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I wish to write what Sai devotees are desiring to read

Sairam friends,

I received few mails from Sai children asking why I did not write any articles during the past 2 weeks. I was going through some worries and did not got any clue on what to write.

Last week, my Father fainted early in the morning. My Mom and myself struggled for 15 minutes to bring him back to life by Sai leela. I even had to breath with my mouth into his to make him breath.

Sai has always saved my Mom and Dad. Just that, I don’t know if they will ever be happy about my life. They keep worrying about me for years.

I did not got any reason to write past 2 weeks. These days, people are engaged on Video content and very few actually read articles. So I wanted to think seriously about writing good content which Sai devotees really desire to read.

Hope Sai shows me the right way to write on StarSai.

These days, I am regularly visiting Nagasai Mandir in Coimbatore. On January 1st 2020, it was crowded in temple. So I just spent 15 minutes there and ran away. I wish this temple remains the same for the years to come.

Years back, I used to respect Mylapore Saibaba temple. I used to visit it from 1997. After 20-22 years, I don’t find that temple giving me the same vibes. This is because the people who manage the temple may have forgotten the very reason the Temple was constructed by Narasimha Swamiji.

When too much money flows in to a temple or any organization for that matter, it looses its sanctity. Anyway, I can’t comment as I wish because every temple serves its purpose. If I don’t like it, it should be taken as my personal opinion.

I just wish Nagasai mandir remains the same good temple and be managed by good people because I live in Coimbatore.

I continue to feel insecured about my Career. Lets see what happens. I am trying to be positive.

Happy 2020 for all my Sai children

Om Sai Ram


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