Life of Shirdi Sai Baba is divine and beautiful. Reading the holy book Sri Sai Satcharitra also pronounced as Sri Sai Satcharita washes away sins and karmic bond. You will gradually realize that when you read Shirdi Saibaba’s life stories, your life begins to change positively.
I myself do not read Sai Satcharita often but I love chanting Saibaba’s holy name. Basically, you can choose any ways to get close to Saint Sai Baba. But once every year, it will be nice if you could read Sri Sai Satcharitra.

Life of Saint Shirdi Sai baba
1.Sri Sai Satcharitra Pdf file :
I got this clear pdf file of holy book sri sai satcharitra in english. you can download adobe page reader from site and use this pdf, take print out of book and happily read the book everyday
Keep mouse on below link, RIGHT CLICK and select Save us.
Life of Shirdi Sai baba – Sri Sai Satcharitra Pdf
2. Sai satcharitra by Hamadpant
If you cannot download , please feel free to read online as web pages
Life of Shirdi Sai baba – Sri Sai Satcharitra by Hamadpant
4. Other ways to get Sai Satcharitra by Hamadpant book
Please get the Sai Satcharitra published by
1. Shirdi Sai baba sansthan in shirdi. All above books are curtesy of the sansthan. Shirdi sai baba sansthan has a very good book store which is always busy and you can get Sai Satcharitra in many languages like Hindi, English, Gujrati,Tamil,Telugu,Kanada, Bengali etc.
2. Make sure its original work by Hamadpant … The flow of stories is beautiful
3. Sai Satcharitra by Indra kher is also a nice complete translation work
4. Sai Samartha Satcharitra by Zarine is also a good work
5.Vinny chitluri has written many wonderful books on Shirdi Sai baba. A dedicated writer. True inspiration for hard work in sai seva and highly informative.
6. A book called Sai baba of Shirdi – A unique saint by M.V.Kamath and V.B .Kher is sweet
7. Narasimha swamiji has written numerous books about Saibaba like devotees experiences, life of sai baba etc. Every book is a diamond. Available in mylapore shirdi sai baba temple.
8. Books from Online Shopping Websites
Indira kher’s book about Shirdi Sai baba was available on few Online Shopping websites..Am not able to track it..make a search on it with keywords “Sai Satcharitra – Indira Kher”. Make sure the book you get is about “SHIRDI” sai baba.
Sai Baba of Shirdi: A Unique Saint ( A book you can search to buy)
* The above Shirdi Sai baba book came in my dream 2-3 years after i wrote this article on Sai Satcharitra. It was like everyone in my Team (office) are attending a meeting.Though my boss is near me, i am reading ” Sai Baba of Shirdi: A Unique Saint” with devotion. I myself feel if my boss will complain but then my real master is Sai….so sai blessed me with this dream friends. I woke up and realized that i had kept this book near me and slept which is my usual habit. My sai friend in temple gave me a gift of 2013 calender from Shirdi Sai Baba sansthan which has similar Saibaba sitting on Stone photo same as the cover page of this book.
I got this book “Sai Baba of Shirdi – A Unique saint” in Mumbai during 90th Mahasamadhi day of Saibaba. Its a sai leela how i got this book friends. A old man was having few shirdi saibaba books and Hindu devotional books infront of Sai in Borivali Saibaba temple. Me and my friend ashish thought hes actually selling them. I asked Ashish to enquire the cost of “Shirdi Sai Baba Book” found between other spiritual books. Ashish went near him while i was watching sitting in the hall of temple. I found the old man simply gave the book and Ashish said – “Its free ! He actually gives the book as gift to whom ever asks it.
What a wonderful seva friends – This Sai devotee seems to collect old spiritual books and display it sitting infront of sai baba. When ever any one approached him thinking its a shop, he gifts them. I can’t express in words the seva such humble sai devotees are doing.
May Shirdi Sai Baba bless all of you with peace friends…
Where to buy Sri Sai Satcharitra?
Sai Satcharitra written by Hamadpant alone is the best source to understand Sai leelas. Kindly look for the book in Shirdi Shops, the Shop inside the temple complex, In India, these books can be bought in famous Saibaba temples located in various places. For devotees living abroad, kindly ask your friends or relatives to send one for you or look for online shopping sites. Make sure its written by Hamadpant with the same flow of Sai Leelas.
Om sri Sai ram
Note that Sai Satcharitra is a word some people use to describe the holy book but honestly its Sai Satcharita. So you can also pronounce it as Sri Sai Satcharita.
Sairam Venkat Ji
I don’t know how I should thank you for this wonderful deed. It’s really Baba’s miracle again. Today (05th June’10) while I was at work, I was searching on proxy ID’s to login to Youtube to download Sai Baba Aarthi and Satcharithra audio. However I was not successful as we have very limited access due to security policies. So I spoke to Baba that I was so unfortunate that I was unable to hear your stories while working. Before logging out for the day, I felt like reading few articles in your website. So I logged in and I noticed this audio. I’m so glad and I have no words to express my happiness. I listened to 2chapters (Chapter – 1&2) Now I’m so happy that I can listen to it even while working.
I love you sooooo much Baba, Thank You Baba for blessing me through fulfilling my wish of listening to your stories at work.
Thank you Vidya Didi & Sir! (Sai Devotee who recited it so well)
One request from you all, if you could also save Sai Baba Aarthi in this website I’ll be very grateful to you.
May Lord Sai bless you all.
Sri Satchithananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki JAI!
Om Sairam,
Om sai ram,
Baba you got the job for me for some reason and you let it go for some reason only you know. Please help me to find a job soon which is credible. I want to thank you for being there, guiding and protecting me and my family. Please be with us always. We are going through lot of pain and hurdles now. Only you can change by your own way of miracle. Daya karo, Krupa karo, Raksha Karo and above all Kshama Karo baba if we have done knowingly or unknowingly anything wrong.
Please show some indication that our good times are ahead and the struggling period is gone.
We need your mercy and blessing. Please touch our head with your hands and bless our family.
May baba bless all out there and wipe all the difficulties and miseries.
Anantha koti Brahmanda Sri satchithananda Sadguru sainath Maharajki Jai
Jai sai ram
Baba, , it was done unknowingly and I had no intentions of creating problems for anyone and most importantly for me. Please forgive me for my foolish act and let things be the way they are and cause no problem to me in the future! I am repenting and cant measure the pain that is within me. I am dying of guilt. Baba, I asked you to help me and you did. Now I feel I let you down. Please forgive me. Please help us our family to get through this tough time and we have no one other than you to help and guide. I believe that this happened because of my Agamkaram which I didnt realise I had it all these years. Now I realized through the lesson you taught me instantly by my foolishness. I want to promise to you that this will never ever happen again. But as a human being I am scared to promise. I plead infront of your to control all my actions which could jeopardize my family welfare. It is back to difficult situation which is quite scary baba. Please remove all the vighnams, ignorance and the ego and put us back in good track and prosperity. Please show some good sign regarding my job and please write the offer letter again. Everybody gets a chance baba. Please give me another chance.
Daya karo.
Sri satchithananda Sadguru sainath Maharajki Jai – ean lifela past, present & future eallamea sai ram blesings. Please touch our head with your hands and bless our family. I want to thank you for being there, guiding and protecting me and my family. Please be with us always.
jai baba. the sai satcharita gave me a direction in life. my life is changing and sai satcharitra gave me answers as to what to do and how to live and gave me faith and hope.
jai baba
sai baba devotee
Jai sai ram., the sai satcharita gave me a direction in my jobs fields & my life.,atfer i sart new jobs my life is changing & my self i change lots of active for my life.
Jai sai baba
sai baba devotee
Sri Sai Baba, I am really desparate to move with my family with a job in their location. Please give the direction. Sai Baba
Baba please bless me and my family. We are going through a lot of pain and struglle right now though struggles for me and my family has been a part for atleast last 20 years now. Baba its enough now I feel I will go mad some day please baba help us. Give us atleast a few happy news. Please baba I am begging you. Whatever bad deeds we all have done please let us come out of them I think we had enough and my parents are really very good people. baba why are we in such big trouble. Please bless us with marriages and good jobs Baba please. Finish this poorness of ours. We really want to have some happiness. Please Baba just basic necesseties not even a lot I am asking. Please Baba bless us now Please Baba I pray for my whole family. Let us get some richness so that we cn help others more. U know we do but we cannot as much we want.
baba plz bless me. i have some problems. but all these problems are not a big problems to say others.
i completed my studies successfully on your blessing. now i am looking for job . i am not a talented person , average student .i failed in so many interviews . i want to do the job . please baba healp me to get the job. previously you slaved so many problems . please give the good knowledge and strength and power to will my dreams and goals.
om sai sri sai jai jai sai….
My dearest Baba…. Wishing you a very pleasant day.
Baba, it is very nice to observe and see with heartfelt happiness that your devotees are getting increased more and more from time to time. That is a sheer display of your benevolence, Sai Nath.
I always imagine that, my revered Lord Sainath Maharaj standing at the entrance of the Dwarakamai and giving ‘Udi with his right hand’ and ‘blessing us by keeping his hand over our hand’ and ‘with a sweet smile, asking us to go and have prasad to our heart’s content’….. tears are filling my eyes now, as i could feel your love in my heart…. Jai sai ram.
Bhagwan, with your grace… I have done my studies creditably. With our grace, I am well placed overseas. With your grace, I visit your temple once or twice a week. With your grace, I am doing prayers, by lighting 2 lamps to get Faith & Patience (Sharaddha & Saburi) / reading ‘Sai Stavan Manjari’ / ‘Sai SatCharitra’ / ‘doing naamsmaran’ everyday, as much as possible.
Please Baba, I know it is very stressing for you to acknowledge all your devotees woes particularly as it increases more and more each day. But, whom can we ask Sai Nath… other than you. So, please grant the wish of your devotees at the time, when you deem fit (according to each and everyone’s karma).
Till that time, give your devotees Faith & Patience. You are the wire puller for each and every being in this world and as such advise me if I need to offer help / assistance to Sai Bhakt…. I will do so with my hearts content as it is your order… om sai sri sai jai jai sai…
I Love you sooo much Baba…. I will keep chanting om sai…om sai… till my last breath.
/C.M. Krishna/
Om sri sai baba..i honour u to my extreme..u know upto now what alla hapenned in my life..i know i have done many mistakes..i agree my fault..u want to get punished fr all..u knw wht to do…u want me to lend me an excuse u could do it…bt i want to live a true life from now please be wth me…show me the way…im always at ur feet…
Omm sri sai ram pray to sai
one step you put in front call sai ten steps he will come front to you tht is sai
mane sai baba e 12 ma pas kare hu baba no aabhar manu chu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
thanksssssssssssss baba,,,,,,,,,
jay sainath,
jay sainath,
Dearest Baba,
Thank you for everything, You save my family, you give me a job, most of all you give me a very happy and beautiful family. Thank you very much and you always in my heart. i want Baba always be with me.
Thank you.
I love you Baba.
saibaba i love you
Baba I love you a lot.
Seriously i am so happy after started believing in you and what ever i do keeping you in mind as my god that will be successful at any cost.
And there are situations where i dont trust myself and believed on you where i got the things done…..
I have no words to explain all the things and it might take 300 pages to explain what ever you have done to me and i see you in everything and everywhere……..
In this world i love two people forever one my MOM and two is you YOU………
Without any of you my life is useless and meaningless for sure…………
I am so happy to have you in each and every situation where i take decision’s in my life……
i keep on saying things like this,,…..
One word …. I LOVE YOU A LOT …………….
Baba as you helped in so many situations.. I need a peaceful and prosperous like with good health for me and for my loved family.
jai sai ram
u had been in tough of times of life…..
with great patience n trust v lldo prayers…please be wit us in both happiness & sorrows n i m very glad tat u r always wit us…n de probs which came its solved by u…thank u sooooooooooooo much baba….any mistak r sins which r made v to b forgiven….be wit us always baba
Jai Sai Ram…
Thank You so much Baba for You made me to know You and made me to get Sai Satcharita that helps me to think that I am not so far from You and I am near You and You are too always with me….I love You so much Baba…
Jai Sai Ram,
Baba I do not know how to respond to your blessings. I am howevever once again in trouble baba , I am suffering from a deases which you know very well and for which I see you only to protect me and completely cure me from this dease. In several times I feel your presence to solve my problems and I fully offer myself to your feet. Kindly help me baba with your blessings.
Be with me and with my family baba for ever. Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Ram,
Save me and my family.
You are great BABA.
Solve my problem. Cure me. PROTECT ME AND MY FAMILY
OM SAI RAM SAI RAM SAI RAM……………………………………………………………………
om sai ram, baba thanks for giving me this life,thanks for giving me this oppertunity to pray at you along with my life,thanks for everything, om sai ram ,om sai ram ,om sai ram
om sai ram , i am really miss one think frm my life please bless me and my fmly
om sai rai om sai ram om sai ram
baba please get this over with now.please baba!everyday i learned a lot but baba please!or change it!
Om Sri Sai Ram…
I feel today that i am really blessed to see this option of audio file of sri sai satcharitra at work. Usually i keep the namam at work. All my colleagues are familiar with my Baba though they are all americans. initially they were asking me to change the music, since i dint change it they stopped asking me to do so. Its very nice to hear the satcharitamrutham. I would like to thank humbly who ever is responsible for making this audio file for the Sai Devotees. I bow to them with full of my heart. May God Bless their hearts. It was a very good effort.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja
Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Natha Namaya…
Sai Baba Sai Baba Sai Baba Sai Baba….
Baba you are great and u blessed me i am very happy not only because that i got my joining into the company u made me to select love u baba very much and life time i will b loving u very much this dec 19th my joining is given so please bless me with lots of ur grace and make me and ammu live together happily and this is my first step into the carrer bless me to reach into good position futhur in life and earn well so that i can make all my fulfilments and help others and lead me to live in good patha and bless me so that i always get into good atmosphere and good people those who always care for me and never let any person to leave me that i like very much
take care of my parents as i am leavin them alone in v.s.k.p keep me , ammu , munni, mummy and my dad in wonderful hands of urs and remove all our hard days and bless us with ur care and effection and forgive us from all the eveil and bad love u very much
baba you know my problems …pls let it go away,pls giv me happy days,i did hardwork and u knw this i should get good marks.. what i want , u knw that please baba make my life happy by giving those….
i need shirdi saibaba life history in tamil language
Om namo sri sai nada..
Plz save me sai… This good offer to me in my life. Last chance to me . Plz help me. Plz save sai. I know u r blessing was so power. I had some many times experienced.. Plz give u r blessings to me.. Sai. Plz help me
Om Sri Sai Ram,
I have never thought of you much before, but now i have started praying you. Please remove all the obstacles in my life. Sometimes i feel I am not having any problem but sometimes if feel life as miserable. God Please give me confidence and courage. Please guide me live a peaceful life. God please be with me. For nothing done by me i am getting more scoldings from one person. She has abused me with most hurtful words. …if i think of the problems she has given me in my life time I feel like cursing her… but iknow i should not curse anyone. please forgive all my cursings before… i dont want to be ill treated … by her…..God she is the only person in the world who has cursed me and said bad things about me……
GOD help me come out of that….please give me confidence…..
Baba, please help me to clear my exam, iam completely deepened on you and please help you..
I feel your presence please shower your blessing on us… and help me in that big problem..
I love u BABA.
SAI JI sabka bhala karte hai, bas hamara unki taraf ek kadam badhane ke jaroorat hai, SAI MAHAN HAI,
bas baba ke bataye rasto par chal kar dekho, life me kabhi koi problem hogi hi nahi.
Ohm Sai ram Baba,
Baba thanks for showing me a new job.You helped me always in my hard time.
Baba always show your krupa and karuna on me and my family and give us good health and buddi.Baba please help me with green card processing and the process should go smoothly and bless us with good health.
Dear Baba,
I wanted to do good to others, help poor people, But because of bad time and bad luck I am in financial crunch, all my payments have stopped. I am in a bad situation, I wanted to help the poor, Now I have became poor and not able to help myself. Please baba as you said that if somebody wants to accomplish the god’s work you help him the most. I see you in all creatures of the world. Your name “sai” is the only thing I know, Please take me out of difficulties and let me do my work.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai
sai ek roop anek.
love u baba ,
First time in life i cried in bhakti by reading some of your Bhakata’s thought about you.From today onwards i want to change myself.Please help me baba and give me courage to fight against my bad qualities.You gave me everything baba whatever i wanted in my life.
please give me a chance to go to siridi to meet u very soon.Bless to all lifes in this world.
omm sri sachidananda sadguru sainath maharaj ki jay.
sai ani pilustha oye ani plukuthavata oo sai ram naku ee year lo alagaina govt. job vachatattu chudu baba inka nannu ammu ni okati chase badhyatha kuda nidha nuvvu nathodu ga vundali nannu chusukovali nenu aishu life looo aa chintha lekunda ninnu pray chasthu deniki lotu lekunda sukham ga jivinchali baba ni biddalam mamalani karuninchavayya ma papalanu kshaminchu deva plz plz plz baba love u very much palakavayaaa
om sri sainath maharaj ki jai
Jai shri satguru sacha ishwar sainath maharaj ki sada aai jai.
Baba mai aaj aapke charno me pureman se aarpit hona chahta hun.mujhe pta h ki aap hamesha mere sath the
sath ho aur hamesha rahoge. Mere se aaj tak jo bi dushkarm hue h unke liye aapkse n unse jinke
sath maine galat kiya mai mafi mangna chahta hun aur aapne hisse ki saza bhugatne k liye taiyar hun.
Baba aaj aapse sacha promie kr rha hun. Aaj abi ise pal se jane anjane me bi kisi ka bura aur koi galat kam nai karunga.
Baba mujhe aapne pas rakhne aur meri dekhbal krne k liye bhut bhut dhanyvad.
oom sai ram
vibhor khatri
SAI NATH hamesha saath dena mera kabhi galat raste par mat jane dena aap hi mere sab kuch ho apni beti ka dhyan rakhna baba
Sri sachidananda sadguru sai nadh maharaj ki jai
Dear Baba I love you sooooooooo much and you blessed me and whatever I need you provided to me. I strongly beleive that Whenever I required your help you will derfinitely help me . It is only Baba who cares poor people and needy people I thank you Baba as you led a simple and true spiritual life. You saved many people like me
Baba meeku na paristhi thi gurimchi thelusu naku manchi job and happines undela chudu Baba alage manchi arogyani evandi and finanacial vichyam lo kuda manchiga sampadimchukune la cheyandi Baba plz save me Bbaba plz help me Baba
Sri sachidananda sadguru sai nadh maharaj ki jai.
Sri sachidananda sadguru sai nadh maharaj ki jai
Sri sachidananda sadguru sai nadh maharaj ki jai..
Baba the only god that i trust the most is u baba plz help my dad to get out from all the sufferings that he is facing at present plzz take care of my dad and my family baba.My amma is the most hard working lady in my family please give her peace and happiness baba.As u know we are suffering a lot now please make us free from all ur sins baba.. Baba please help me in getting a govt job so that i can be helpful to my family.. till now we r very happy with wat u gave us we love u a lot baba and we always try to help others please bless us baba please be with us baba please take care of us
jai sai ram
ome sair ram
Baba i have many problems in life baba i want somebody in my life but he is not understanding me at all please baba help with this and i want good job baba which ever happend with me is that good i think but my family is not understanding me and whome i am going to marry he is also not understanding me baba please help me bab i asked u something which i asked u please help me with this baba i want to marry that person who can keep me happy for life long.our parents have to accept my marriage please help me with this baba………
om sai natha nadi kastamaina job ina parledu baba amma ni daddy ni challi ni ammu ni baga chusukovali baga sampadinchali andari mundu ma parents thala aaathukoni thiragali sainatha eee kapata manushulu nundi mosapokunda machithannani na chuttu vudetattu chayu sainatha prasthuthaniki nenu government job ki try chasthunna baba naku manchi government job thagilettatu chudavayya inkaa ammu valla inti lo andaru oppukunetattu chudavayya nannu karunincha vayya andariki sayapadali saya padathanu na kutumbam kosam alochisthanu nakosam nuvvu vunnavu nannu kapaduthu nenu chase chaduki nannu duram chasi nannu manchi margam lo naduputhu na chuttu machi manushulu prma apyayathalu swachamainavi sukha santhoshalu vundetattu chuse badyatha nidhi nuvvu chusukuntav anna nammakam naku vundi baba love u baba chala love u love u love u very much appudu na andaga nilava vayya