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Inspiring people who wish to have Vegetarian Foods

Sairam friends,

It was my long time plan to work on a resource website for inspiring people to have Vegetarian Food. In case if you are already Vegetarian, Its good to continue being Veg and if you are not, I am not asking you to change as Vegetarian unless you are personally inclined to it.

Years back, I wrote below article about Sai’s love for cooking food.

Giving alone can change your life – Saibaba’s Love to Cook and Give Food

So is it necessary to be a Pure Vegetarian? Shirdi Saibaba is fine with all kinds of devotees. Over the years, Many Sai devotees has mailed me if they can have Non Veg foods while doing Sai Vrat Pooja

I request them to try their best to avoid Non Vegetarian foods but Sai really is not concerned about what food we have. For that matter Sai doesn’t bother most of our habits if its GOOD. Sai only looks at our pure devotion, our day to day behavior, the way we speak without hurting others and few other good qualities in us.

I used to tell this to Sai devotees writing about rules while doing any Pooja or ritual.

“There are no rules in Sai devotion. Do what you are comfortable in doing as Sai only looks at what you have in heart for God and Saints and your good thoughts and deeds”

I wanted to create a website to inspire people to have Vegetarian Food but really it wasn’t possible for me over the last few month. I stopped myself from doing it especially because I don’t want Sai devotees who have Non-Vegetarian foods to feel guilty that they are having the same. They must not think Sai doesn’t bless them as he blesses devotees who have only Vegetarian food.

“Sai looks at every one of his devotee in equal eye no matter what your food habits are”

I personally wish to create a place where people who are already Vegan and who are in the phase of switching from being a Pure vegetarian understands that it does have its own benefit. Its just a site I made for relaxing myself doing something creative.

Today is holy full moon day and Sai made me bring to life.




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1 Comment

  • I do agree with u tht Baaba does not care about being a veg or non veg. I have read tht he wud serve food to each of his devotee wth same affections.
    I becamec a vegetarian on my trip to Nasik, 6 yrs ago.
    Still a veg wth the grace of Sai.

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