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Independence Day – 10 Good deeds we can do for Creating Better India

Happy Independence Day 

Sairam friends,

One of my friend at work was designing a Greeting message for Independence Day and was searching for Images. She found a Shirdi Saibaba Photo along with Indian Flag and asked me “What’s the relationship between India and Sai Baba?”

I told her “Sai is Saint of Masses and Classes. Sai devotees come from various levels of standards and types. Some are rich, many middle class and some very poor. So no matter what occasion it is, Sai devotees relate it to Sai in one way or the other”

mahatma gandhi salt satyagraha

Gandhiji picking salt after revolutionary Dandi March -Salt Satyagraha 1930

I have a Good example for this. In 2008, I got a Magazine of Shirdi Sai Baba with few articles on Sai, Bhagavat Gita and Sai Temples etc. Surprisingly I found a article about Annie Besant.

A Few words about Annie Besant and her Love for India:

1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933) was a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule.

She also became involved in politics in India, joining the Indian National Congress. When World War I broke out in 1914 she helped launch the Home Rule League to campaign for democracy in India and dominion status within the Empire. This led to her election as president of the India National Congress in late 1917. After the war she continued to campaign for Indian independence and for the causes of theosophy until her death in 1933.

The article in the Sai Magazine was in Hindi and after I read it, thought why did they write about Annie Besant in a Magazine published for Shirdi Saibaba. I slept off and surprised to see a dream as if I am going inside a house where Annie Besant lived in Chennai. I can’t excatly remember the dream but realized that Sai Devotion is not simply about learning about Sai baba and doing some Pooja and singing Aarti.

Sai encourages us to learn any thing that’s good and about anyone who contributed to create a better world. This is why I call StarSai as Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of “Humanity”

We are Sai devotees but not all of us are really Good enough as Sai expects us to be. I have seen so many people who are not Sai devotees and found them better than me. The point is, Being Sai devotee doesn’t serve the purpose why Sai incarnated for us. We have make our self a better human being by all ways possible which actually makes Saibaba proud of us.

10 Good deeds we can do for Creating Better India

You can do any Good deeds to create Better India but here are few I could think about this Morning

1. Give up one of your bad Habit:

Offer one of your bad habits in the holy feet of Shirdi Sai Baba. It could be smoking, drinking, or addiction to tasty foods, etc. Some people have a habit of teasing others or speaking badly of others. This too can be avoided.

Close your eyes and think about what’s stopping you from giving up your bad habit and take efforts to come out of it. I wrote an article before few months which might be useful –  Sai Meditation to build better yourself and Nation – Support Project India

2.  Lead a Simple life and encourage anything Natural

You don’t have to be an Environmentalist. You simply have to lead a simple life. Every time you buy something, think if you are really going to use it and then go for it. Do not waste things because the more we waste, the worse Planer Earth becomes. India is a sacred Land must not be dumped with waste.

If possible plant a tree or at least make sure you sow a seed of a single plant and take care of it, watering it regularly.

Sai’s love for Nature – Dedicating Garden Ideas to Mother Nature

3. Respect people who come to your home and India

These days youngsters don’t really care about anything. Some are really good but some don’t care. We have an inborn nature to show hospitality and welcome our guests with a smile. Should we lose this inborn nature just because we are too busy with our work and our own life style?

Athithi Devo Bhava – Saibaba takes care of his guests in Shirdi

We must also try our best to provide a peaceful environment for foreigners who visit India for Business or on Vacation. At times when I read news about the problems faced by foreign tourists in India, I feel just a few people with bad intentions are spoiling the good name of our Nation.  Do little you can to make India a safe place to live in.

Athithi Devo Bhava! Pilgrimage in Tamilnadu – Sri Rangam, Samayapuram, Brahmapureeswarar Temple and Thirupanjali

4. Indians must Learn and Continue to Learn – Make someone get Educated:

Many Indian students find schools and colleges as a burden to them and as soon as they get a job, they stop their education. We need more scholars and scientists to create a Better India. Please try to continue your education which will make your future better.

Whenever you get an opportunity, try to help someone continue their Education. Help any Poor kids to grow in life. You might find even one of your close friend’s contacts or relatives need help. Try to do little you can for them. Instead of going through an NGO, if you do any favor directly, You know that your money is used properly.

5.  Eat Healthy Foods and Stay Healthy

By making yourself a healthy individual, you are contributing to the Nation. Do anything that makes you feel healthy. Meditate. Feel peace. Walk every day.  Eat Healthy Foods. Whenever you get opportunity, please donate food to people who are needy. Even when you serve food to guests at the home, do it with love.

6. Be Positive and never give up trying

Many people are depressed due to problems in the family, relationships, work, and other issues. Kindly forget things you can’t change and believe in yourself. Be Positive and remember many famous people who were successful in the past had faced failures worse than yours.

You Can Live – Ways to make yourself more confident when things don’t work as you desire

7. Be good to women in your life

I say this to both Men and Women. Learn to be good to women in your life be it your friend, co-worker, Mother, Sister, wife, or even a stranger. At the same time, women must give respect to the Men in your life. I hope to see an India where there is no Domestic violence.

Sai blessings on holy Yogini Ekadasi – Ekadasi to unite Husband and Wife

8. Never be Greedy for Money

I have seen various dreams from Saibaba and experiences where Sai taught me with a punishment not to be behind money. Whenever I worry Sai to help me earn better, I fall sick. When I am in pain, I used to think Maybe Saibaba did this to help me understand Health is Wealth.

You might have so many things in your life which are more precious than what you could earn. So enjoy life with what you have. Be contented. My idea is to say, Don’t keep thinking about making money. It comes when it has to. Take care of your health.

9.  Keep doing good to your parents and Others whom you Trust

Always think about how you can do good to your parents. Serving Nation starts with serving your parents. Make sure you take care of your parents as they get old. StarSai Mom and Dad

I honestly don’t help my parents much but I make sure they know I am there for them. Do little you can to make your parents feel satisfied. Once you do this, You will be able to serve others around you and gradually do something good for the Nation.

How to make parents happy – Mother, Father, Guru and God

10.  Get Inspired – Read Good Books

Indians are influenced by Mobile media so much that I see many students these days spending most of their time with their Mobile. It’s good as long as you also read some good articles and good books. Keep learning something related to your field of interest and also at least one Book about India. I myself have not done this and wish to read one book about India.

Independence Day does have something to do with Shirdi Sai Baba.

In 1917, Baba was sitting in Dwarakamai and told devotees sitting around him “Tilak is coming”

The devotees assumed it the Tilak who used to come regularly. After few hours, they were surprised to see another Tilak coming to Shirdi and that was none other than Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Swaraj (Self Rule) is my birthright, and I shall have it – Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Came Shirdi for Darshan of Saibaba in 1917

Lokmanya Tilak was happy to have Darshan of the Poor Saint of Shirdi. To celebrate the occasion, a feast was arranged in Shirdi among devotees. This incident is described in Kaparde’s dairy.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, born as Keshav Gangadhar Tilak (23 July 1856 – 1 August 1920), was an Indian nationalist, journalist, teacher, social reformer, lawyer, and an independence activist who was the first popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement. The British colonial authorities called him “Father of the Indian unrest”.

He was also conferred with the honorary title of “Lokmanya”, which literally means “Accepted by the people (as their leader)”

Should there be an Indian Independence Day article without speaking about Mahatma Gandhiji?

Well, I am not going to write about Gandhi because Gandhi carried the DNA of his Mother and wish to tell a small story of his Mom.

Putlibai - The Mother who gave birth to Mahatma

Putlibai – The Mother who gave birth to Mahatma

Gandhiji’s mother led a very saintly, religious life. Once there was huge rain in the village and she decided to fast. She kept fasting for long and the children were worried about their mother’s health. For her, the villagers are suffering due to rain, and God must be convinced by her fasting and stop the rain. The children kept looking at the windows early if the rain stops so that their Mother can have food. She said, “Don’t worry about me, I am perfectly alright. If God doesn’t want me to eat today, I shall not”.

I believe this feeling of Putlibai for the welfare of the people of the Village is sown deep as a seed in creating a Mahatma who dedicated his life to the welfare of our Nation.

A Good Mother can save the Nation from fall.

This is the reason, I say Mother are important.

Dedicating this article to Mother India on a peaceful Independence Day.

Jai Hind.




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  • dear sai venkatji

    The ONE AND ONLY SINGLE good deed one can do is TOTAL SURRENDER to SAI BABA to get INDEPENDENCE from worldly ties.


  • ‘Om Sri Saii’!!!

    Venkat Jee that was a very timely Share spreading the ‘Light of Divinity’ in all of us here:_)


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