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India Calling

Sairam friends,

I continued to be worried a bit today but that’s how my life is. In the evening, I went to take photos of one of the building in my IT campus where an organization was functioning 4 years back. Since the time it got vacated, it was not occupied by any other company. It made me think what will happen if the economy goes down again as it was in 2009 and several companies shuts their shop? I am not negative here but trying to imagine how life will be for millions of us when economy isn’t sound. Think about the Americans who lived during Great Depression in 1930’s.

Think about Indians who lived in Bengal in 1940’s who suffered due to man made famine – Bengal famine of 1943

It is not one’s own fate and hard work. It’s also the time he/she belongs to that matters. Think about the period in India when youngsters would have no time to think about their work because they would have been more interested in getting freedom for their Nation. During Industrial revolution, India would have contributed a lot if we were a free Nation.

To get my point right, think about people who lost their job in 2008-9 when there was a recession and they had a family to take care of. Most of us do not have time to think what we can do for our Country or humanity but when economy isn’t good, all of us suffer.

I imagined how vibrant and active this big office would have been with several people around? This particular office wasn’t vacated due to any financial reason but I imagined how life will be when there’s a recession? It was touching to see the names of few employees written on the cabin with marker pens. 4 years have gone and these names were still there to tell a story about people who worked here from various parts of India.

India Calling

This morning, I had a dream in which I see a man who’s wearing a ring with Ashoka Chakra emblem on it. I don’t understand the dream but it made me read about Ashoka Chakra

My Sister will certainly make my everyone proud of her because as a research scientist, I know someday, her findings will contribute to humanity. Though she lives and works in the U.S, She will be known as an Indian. When it come’s to me, I have not done anything to my country, family or even myself.  All I know to do is write articles as below which I wrote few years back on Independence Day.

10 Good deeds we can do for Creating Better India

4 years back, Baba blessed me with a dream with the following words in Tamil – “Indhiya Raanuva Seva Sangam”

Literally it means “Indian Army Seva Association”. I wondered why Shirdi Sai Baba showed me these words in dream? May be he wanted me to start an NGO to help Men and Women who serve the Army. Probably, their families or after their retirement. I have never expressed this dream for the past 4 years in StarSai because I was scared to publicly write about it. I don’t want people to get me wrong and doubt me asking, why Sai is going to tell these things to you in dream?

(When ever someone tells me that I am building a Saibaba temple because Baba asked me in dream to build a temple,  I give them a look in my mind with a doubt and think “Why should Saibaba ask you to build a temple when there are so many temples already giving shelter to Sai devotees?”. Ha ha…I do agree with them but these days, temples are constructed just to make money out of it which I am not comfortable with.)

So when Sai tells me name of an association for Indian Army, I don’t even know if I will have that much dedication in such service?Am I really that patriotic or do I have so much interest in my Nation? I find myself too selfish to care for the Nation. I think Baba chose the wrong person though I am happy he at-least considered me. It’s up to me to work based on his guidance or let go of it. If I don’t do anything, Sai Baba won’t mind it but I know Guru’s words has deep meaning in it. That’s why today, I am writing about it.

Serving Sai is easy. Cleaning holy Dhuni, Sweeping Dwarakamai or doing these small seva has become my habit. So that too is easy.

  Serving people directly is hard.

That’s why I always respect people who practically helps others in pain.  Anyway, I don’t have any contacts with the Army or any idea even to understand how I can contribute to the people who serve the Nation. Further, it’s easy to start an association or NGO I don’t have money to contribute and also don’t have so much time to invest.

Couple of month back, My Mom told me this “Either, get married or do something good to many people”.

I laugh at her words when I write it now because it could also mean, if you marry, you may not be able to do good to others because you will have your own life to mind. My Ma meant to say, you must have someone for you. It could be a girl or many to whom you have done some favor.

I just wait for Saibaba’s guidance.

I don’t know how to proceed and if Sai really thinks I can take such responsibilities in life?

Tomorrow, I have to wake up early morning as we are going to Aravid Eye Hospital for my Dad’s Cataract surgery in right eye. He was watching an Animation movie and we had to force him to take rest.

I will sleep now.

India Calling to me means doing something good for India. I have spent all my life in this country and not done anything good. I already started a project and hope Sai makes it a success.

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • Om Sai Ram….

    Good read…

    ” I always respect people who practically helps others in pain” – Very true…not everyone can do this…you have been doing it through star sai. It is all Sai baba’s blessings on you…your articles have been consoling some one in pain, postive motivation to some one else…

    though i have many thoughts, i donot get to work on it seriously due to my comittment to family, career and other personal things….

    Today I am really happy about the incident that happened this morning:

    My driver is a young lad from Sri lanka…he must be 19 or 20.he finished is 11th grade in his home country and is working here as a driver…his family is not rich though can afford his studies in europe/India (his cousins in qatar are willing to help). But this guy was not interested to go back n study since he feels its not easy….or i must say he was in a dilemma…

    However, I got to know that he is interested in automobile engineering but his optioanl subject in 11th grade was geography (In srilanka, geography can be a specialisation for 11th grade it seems)

    Today, I convinced him to continue his studies back…..n probably he will be opting for polytecnic course related to automobile engineering in India…he has also decided to take up a spoken english class…he asked me to shorlist a good college for him… I was so happy that finally he took a wise decision about his studies.

    Though its not something big….i feel satisfied and happy that he will pursue his career some day as an automobile engineer…instead of wasting time here with no directions or goal in life.

    Om Sai Ram…happy thursdays….

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