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Kumkum archana for Goddess Padmavathi

Padmavathi Thayar
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

My Parents had offered a garland made of glass bangles to Goddess Thaiyal Nayagi. Bangles makes good element for photography and I like it a lot.

Anyway, I receieved below devotees experience as a comment to article about Goddess Padmavathi Devi

Wish to share this with You..

Dear All,

With Thayar Blessings, I am Writing this.

I live in USA sinc 1999, I used to regularly visit Lord Balaji temple and somehow, I got so much into worshipping Lord Padmavathi thayar (Ammavaru in telegu I Beleive). I was having my business aswell.. , I am with a very nice family. Every time I also used to think when we go India we need to go thiruchanoor with family (me,wife and son,daughter). That day came finally!!

Padmavathi Thayar

Padmavathi Thayar – Photo used with courtesy

Around june 2012, I landed chennai, we went on one friday and I reserved a hotel nearby Goddess Padmavathy temple and we went to the temple in the friday evening. As usual there was crowd, I WENT AND took 100 rupees ticket and also asked for Kumkuma Archana ticket. The office people told me that today friday, we do not issue
Kumkuma Archanan ticket. So I thought it is ok and we went in the QUE.. HERE IS THE MIRACLE…

I was close to the Goddess entrance and suddenly in the crowd the priest when serving kumkum to every one
Suddenly looked at me and also saw I am with family and He told “you 4 members stay here for a while”
I do not know anyone.. (promise)..

The priest told us,, Iam going to do kunguma archana for you, Please wait.. and I literally cried.. he went and did
Kumkuma archana and came out and he blessed and gave handful of kumkum.

Next Step, Priest told,, you four go around the Sanctum of Goddess and come back.. and they opened a door for us and me, my wife, my son, daughter went around the goddess and came back and infact he gave the kumkum after the pradhakshana only.

Suddenly my wife asked the priest, that we have a small vastra(Cloth) for Goddess,, is it possible to put it on Goddess,, the priest asked us to take all the offering that we wish to do and we gave and the priest with happiness offered our Love and offering..

Then finally we came out and HERE IS THE NEXT MIRACLE:
I was with my family going around the temple… and some body was talking about ekantha seva.. So I went to enqurire about that to a temple staff .. how to attend that.. HE suddently asked me to wait and called a priest passing by and told the priest to take me for WITNESS. Two people they select from public to be with them during temple closing time in the temple santum to open the HUNDI of Goddess Padvathai and so my family was held in the temple and we attended the night Ekantha Seva.

At that time Priest gave us FIRST RESPECT.. doing some pooja for us and bless us on the head and finally.
I came almost 11 pm from the temple and went to hotel and next day we went morning to Take Lord Dharsan.

Goddess Padmavathy GAYATHRI Manthiram

Hari Om


THE WHOLE UNIVERSE is protected by Goddess Grace..
Even though I wrote my personnel experience.. EVERY ONE IS EQUAL in FRONT OF HER”
Good Soul will always have her Grace..

Sorry, I was in Full emotion and tears when writing this..
I apologize, if you find any mistake in my writing..


Please always share the Gayathiri Matra,, to any one need and it would bring
good thing in life for everyone.

I did not write this experience to show that I am blessed.. I wish to insist that she is in all forms in our day to day life
and her Darshan is always there in each move.. that is were everyone you and me are living happy in life.


Hari om Hari om Narayanaya!!!


Hope you like this friends. If you have experiences with Shirdi Saibaba, Gods You love, please mail me.

I will be happy to post in StarSai


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  • Such experiences are just incidents for ordinary people but miracles for us Baba’s devotees and are ever grateful to Him.Om Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Nice to hear this…iam also coming across lot of goddess dreams and waiting for a good reply.

  • Very nice experience, thanks for sharing.
    I have some wonderful experiences myself at Tiruchunanoor Padmavati devi amma. Once my mother offered a saree to the devi, we got it registered at the temple office, gave receipt to the priest and left the main temple after darshan. Suddenly a priest came looking for us among 1000s of people in the premises and handed a handful of kumkum. Like OP said everyone is same for amma but she has a way of making every child of hers feel special, jaganmata in true sense.

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