did this, Sai did that will make a person who prays Sai for years to feel sad that Sai is helping others and not him/her. When such people read my experiences, I believe they place themselves in such situation and realize one has to love and believe in Saibaba irrespective of nothing good happening in life as we desire.

How many lives are there where people simply suffer for years? For such people Sai can’t be doing Leela unless they earn so much Punya and life won’t change in a day. Sai also does good for us only when good time comes.

In Durga saptashati there’s a line where it says, When devotees time is good, then Mahalakshmi shines in her life but when devotees has bad time , Lakshmi herself becomes Alakshmi and doesn’t give them prosperity. This is because if we have prosperity during bad time, we get into more sufferings due to cunning people around us.

This is how Gods/Saints work. I write for people who suffer. A Doctor is for someone who is sick and not someone who’s healthy. People who are happy come to StarSai and simply move. Only devotees who are sad mail me and that’s why my articles expresses the moments we must be strongly holding to saibaba when things never seem to happen.

There are miracles happening but not in everyone’s life and it all depends on their karmic deeds. So How can such people hold on to Sai.

Once a devotee came to Saibaba and asked Sai to help him.

Baba replied , You sow Margosa and come to me. Now, whats the use.

It means, That man has commited a mistake and then came to Sai for help.If you sow Margosa only that will grow..If you sow seed of good, good tree will grow or else only bad tree.

So Saibaba also looks at one’s own karmic deeds and present lives punya earned to do leela. That doesn’t mean such devotees are not cared by saibaba. Sai loves them too and we must only help them hold on to saibaba firmly.

I do understand writing about the powers of Saibaba is essential and I do it very subtly. This can be found in every article but may be I didn’t  express it properly. Its OK Baba…

To devotees,

Accept my apologies and am sorry for not making you happy and inspiring you.

All of you people go to other good places where they speak very positively about saibaba . Sai bless these good people.

I am bad and wrong for the world no matter what I do.


The past few days My Father wanted me to worship Kala Bhairava during Astami. Since today is Ashtami, Shall post photo of Bharava in kathmandu. Bhariava looks very fierce in this Temple but he is Lord who protects us.

kala bhairava

Kaala Bhairava – Kal Bhairab – Bhairava’s murti in the Durbar Square, Kathmandu

About Kala Bhairava:

Bhairava (Sanskrit: भैरव, (“Terrible” or “Frightful”,), sometimes known as Kaala Bhairava, Kal Bhairab, Annadhaani Bhairava (In Karnataka)( ಭೈರವ) Bhairo or Bhairon or Bhairadya or Bheruji (In Rajasthan), Kaal Bhairava, Kaala Bhairavar (கால பைரவர்) or Vairavar (In Tamil), is the fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva associated with annihilation. He is one of the most important deities of Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Nepal who originated in Hindu mythology

His temples or shrines are present within or near most Jyotirlinga temples, the sacred twelve shrines dedicated to Shiva across India, including Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi and the Mahakaleshwar Temple at Ujjain, where at the Kal Bhairav Temple, he is worshipped by the Kapalika and Aghori sects of Shaivism, here one can also find the Patal Bhairav and Vikrant Bahirav shrines.

Kaal Bhairava temples can also be found around Shakti Peethas, as it is said Shiva allocated the job of guarding each of 52 Shakti Peethas to one Bhairava. As such it is said there are 52 forms of Bhairava, which are in fact considered as manifestation of Shiva himself.




A day after I wrote this article Sai inspired me to collect stories and experiences from Sai devotees about How Saibaba blessed them with happiness in life. Does it sound positive? ….This is little I could do for Sai children baba.

How did Shirdi Sai Baba bring happiness in your life?

Hope you share how Sai helped you in various situations in your life there even if its small Incident !

Sometimes little things can bring happiness in our life


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  • HI Venkat,
    What happen to you? Come on, this is not the Venkat whom i knew thru your beautiful articles.
    As you say, each one of us have ups & downs in life. We are happy when something good happens to us but feel so down and depressed if it happens the opposite way? Why?
    Don’t say your articles doesn’t help anyone. I do not know about others, but to me i learn alot from you eventhough you are much younger than me, i guess.
    I can reliase that your teachings in lighting lamp to our SAI is giving me alot of peace.
    Eventhough my family life is not moving smooth as I wish but I know one day something good will happen and might be happening very soon. I’m lighting a small lamp with ghee to SAI every evening. As you say, HE knows what is best for us.
    You know something, after worshipping SAI, my mind and heart are stronger now compared to last time where i used to cry for whatever bad things happen to me.
    HE had made me BOLD and STRONG lady.
    So Venkat, please continue with your this seva. Not everyone can do this.
    Be cheerful…something good going to happen to you soon…trust me….Chitra.

  • sir, why r u so upset in life ups n down r there n i know n i understnd ur feelings also bcoz i also suffer a lot but through ur blog ur msg make me so strong n i lamp a light regulary morning n evening both plz u continue ur puja sai always blessed u n u helped so many devotee through this one day u deserve wat u r so plz dont be sad everthing will be fine.. I didnt worry that all my worries i have put it in sai feet n now he is my father mother everything big thanx to ur blog to support me a lot thanx a lot sir…. Om sai nath

  • Anything about Sai will not be boring Mr.Venkat….you dont know what ur posts conveyed me…
    I was in a trans that am bearing whole worlds problem on my shoulders ,after reading all the posts and people believing Sai deep from the heart while suffering and way the Baba rescued them and shown the way ,i realized what i should do ,,,whats my problem is…
    All these words are not negative,,,,,,they r Baba’s blessing to all through you…….
    You r doing a replaceable and priceless job…….
    ur posts realised me few things ..they are,,,
    right now i have everything in my life yet i have nothing but SAI….that what i realised
    Now no one stood besides me except my parents ,,,,,,,,,,I have nothing yet Sai is blessing me the same way when i have everything,,,,,,its true i realised ,,he will be there with us in all the time ,,,,,,,where ever we are …what ever we are……..Thanks a lot ,,for changing my mind set,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    sai ram

  • om sai ram. help me lord. Since last three months I have been struggling with my son. He is very depressed. I want him to be normal. Please help me baba.

  • With an unflinching faith on SAI, develop the courage to take the first step to face the challenge; then, all the steps are automatically taken (you are just instrument in the hands of the GOD), to wipe away all your tears / problems. This will strengthen you . Life is always a dance for which you should be ready to take the step to feel the moment.
    Life is a journey – experience it!
    Be in the present !

  • Sai Ram!

    Hello Venkat!
    Hi to all!

    2 years ago I wanted to go to Shirdi. But I couldn’t make up my mind and start the VISA process as I was not sure whether I should go now or wait. I prayed to Sai and asked him to guide me and give me advice. By this time I had already visited your site ‘starsai’ and seen the question and answer section. I went to sleep thinking I will enter my birthdate and see the answer next day.
    The next day something fabulous happened. As I woke up from sleep I remembered number “9”. So I prayed and looked at the answer. You know what it was… “Go for a pilgrimage with your family. It will be good for your future”. So I went to Shirdi. Sincere Thanks to you; your good heart and dedication to help others get close to Sai.
    I wanted to share this sooner. Sorry for taking such a looooong time to express my gratitude.
    May Sai shower you with his gracious blessings and give you lot of happiness!
    Sai Ram!
    Thank you very much.
    Kind Regards,

  • I don’t wanna mention my name… anyways sir, u r really doing good job! Please continue…. evn I was guided by one of my friend who is sai devote! I think sai has sent u people to guide us n build faith in us ! It’s a splendid job . Sometimes when I feel down I surf various sites of sai and found this today! May b I am late to comment here but ssly , these kind of experiences are the keys to strengthen our faith in Sai Baba !
    It’s my request please keep going 🙂
    Good luck to all Sai devotees 🙂
    om sai ram.
    Jisko koi nahi hein usko sai hein! These were the words by my friend and its very very true!
    Allah malik.

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