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No matter what happens, Listen to Saibaba’s words

Sairam friends,

A month back, Sai blessed me with a dream. I did not listen to him because I felt its a bit risky but I worked on something else. I was initially believing that its going to work better and today, I realized I did a mistake by not obeying Saibaba’s words.

Once again, while I was in the Siddhi Vinayaka temple, I got message from Sai to work on what he assured will make my life better.

I did suffered some loss but this at least made me understand if Sai told us something, we must follow it with heart and soul. We must not fear or worry about what would happen. Sai knows how to keep us safe.

In my case, I don’t want to innocently believe that Sai told me something like many devotees used to write me “Sai approved this…Sai only told this” etc. We can’t do something on our own imagining Saibaba told us.

I waited all these days without obeying Saibaba’s words for 2 reasons

1. I want to make sure Sai only has guided me

2. I am happy for this experience of understanding, what would happen if I did not listen to Sai and do the opposite.

On the whole, I am going to work on what Sai asked me to do. I just don’t get the concept yet. I hope Sai himself will show me proper guidance.

Sai Blessings,


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