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I lead 2 different life. One for the world and the other for Sai children

Sairam friends,

Last evening, I had to go to the Mall as I wanted to get a pair of jeans for myself for my Singapore trip. One of my colleague said he would like to join me. So I took him from Saibaba colony and drove to mall.

On the way, one of this Sai devotee from Bangalore called me asked me about a Saibaba temple. I was on speaker as I was driving and guided her.

After the call, my colleague asked me “What is this Venkat? How are you getting such calls?”

I couldn’t say that I have a blog as it will make him look into it. So I just said, these are my friends!

I never tell about StarSai to people who work with me. My Sister often tells me

“Never speak about Sai in your workplace as not all may be of interest in such topics”.

Well, I never speak about Sai but eventually, wherever I work, people come to know that I go from Office to Saibaba temple during most evenings. So somehow, things goes out.

Whenever, I had to drop any of my colleagues,I don’t attend calls from my Sai friends because StarSai and Sai friends are my treasure.

In my previous company, one of this guy searched for something on Pongal festival and landed in my article. That’s how I got caught in January 2014.

In current company, I wish no one should come to know about StarSai because I write all that I think and feel here.

Further, no one knows what it takes to be a Sai servant. Sometimes, people perceive me very odd as if I am an alien. Having said that, I still believe there’s a better way to create an impact.

I wish to do something that touches others lives. StarSai does not reach that many people. Further, how many have patience to read these days?

My life has been strange. I should be honestly stupid to trust a dream about a girl I had in 2016 and still ask Sai to clarify me on that. Well, its not one dream. It’s series of over 50 dreams in the past 3 years. Now, I can’t even see this girl but I keep her in my prayers because I believe someday, I will tell whatever I have experienced to her.

Having said that, the world doesn’t care for what dreams I had. Well. I will have 1000 dreams from Sai. If all those dreams are only going to benefit me and my family, I don’t think my life will be meaningful.

Sai has blessed me with few dreams which made me feel that I will also do something that benefits other people. Let me keep those dreams to myself as of now.

So I basically lead these 2 different life. One where I act for the world and the one which I express to Sai Children.

I am not sure where these 2 lives are going to intersect or probably, they won’t. I wanted to keep Sai and the millions of Sai devotees as a treasure. They will always run in a parallel track along with my other life.

Om Sai Ram


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