Sairam friends,
I completely stopped worshipping Saint Karni Mata almost for the past 2-3 years. A dream this morning made me worship her again. Actually, we have a habit of giving for pooja and abishekam in near by Siddhi Vinayaka temple where there are many Gods and Goddess sannidhi. My Father woke up early morning at 4 A.M and went to the temple. I told him that I will come to the temple for 9 o clock pooja and slept off hugging a Shirdi Saibaba book. I was blessed with the following dream.
I see a huge mountain between which were was a horizontal gab. Millions of gallons of water is rushing down from the gap between the mountain making it a very beautiful sight to see in the dream. I see a guy whom I know in our neighbourhood but have not spoken much to him. He tells me that they have gone to this temple in Rajasthan and couldn’t remember the name of the Goddess.I also try to remember the name of the Goddess and finally ask “Is it Karni Mata?” He says yes. After that, I see our house compound wall has colorful tiles pasted on it.
That’s it. I was happy for this dream because sometimes, Goddess and Saints calls me to worship them through dreams when ever I forget them.
Every month, my Father gives for holy abishekam and pooja to different Gods in near by temple. Today, as soon as I woke up, I guessed it must be Durga.
I woke up and asked my Mom who confirmed that today’s abishekam is for Goddess Durga. I knew this because I saw Karni Mata in dream. Later, I walked to temple and kept folding my palm while the priest did holy bath to the Goddess. I kept chanting “Sai Karni Mata” all the time.
While doing abishekam, my Father told the priest that he had asked someone to come for the minir construction work to be done for Durga Sannithi. I asked them what’s it for. They said, since the place is not clean, they plan to build it with tiles/marble stone. I was surprised because just before 2 hours, I saw marble in my dream. So after my Father came home, I told him that we must spend for the construction work to keep marble stone/tiles around Goddess Durga.
From this dream, I understood two things
1. Its not an assumption that Karni Mata is incarnation of Goddess Durga. She really is Durga herself!
2. I stopped worshipping Karni Mata since I was a bit scared by her leela. Seems she has called me to remember her again as she wanted to help me out.
As some of you know about my habit of researching online based on my dream, I searched for Water falls in Rajasthan. I found the horizontal water walls in Bhimlat, Rajasthan was slightly like the water falls I had in dream. The only difference was, I found the water gushing out of a gab in the mountain.
There’s a Mahadev (Shiva), Parvathi temple near this Bhimlat Waterfalls. Next time, you plan a trip to Rajasthan, make sure you visit both Deshnok and this Mahadev temple.

Road to Deshnoke, the holy shrine of Karni Mata
Story of how I started worshipping Karni Mata
From 2012, I have been worshipping a Women saint who lived in 13th – 14th Century in a small village called Deshnok, Rajasthan. During 2012 and 2013, I had also recited Durga Saptashati – A 700 verses mantra in sanskrit. I used to do Kumkum archana to Goddess, Sai and recite all the 700 mantra from morning to evening. Then, I get blessings from my parents. Its not an easy task to recite Durga Saptashati being place for hours but if you do it, you will feel her presence in your life forever.
A women saint who worked for real “Women Empowerment”
Today, the term “Women Empowerment” is the most misused one. In states like Rajasthan, even today, there are some families where girls are not given enough freedom. Having said that,such families are there in every part of the our country and the world. But imagine how Rajasthan would have been 600 years back? Women in India basically were not giving enough freedom and were suppressed for hundreds of years. Further, until 1980’s a baby girl was considered as a burden by most Indian families.
Lets go back to 13th – 14th Century Rajasthan. Probably, Goddess Durga was hurt by the way people were treating Women. Hence, She decided to take incarnation as a baby born in a small village in Rajasthan. I wrote some of Karni Mata stories in the below article –
Karni Mata, Incarnation of Goddess Durga
Two most important qualities which Karni Mata loves
1. Karni Mata likes people who don’t consume liquor
These days, You can hardly count on guys who don’t drink. Secondly, there are girls who drink occasionally too. If you are in western countries where it is too cold, drinking wine can be justified a bit. But simply drinking without taking care of your health doesn’t sound good. Try to avoid drinking.
In 2013, I was continuously chanting ‘Sai Karni Mata” in mind mind for over a week. Some of my team guys wanted to drink and called me simply to be with them. I usually have gone to bar like this 3-4 times and simply have snacks. Later, I told them, I don’t like the dark environment and avoid it. ( I also tell my parents about it if I go because my parents must know where I am roaming around.)
That week, since I know Karni Mata don’t like me even going to a place where people drink, I was wondering how to convince my friends that I won’t even come with them to have snacks. I prayed Karni to come to my rescue. At last, since they had couldn’t complete their task in office, their plan to drink also got cancelled. I silently smiled to myself..he he..
2. Karni Mata likes people who take care of plants and trees
Karni Mata also don’t allow anyone to cut plants and trees. We had a huge flower plant which almost grew as a tree infront of our house for over 7 years. A month back, as we are doing some minor construction work, my parents removed this flower plant without asking me. I got furious but they explained that the plant got too old and flowers also got reduced. I kept saying that I miss the plant infront of our house. The same weekend, we went to a nursery and bought a similar plant variety for Rs.750. My Father asked the nursey owner to reduce the cost but he never gave any discount. We still bought it home since my parents knew I love this flower plant so much.
Some Goddess and Saints are very fierce in nature – You must be careful while following them
Let me clarify the reason why I stopped worshipping Karni Mata. Most of the Gods and saints are very soft in nature. Example – If I chant Sai’s name continuously for 3 days, I will just have a very soft experience. May be, some divine dream or I might get prasad from Shirdi as a sign that Sai accepted my chanting.
Karni Mata is not that soft though she cares for you deeply.
It must be sometime during 2013, when I was depressed due to some issue. I was really pained and decided to chant “Sai Karni Mata” continuously in my mind for 3 days.
On the 3rd day night, I continued to chant “Sai Karni Mata” and slept off.
It must be too late at night. I had a sound sleep when suddenly I saw a little statue of Karni Mata appeared besides me with a strange sound. Note that it’s not a dream. I woke up and saw a little Karni Mata near my bed appearing and immediately disappearing. A darshan Karni Ma wanted to give me to appreciate my devotion. But is it a soft and peaceful experience?
You understood what I mean by fierce Goddess and Saints?
When you are intensely remembering them, they show their presence in real. Yes. It will be scary. I got really scared because who can sleep after they saw a little statue of Karni Mata near them for couple of second? Later, I also started hearing some sound when ever I sleep on my pilow.
These two incidents made me realize its better not to worship Karni Mata so much intensely. She’s a good saint. Its true that she’s real incarnation of Goddess Durga.
But you must also be ready to experience her presence. It won’t be soft experiences. It will be direct, hard experiences which are honestly not easy to believe.
How I frightened one of my friend telling him about my experiences with Karni Mata?
A year back, couple of my friends at work were arguing with me saying, “Do you only get dream of the girl you keep saying?”.
I immediately asked them “Have you seen the documentary on Rat temple of Deshnok in National Geographic Channel?. More than 20,000 rats live there” and added, “there’s a women saint called Karni Mata in that temple. Once, I kept chanting her name for 3 days and she actually appeared infront of me at night for couple of seconds.”
I asked him to move away from his computer so that I can show photograph of Karni Mata.
He got scared when I described the dream and never allowed me to show Karni Mata. he he…..I enjoyed it a lot!
Karni ma probably wants to take care of me
Now, after all these years, I am not sure why Karni Mata has called me to worship her. I am going to chant “Sai Karni Mata” for the next 3 days.
Basically, I am facing some issues at work as I don’t like the way a stupid is treating employees. I don’t find the leadership is good enough. He keeps bothering me for every initiative I take. Usually, saints like Karni Mata are good in helping us get rid of such irritating thieves and idiots. People who treat others without any humanity will be thrown away by such fierce saints.
I know for sure Sai and Karni Mata will help me manage such idiots at work place.
Once again, after many years, I am going to worship Saint Karni Mata. She’s fierce but I know her love for her devotees is immense. Obviously, Goddess like Durga have to be fierce. Else, there won’t be space for good people in this world.
So here’s the message for the day!
When does such fierce saints like Karni Mata calls you to worship them?
1.When people try to humiliate you and ruin your reputation
2.When any injustice is done to you and none comes to your rescue.
3.When you are hurt by the way you are treated and all you can do is seek divine intervention.
Shirdi Saibaba is a very peculiar saint. At times, he asks you to focus only on him as a Guru. Attimes, Sai has guided me to worship other ancient saints and Goddess. This shows Sai’s care for us when we are facing a trouble.
Karni Mata is back in my life. Give way to us or we’ll thrash bad people away..he he
I am going to live in peace from now on since I know people who hurt me is only going to face the consequences. I have Karni Mata with me. A magical women saint who will thrash away people who hurt me. he he..
With that, lets begin the New year.
Happy New Year friends
Jai Karni Mata
Om Sai Ram