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Lalithambigai has a soft smile that illuminates her face

Sairam friends,

I really don’t like this way we Sai devotees use “Sairam” “Sairam” before we call other devotes etc. Honestly, there are so many people who doesn’t even utter the holy name of Sai but they have a good heart. They do their duty properly and they are leading a simple good life. Instead of simply uttering Sai’s holy name having lots of distraction, ego and unwanted desires within us, its better to first make ourselves good and then utter Sai’s holy name. I say this to myself especially because I realized, I myself don’t possess so many good qualities which people who are not religious at all possess.

I am the one keeps requesting devotees to chant the holy name of Shirdi Saibaba and also any Gods they love but today I wanted to express that its more important to think and do good along with remembering Saints and Gods.

I am really depressed today as once again I had to go through painful situations and I really hurt my parents. I started thinking whats the use of being do devoted when I hurt my parents who love me dearly? Anyway, I don’t want Sai devotees who come to StarSai looking for fresh content to get upset. So trying to write few words in praise of Goddess Lalithambigai.

Here’s another sacred words from Lalitha Sahasranamam


This actually means Goddess Lalithambigai smiles so beautifully that it illuminates her face.

When ever I go to any Goddess temple like Kamakshmi Amman and Annapurna temple, I used to experience this. I can clearly see that Goddess is happy to see me. ( As she considers all her devotees as her child).

Haso is smile. So she smiles to her devotees.

Dharahaso could mean Goddess has a beautiful smile that emerges from the corner of her lips. A very affectionate, soft smile. You fall in love with her when you see her smiling. That’s the kind of smile Lalithambigai carries when she looks at her devotees.

Jwalanmukhi – Due to such a divine, beautiful smile, her face lights up as if illuminated by sacred fire. Goddess Lalithambigai’s face glitters and shines. How beautiful must be her smile?

goddess smile

A smile that emerges from corner of her lips illuminates her face. Photo used with courtesy

Ok friends.

I tried to write something just based on my own interpretation. I really wish someone who knows sanskrit gives better meaning because of the love I have on Goddess.

Please show me a way Sai.Love,


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1 Comment

  • Jai Sairam! I think you are being hard on yourself. As long as you don’t intentionally hurt someone including your loved ones/parents, just accept that it’s part of being human. The fact that you realize that you hurt them is in itself a lesson learned and I am sure you will be more conscious of it in the future.

    The bottom line is that your parents love you unconditionally as most parents do and you no doubt love them back that way. Sometimes in a loving relationship, we say things/do things that hurt each other but that doesn’t mean you don’t love them. You having your own opinions/dreams that may be different from your parents’ expectations for you creates disagreement/conflict at times. That doesn’t make anyone good or bad, it just is….you have to evolve to be a who you want to be since you are the one that has to live with yourself at every moment. I am no expert at all this, just sharing a few thoughts.

    I love the face of the devi, you always post such ethereal, pleasing photos of all devis. Thank you for that and everything you do. Jai Sairam!

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