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Life is all about understanding people and being happy about it

Sairam friends,

I am writing this post especially since some of you following StarSai regularly might be wondering if I am alright as for the past one month, I kept mentioning about the relationship issue I had been through based on the dream I had. I was really depressed. I was pained and I was too much stressed. Finally, I decided to get rid of it and told about to my parents. Their kind shoutings made me think practically. The only problem with my parents is that, they will mention this issue when ever we have an argument. “And you did that too” will be part of our conversation and I have to bear it. They are my parents and I have to accept what ever they say.

The only painful feeling is that the other day my Father said I must not care for him as I am not getting married. I asked “How can a Son not care for his Father? I care even for strangers. Is it such a big sin being not married that I am not even supposed to ask you to take care of your health?”

Now you know why I call this a Marriage Nation? I am not even supposed to care for my parents for being single. Good. They are hurt but I am certainly not playing around. I have to be careful. Else, Sai won’t come to resuce me if I take a wrong decision. My Parents love me so much and wants me to get married soon but they don’t understand why Sai is making it late. Life isn’t a joke. Its seriously not in our hands. We never know what our destiny has in store for us. So when Saibaba makes it late, he has reasons for that.

Coming back to my issue, I do feel little upset with the way Sai blessed me with few dreams but he has his own ways. I can’t keep questioning him. I just have to accept what ever happens and move on with life. And this girl is really someone I am happy for disturbing. Else, I would have not known her the way she wants me to know her.

I am adamant and love someone deeply from heart and soul but when I get to know them, I can quickly change the way I see them. In this case, this girl wants me to see her as a little Sister and I had to for 2 reasons. She asked it from her heart. Not the kind of tactics girls play just to avoid someone. If someone is frank, clear and affectionate, we must recriprocate the kindness they show on us.This is all I understood about life.

Secondly, She did not complicate it. She took it casually and understood what I am going through irrespective of my shortcomings. So I have to respect her for this quality.

Sai has given me so many experiences in the past few years that I just respect people for what they are and let them live their life.

So I am happy

I am actually sad and depressed

But there’s happiness in understanding people.

Guess whom I am writing this article for?

There are many cases in which you might love someone and they hurt you or probably moved to someone else and you suffer alone. You might not be able to imagine life without them. You feel like harming yourself but you desperately need them.

This isn’t the right kind of “Love”.

You must give freedom to someone you love even if they wanted to marry someone else. You must allow them to leave you and live their life. If someone doesn’t have that true love on you and are ready to leave you, why should you hurt yourself so much.

Just focus on something productive in life.

Saibaba has better plans for you.

So move on dear…

Many of you write me with this Love pain and I am not able to reply at times. All I have is words to heal you. Just take care that you have to live strong internally. In Saibaba temple, I have some friends who call me as an example for being “Strong and positive” no matter what happens in any relationships I have.

I wish everyone going through relationship issue must accept other’s perceptions, views and let them live their life.

You too will have a beautiful life by Sai grace

I like understanding people, their feelings, aspirations, expecations etc. Once, I did that, I will happily move on.

That’s how Sai has trained me


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